

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Bishop of London 2011 Remember this Message

The following video is from 2011. Sharing this because of the prayer by Richard Chartres, Bishop of London, an important prayer that is in two parts. The Crown is the Symbol of the Authority of Jesus Christ over the Land. The Crown Wearer is NOT God.

It is very easy to take the Word of God out of context and to manipulate the Law, for power and positions of power. However it is written that the Church of Thyatira is given the Crown of All Nations and the Head of the Church of Thyatira is Jesus Christ.

There are different tribes of people and in some way we are all related to Him. This is an understanding that has been given to me and not proven technically or with genealogy. In this way, no one can say God is not for one person and not for another.

There are crop circles that have been appearing for a number of years that bring messages. These messages are a reminder that there is a higher intelligence over this earth and we are being reminded of the ruling authority that exists beyond this earth.

There are a number of cross formations taking place - this one being my favourite because it shows how each part of the internal structure of the cross is connected. This is a very simple way to show that in some way each person in humanity is connected too.

War is the way of man. The way of God, land is married. The people are married. The way of man has been with instilling fear and with military might. Please stop predicting another world war, instead realizing that God in His Power has His Plan for the whole of mankind.

'And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.''Micah 4:3

Peace, love and best wishes

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