

Thursday 7 November 2013

Britannia Caledonian Removal Truck in Flames

Just another one of 'those' reports that has people's attention. Recalling years ago British Caledonia airways and now is this Britannia Caledonian roadways?

England has had some freak weather that I did not report on with a heavy heart and with being told a long time ago, nothing is just an accident - not good at all.

The removal lorry carrying family's possessions on a 500-mile journey from Glasgow to Dorset. Just minutes before reaching their new home, the lorry was in flames.

'Driver Alan Cameron, 40, stopped the vehicle when he spotted the acrid smoke had entered the cab and flames were licking at his feet.'

The lorry travelled 460 miles when it started to fill with smoke on the A31 at Corfe Mullen, Dorset at 10.15am yesterday.

Mr Cameron and his colleague Derek Pickles left the vehicle when it became engulfed in 30 ft flames. Mr. Cameron said he felt lucky to be alive following the incident.

Station manager Julian Lockwood, from Dorset Fire and Rescue Service, said: 'The two drivers saw flames were licking at their feet so they pulled over as quickly as possible.

'The fire crew from Wimborne attended in five minutes and in that time a 30ft flame had reached up to the street light and the flames were engulfing the whole cab.

'It's terribly sad because a family's worldly belongings have been lost in that van.'

'Police said the lorry was containing hazardous canisters but the cause of fire has been deemed an accidental electrical fault.'

Station manager Julian Lockwood in front of the lorry which caught fire.

A families belongings has been lost and while insurance might cover replacement 'things', I doubt very much these people envisioned a complete fresh start. At least no lives were lost and no injuries occurred as a result of this.

Strange that the name Mr. Cameron would come up in connection with Britannia Caledonian. David Cameron being the British Prime Minister.

'Caledonia is the Latin name given by the Romans to the land in today's Scotland north of their province of Britannia, beyond the frontier of their empire.'

Dorset is in the South of England.

In Bolton where I live, next to the A666 is Dorset Street. Off this is Court Street and Castle Street connecting. So just from this information there is a Royal Court with the castle.

Highcliffe Castle in Dorset was built between 1831 and 1835 by Charles Stuart, 1st Baron Stuart de Rothesay. Now owned by Christchuch Council. Today, the Duke of Rothesay is a title of the heir apparent to the British throne, currently the Prince Charles.

With catastrophes truth comes to light that we might easily overlook. As on the coins have featured Britannia and more recently a living statue has been sitting around UK - who is she?

It has taken this fire to capture the media attention with the Daily Mail report and reading the comments, someone said there was a Hovis (bread) lorry that caught fire too. Just reading, the 1973 advert featured a boy on a bike was filmed on Gold Hill in Shaftesbury, Dorset.

'Britannia is an ancient term for Roman Britain and also a female personification of the island. In AD 43 the Roman Empire began its conquest of the island, establishing a province they called Britannia, which came to encompass the parts of the island south of Caledonia (roughly Scotland). The native Celtic inhabitants of the province are known as the Britons. In the 2nd century, Roman Britannia came to be personified as a goddess, armed with a trident and shield and wearing a Corinthian helmet.'

Britannia also seems to be connected with Lady Liberty.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

No Copyright infringement intended

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