

Friday 18 October 2013

The First Kiss This Ten Years - Britannia

Just guided to find this image - Britannia being kissed!

Quoting 'English: Caricature on the Peace of Amiens by James Gillray

Title: The first Kiss this Ten Years! —or—the meeting of Britannia & Citizen François

SUMMARY: A tall, thin, French officer kissing a fat, richly dressed, seated Britannia. His hat and sword lie on the carpet. Britannia's shield and trident rest on the wall behind her chair. Above them are portraits of George III and Napoleon, facing each other.

The officer is saying, "Madame, permittez me to pay my profound esteem to your engaging person!— & to seal on your divine Lips my everlasting attachment!!!"

Britannia is saying, "Monsieur, you are truly a well-bred Gentleman!— &, tho' you make me blush, yet, you Kiss so delicately, that I cannot refuse you, tho' I was sure you would Deceive me again!!!"

So here we are shown a larger lady who receives a kiss by a very slender gentleman. Looks can be deceptive - the bigger the body, the greater the capacity to feel love. A Queen who is mother of the people, peacemaker and frees the slaves too.

Britannia was controversially dropped from the new 50p in 2008. In 2013 Britannia is about to return on a set of commemorative coins designed to restore the image of the woman who personifies our island - Great Britain.

The Mint dispatched 'living statues' dressed as the national icon Brittania, to London, Glasgow and Cardiff. The connection with England, Scotland and Wales remains.

Shane Bissett of The Royal Mint, said: ‘Britannia was originally the creation of the Romans, a proud figure representing a loyal and steadfast outpost of the empire.’

She first appeared on coins during the reign of Hadrian and inspired the rousing anthem ‘Rule Britannia!’, set to music by Thomas Arne in 1740.'

'Britannia has been seen as Warrior Queen, Queen of the Seas, peacemaker and defender of the realm, gracing the coinage of every British monarch since.'

There are 2013 designs of Brittania standing with shield in her left hand, also what looks like an olive branch for peace, with trident in her right hand as seen here.

There are gold and silver designs, with Britannia seated. Someone commented in the Daily Mail report 'where is her shield?' - People are also commenting about her bare breast. The seat could be her throne chair. The bare breast - bearing her heart. A bare breast also symbolizes nourishment in a time of famine. The owl is symbolic of Wisdom; connected with Athena, Minerva this indicates the goddess of wisdom is shown to the people.

With landmarks in UK. The Britannia Stadium in Stoke-on-Trent in England was built in 1997 at a cost of £14.7 million to replace the Victoria Ground. 'The name is said to be taken from the sponsors of the stadium, the Britannia Co-operative Bank.'

People might also remember HMY Britannia. This Royal Yacht was launched by Queen Elizabeth II on 16 April 1953 commissioned on 11 January 1954. The Royal Yacht's last foreign mission was to convey the last governor of Hong Kong, Chris Patten (now The Lord Patten of Barnes), and the Prince of Wales away from Hong Kong after its handover to the People's Republic of China on 1 July 1997. She was decommissioned 11 December 1997.

Quote 'Rule Britannia: The Royal Mint has released new gold coins to set the record straight. An owl sitting on her knee represents wisdom'

The day after baby Prince George was presented to the world, the Daily Mail published a photograph of the clouds in the shape of the United Kingdom with the headline 'Britannia Rules the skies'. On 31st July they published photographs of Human statues to be touring the country to spread the word about who Britannia. Education time.

'Shane Bissett, Director of Commemorative Coin at The Royal Mint, said: “Britannia is the nation of Great Britain in female form.'

There is a connection in name to the Roman province of Britannia. One website states emperor Hadrian, erected a shrine in York to Britannia as a Goddess. Did not know that! York and New York come up in different ways and places. This has been shown on the road map.

Just found this - 'Kingdom of Britannia's Flag'

Having had dreams and visions these months, six different crowns have been shown to me, plus also Jesus Christ made sure I could see he is wearing His Crown during prayer. He was radiating golden light from his heart. Also in few dreams the Queen has featured. One she is holding a pale blue cloth to her face like a mask, the same colour I had on my chair 'in the dream'. In one aspect we are connected in some way - cut from the same cloth.

This Bryan Rawlings Design cast sculpture is for sale at £995 and wanted to share even though the website is copyright. The link can be found below - perhaps he might offer commission if sales take place from my page? Not expecting this in UK!

Finally The Royal Standard Fine of England, an award winning Freehouse in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire advertises on their website with the word 'beers and ales coming soon from our very own micro-brewery'. A 'blond' hair Britannia is shown holding up light?

Silly me....I forgot Camilla is blond, so are Zara and Sophie.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

No Copyright infringement intended

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