

Monday 28 October 2013

James Hewitt - His Side of the Story of Diana

Never hearing James Hewitt speak about his side of the story of his relationship with Princess Diana, listening, thought I would share here too. With the cover ups that take place, the footage shows a time also when Prince Charles and Diana kept a brave front in the public eye.

This is an example to show that all we see is not truth. It is also likely that accuracy of dates might be different, however, under the 'pressure' James was facing, at best he is to speak as openly here and validate, as Diana did that they were both in love with each other.

People have said outright that Prince Harry is James son. Because official DNA has not been released to show this, unless anyone knows the facts it is purely speculation. To my recollection a DNA test was done and Diana said it was as it should be, whatever this means.

Recently hearing a news report while Harry was in Afghanistan, people said he is regarded as as commoner like everyone else. Whatever the truth, he is Diana's Son and this must not be lost. He did say on camera words to the effect of 'I am like everyone else' - he is a human being!

Charles and Diana - a doomed marriage from the start. When people are hurting, lost and confused they can easily run into someone elses arms. This is two people who were friends. The complexity here is many people are having to learn many hard lessons, even today. Men have feelings too.

Diana wanted the truth to be told. She is now FREE!

Eventually people are going to have to look at the people behind the titles of being Royal. Eventually the royal family have to be free to be who they really are. Only Queen Elizabeth was crowned in he role. The laws provided for her heir, including a vast income from estate. British establishment face a very difficult task - they must now be sincere with people.

This sharing is to encourage people to listen to other people's side of the story in such circumstances. JF Kennedy spoke about burying mistakes, secret oaths and secret societies. He was not talking about what is happening in America. He was speaking about the UK!

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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