

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Dream Vision 2012: Eye of God - Helix Nebula

This stunning image has been circulating around the world, with the reminder that we live in a vast universe. There is also evidently a far higher power governing all that exists. 

People who do not believe in God might have been listening the teachers who do not believe either. People who believe, often have known prayers being answered and miracles taking place.

Over the course of history, there has been written and visual documentary of historical events, outer space and worldly sightings and recorded revelations. This is just one to contemplate.

Back in August 2012 I had a lucid dream. In this dream I was in a bedroom looking out the window to heavens at night. The stars were shining brightly. Within seconds stepping outside I was witnessing the most glorious colours of gold and red shades in the galaxy. Suddenly a blue eye appeared that appeared at the eye shown in the image below. The eye then changed to form a gold astronomical clock with symbols - the sun and moon cycles - the moon shown as being significant. During my lucid dream I wanted to capture the moment on camera and 'share here' with everyone. Woke up.

My first thought was Eye of Isis. Then with the moon featured this made sense. Then I thought of the sun and moon balancing of the universe and the oceans and life itself. There cannot be one without the other. As the sun is rising, this is daytime. The moon is glowing most night times - except over time the moon is more visible during daylight hours - or perhaps not looking before this time. 

 The moon governs the tides and the cycles of woman in their menses. The moon stirs the emotions.

Reading on 'The Eye of Ra' or Eye of Re in ancient Egyptian mythology functions as the feminine counterpart to the sun god Ra - a violent force that subdues his enemies. The Eye is an extension of Ra's power, while equated with the disk of the sun, yet also behaves as an independent entity. This can be personified by a variety of Egyptian goddesses' (Wikipedia)

St. Mark's Tower Astronominal Clock, in Venice, Italy

Not able to find exactly what was seen in the heavens, yet this is located on earth. This is the Prague Astronomical Clock in the Old Town featuring the twelve signs of the time 'divine timing' with the astrological constellations. In the centre is a gold building - the house of God!

There are four figures seen here, two each side, with an angel holding a shield with a gold crucifix pointing towards the clock reminding people of the Holy Laws and Divine Order. 

As the time moves, in the heavens the constellations are changing and what is happening in the heavens above is relevant to what is happening below on earth too. As above, so below. 

A watch with the moon cycles - in the middle it is written Age of The Moon. 

A couple of days after my dream I woke up and while still in bed, thanking God about the messages and answered prayers, yet I acknowledged had never seen him. Still with placing my complete trust said with a very heavy heart. Within seconds of looking out the window, the grey sky had cleared to be bright blue and in huge clearly defined letters were written GOD

My vision was as clear as this, except this image was found in the public domain. While I was sure that day, someone else must have seen this too. Not long afterwards the cloudy sky returned.

If there was ever a time I wanted to find a working camera...this was it. This was a photograph I wanted to share to prove to people to look to the heavens to a far higher power, because God is finding a way to communicate with all of us. My camera had broken so I could not capture this to share. 

My eyes caught the attention of a symbol familiar to many millions of people around the world - the eye of protection is created to remind people that God is the protector. 

Throughout the ages it is known that there are people involved in evil (sorcery and witchcraft too) Yet the power of ill thought and wishing harm and suffering on others, even discord, divorce, bad luck and misfortune is why people seek prayer and focus on various ways for protection too.

In astrology, not being an astrologer, still the basic understanding is the sun is related to our outward personality. The moon sign is who we really are. As people both the sun and moon have an influence on our internal being. Over time we evolve -with better self understanding. 

In the growth of food and livestock and nature, the planets have a role too. The seasons are a cycle of time that sustain life - birth, growth, harvest and rest.

The Eye of God - Helix Nebula is a picture taken by NASA with the Hubble telescope. They are referring to it as the "Eye of God"- with an ever reminder of God watching over us.

God's providence is something else to consider in this time.

If it was not for NASA we might not have known this. This still would not have altered my dream. It wa in coming across this photograph again, I remembered to document my dream here. This image and my dream are another reminder of the All Seeing and All Knowing Eye of God.

Apparently this kind of event occurs once in 3000 years.

Finding 'the eye in the sky' helicopter in Australia in 2009 - is NOT GOD. However, in 'helicopter' 'heli' family line name of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ. Heliopolis means Sun City. 

Ilioupolis means the same in Greek - Upper Egypt. The name 

Cleopatra is also a Greek name in origin too

While there are star gazers and planetary observers (beyond looking in astrology) - do we look at the activity in the heavens? Capture your heart and mind on the cosmos. Global visionaries likely are more at ease with knowing that we live in a vast universe. Not everyone can accept this.

This image titled Crescent Moon Meets Evening Star was published 2013 September 13. Image Credit & Copyright: Luis Argerich, Agustin Llorens, Guido Medici, Gabriel Remotti.

What we are shown here is a black night sky with the moon - Black Knight. The star is shining alone on a Royal Blue background 'in the East'. Has anyone heard of the Eastern Star?

(2013) On September 8, brilliant planet Venus appeared as the evening star near a slender, crescent Moon at sunset. The close celestial conjunction was a scene enjoyed by skygazers around the world. At some locations in South America, the Moon passed in front of Venus.

The crescent moon and star feature on the Islamic flag. 

Image Credit & Copyright: Anthony Ayiomamitis (TWAN)

Just guided to find Perigee's Full Moon taken on June 22, 2013. The full gold moon is seen shining over Cape Sounion in Greece. here is the ruin of the Temple of Posidon. 

The ancients knew the highest power governs us all. 

There is mystical understanding of the moon cycles too. 

Returning to my dream on 4th August 2012, NASA website had published a photograph on this date. Cataloged as NGC 7635, The Bubble Nebula. Image Credit & Copyright: Yves Van den Broek.

Truth does not change. To find the truth we must seek TRUTH!

We must be willing to accept when truth is revealed too.  

Where there is truth there will also be validation.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

No Copyright infringement intended

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