

Friday 8 November 2013

Field of Remembrance on Poppy Day London

Planned events and staged events all on 7th November

The Mail online have published a number of photographs, Prince Phillip with Harry opens the field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey in a sombre occasion.

In another part of London, William and Kate take a bus ride with Actress Barbara Windsor - who played the landlady in the Queen Victoria pub in EastEnders, formerly The Balmoral.

First - The Duke of Edinburgh opens the Field of Remembrance every year, this being the first time he is joined by his grandson. The role before this was carried out by the Queen Mother.

'The royals each marked their respects by each laying a Cross of Remembrance in front of two wooden crosses from the Graves of Unknown British Soldiers from the First and Second World Wars'

So many wooden crosses with so many people who have lost loved ones in these recent years too. The occasion is to remember all who have

Philip joined the British Royal Navy in 1939 at 18 and graduated the following year. Known for his gaffs Phillip's face tells a story that only he knows. Phillip was baptised a Greek Orthodox and converted to the Anglican Church before his engagement to then Princess Elizabeth.

'Prince Harry smiles as he visits the Field of Remembrance. The Prince was strikingly dressed in Household Cavalry Cloak Order, wearing a black cloak with a large red collar over his regimental dress uniform, including riding boots with spurs and black trousers with a wide red stripe'

The focus seems to be on Harry more than his grandfather. With his white glove we can just see a thumb up, when the meaning of this will be known by those who know. Harry has an expressive face and has admitted that he wears many different caps - sometimes a prince.

'Chelsea pensioners gather to inspect Poppies at Westminster Abbey. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are to welcome military supporters into their palace grounds to mark London Poppy Day'

'A ex-soldier walks past a giant poppy on the way to the field of remembrance. Remembrance crosses are provided so that ex-servicemen and women, as well as members of the public, can plant a cross in memory'

Around 2,000 uniformed personnel, veterans and their supporters hit the city's streets for the eighth annual event ahead of Remembrance Day. Their hope being to raise £1 million.

Organisers are aiming to raise more than £1 million in a single day.

'All funds will go towards the national Poppy Appeal fund-raising target of £37 million to allow the RBL to carry out its vital work.'

'The nation's biggest armed forces charity spends £1.6 million every week in direct welfare support and answers more than 170,000 calls for help.'

'HMS Lancaster is currently on patrol in the Caribbean. The red poppy is one of the most iconic symbols of remembrance and is displayed to remember the brave men and women who have given their lives, or been injured, in the line of duty' - As Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth is Duke of Lancaster.

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, with South Korea's President Park Geun-Hye at Buckingham Palace at the end of her state visit.

Prince William and Kate, travel with television personality Barbara Windsor on a 1960s Routemaster bus; meeting London Poppy Day staff and volunteers in central London.

Kate and Barbara do not look happy at all. On the other side William and General Tim Chicken on the Royal British Legions Poppy bus.

William is blurred - pointing his finger again. Mixed messages all is not clear and while there are many people who trust blindly, they are brainwashed to accept 'friendly overlords'. As this land is supposed to belong to Jesus Christ - English Court lawyers have thrived with corruption too.

Notice Harry William and also Kate has looked into the children's eyes -and here none of the children give eye contact. The power to influence people and children is with permission and also, parents and children who lead their children to false idol worship is a concern. This is UK.

'Another volunteer, who asked not to be named, said she had never seen the poppy design worn by the Duchess who appeared to have used three poppies to create one emblem'

Interesting, there is a restaurant named Poppy in Seattle in Washington. Did Seattle in Washington come up in my article about the girls in the Twin Tower fancy dress?

'Prime Minister David Cameron poses for a photograph with members of the armed forces, The Poppy Girls and supporters of the Poppy Appeal outside Downing Street yesterday' 7th November.

If you had a choice - would you have chosen to light hearted small talk to encourage fundraising or the remembrance park? I would have chosen to attend at Westminster Abbey

In looking at scripture 7/11 and 11/7 brought the following :

So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him. Matthew 7:11

The greatest gifts parents can give their child is time, a listening year, patience, loving care, and emotional stability - the most important role a woman will hold is being a mother to her child. When a child or two come along so does learning selflessness.

In looking up Genesis 11:7 "Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another's speech."

There are many 'actors' on the world stage who are scripted. Also, lets not forget there are masses of people who put on a brave face trying to come to terms with hurt, suffering and loss.

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Matthew 5:5-9

Titles and wealth is not going to buy a ticket into heaven.

Peace love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

No copyright infringement intended.

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