

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Richard Chartres: New Christ Church London

Dr. Richard Chartres, the Bishop of London gave another profound sermon at Christchurch Cockfosters on the day of the grand opening of Christ Church House 10th July 2011

The new Christ Church House in London is reopened after 80 years of turbulent times with fresh paint and people who are filling the building. Video below of the open day.

Richard Chartres is a man with a particularly important task in England, someone who has in his sincere heart shown by example to steer people in the right direction and tells the truth as it is. The 100,000 Kingdom builders, found in another video, help is necessary to return this country as it should be. The United Kingdom was given as Christ's Kingdom!

In the begining, Richard closes his eyes....

Father although there's words and thoughts that come from you, will you bless them and make them fruitful. And all those words and thoughts that come not from you, but from our own vanity, will you forgive. Amen.

In part two I am quoting some of what is written below.

From Part 2 : "Now we are entering an era when even the editor of the The Economist newspaper has written a book entitled 'God is Back' and if the editor of The Economist says so...You have got to take it seriously.
But here in London we are especially aware, in this Great city of Enfield, in particular we are aware of the Global currents.
It is possible for us to see very clearly the experience that North West Europeans had until the day before yesterday, that experience is very unusual, and in truth we now live in a world of competing gods and many religions, some of them very dangerous.
And it is necessary to say that there are helpful ways of praying and there are Lethal ways of praying.
And to be clear about the ago old theme about idolatory, because much religion is a matter the bruised ego, surreptitiously reascending by projecting some aspect of ourselves and worshiping God in our own image and very often worshiping our own anger"

Christ Teaches Us that the very first step in becoming a human being is to refuse to become a little god like that. His Cross is the way into having an intimacy with God and in this place we read the scriptures together. We identify the true and deepest desire of the nations, the true and the deepest desire of each human heart. 'Behold I lay in Zion a Chief Cornerstone - Elect Precious and he that believeth on Him shall not be confounded.

Milton Friedman, the economist who led a school of economics said in the 1970's - "Only a crisis actual or perceived produces real change. When that crisis occurs the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. That I beleive is our basic function to develop alternatives to what exists. Alternatives to existing policies. To keep them alive and available, until the politically impossible becomes the politically inevitable."

Here is the New Church - filled with light and love, a real community bringing together the people for the people all contributing to God's Kingdom. This church is blessed.

Looking to learn about Enfield the link below provides information about the history.

'Nearby historically was the palace of Edward VI, where Elizabeth I lived while a princess, including during the final illness of Henry VIII.' 'Later Elizabeth held court there when she was queen (this was remembered in the name Palace Gardens'

In 2007, Enfield Town centre completed a major redevelopment project under the name PalaceXchange while retaining the Palace Gardens Shopping Centre.

So the naming of buildings in locations is for a reason. With this ground historically identifying a palace nearby, has shown that this church really does serve a far more important purpose in relation to the whole of the United Kingdom. It just takes one candle to light a million candle in the world. Everyone can be a beacon of light.

The development name of the building PalaceXchange would also coincide with the Jubilee and looking, the Cinema is being used to hold the 'Jubilee Church'.

Prince Charles was crowned on a ruined Castle in the ancient Kingdom of who has to say that the building has to be in perfect order.

The danger with all independent churches that there is a loss of focus and people setting up ministries, having noticed overseas are not only raking in a fortune they are asking for me - creating dependency of the people so they keep giving. It is the job of the Church to provide and give spiritual food, not to have the focus of taking from the people!

The Bishop of London has spoken out the truth of what he knows and the many religions, some being very dangerous. It is with appreciation of the warnings and the validation, the reminders and to be spiritually connected to this gentleman too.

With the above, I European living in the North West.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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