

Monday 2 December 2013

Clutha Bar Police Helicopter Crash Scotland

Published on 1 Dec 2013
'Three of the eight people who died when a police helicopter crashed into a busy Glasgow pub on Friday have been named. Gary Arthur, 48, from the Paisley area, was named by Police Scotland as one of the people who died in The Clutha bar. It is being reported locally two of the people killed in the crash were the helicopter's pilot David Traill, 51, and police officer Kirsty Nelis, 36. 'James Cook reports.

Over 30 people were taken to hospital. Firefighters rescued people trapped inside the Clutha pub in Glasgow after the roof collapsed on more than 100 revellers. Reported 14 people being treated for "very serious injuries" in hospitals across the city.

At the time of this incident' a band was playing inside the Clutha Vaults bar when the Eurocopter EC135 T2 operated by Police Scotland came down just before 10.30pm. The aircraft had on board two police officers and a civilian pilot at the time. The pilot is not named.

On Saturday 'Scottish police said 32 people had been taken to hospitals across the city including the Victoria Infirmary, Glasgow Royal Infirmary and the Western Infirmary. Rescue crews and medical teams were continuing to recover others from the scene.'

Looking at this photograph we can see the Helicopter has crashed into the building. This is a police helicopter and so this indicates 'there will be an investigation' to look further into what happened and by this consider the bigger picture in our world. 

The police crashing into the roof of the building, might have deeper significance. There is an expression of Gate Crashing with the police also raiding events sometimes for drugs. Crashing through the roof, 'something brought this helicopter down to 'expose what is inside'
In relation to Scotland - New Scotland Yard comes to mind - the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Service, the territorial police force responsible for policing most of London. 

Glasgow is the largest city in  Scotland. Glasgow is known as the "Second City of the British Empire" for much of the Victorian era and Edwardian Period. 

Glasgow will host the 2014 Commonwealth Games.

The Glasgow Coat of Arms is certainly making a statement and meant to get the attention of people, so there is no misinterpretation of being under the authority of a representative of a Church and therefore underneath the authority of Jesus Christ....(or at least this is my understanding)

The apostles of Christ were fishermen and they had witnessed so many miracles. At the top of this Coat of Arms there is a high bishop (archbishop) pointing towards the heavens to the authority of Jesus Christ ruling over this land. Two large fish to the side, each have a ring in their mouth. 

In the center is the shield with a fish on the floor, with a ring in its mouth, from this a tree and on top a red breasted bird, usually associated with being a robin. The tree is on a hill. To the side is what looks like a padlock and this is (to me) a reminder of the old oak tree....While we talk of the Christ family, there is also an old Royal Oak Tree - the ancient Royal lineage. 

In relation to the rings...yesterday I posted a video of a man who had a vision of the Bride of Christ in heaven and a ring....There is worn the ring of betrothment and also what is known people are talking about the ring of power. The Pope wears a fishermans ring...

The archdiocese covers an area of 1,165 km². The Metropolitan See is in the City of Glasgow where the seat is located at the Cathedral Church of Saint Andrew. (writing about this, what was relevant to know has come to light through this tragic incident and also the Coat of Arms.

'Mario Conti Metropolitan Archbishop of Glasgow, retired on 24 July 2012. On the same day, the Holy See announced the appointment of Bishop Philip Tartaglia of Paisley as Archbishop of Glasgow to succeed Archbishop Mario Conti; who took possession of the diocese on 8 September 2012, the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.'

The write up on Wikipedia about Glasgow provides more insight into the heritage and how this borough came to be and grow in relation to the Kingdom of Scotland. 
 A few weeks ago I came across this image on,  if I recall, a website that is officially connected. Also around the same time i came across this too, however the deafening silence of the Spiritual Key Holder is because an unethical system of profit seems to be more of a priority in UK. 
Scotland also known as the Highlands - High connected to God Most High. There are people who say the antichrist is going to declare himself God - with The Bible being shown in a New television series starting Saturday on Channel 5 in UK - gives people something to think about. The angry Pharaoh in this was shown to be declaring himself God - and Moses showed that he was not!
Someone has written a book, Scota Egyptian Queen of the Scots. Actually with interest to find credible research - this Royal lineage connects with Portugal and also the Holy Land.

No coincidence to learn that George Square is named in Glasgow. There are articles that write of Prince Charles wanting to be known as George 'if' he is King. The timing of a baby boy being named accordingly is no coincidence as this world has been carefully mapped out already!

People's Palace and Winter Gardens, Glasgow Green
The video about this crash came to my attention while writing about the train crash in New York - learning about that while in a conversation with a nobleman from Europe. So both of these incidents have come to my attention because they were meant to be known.....are they connected?
Just looking more at what is connected in relation to the crash
The pub the helicopter crash landed on is named The Clutha. (no one could have planned this crash landing and yet the cause of the crash might be put down to another accident.  (a tryst is an agreement (as between lovers) to meet or an appointed meeting or meeting place)

 The Clutha River / Mata-Au is the second longest river in New Zealand - The Clutha Leader, James Street, Balclutha, Otago, New Zealand on the map shows to be on a cross roads of John Street - the map provides more information - this is New Zealand. Who is the Leader?

With the Boston bombings, in USA Charles River was revealed and Cambridge, also Commonwealth Avenue. This was another incident where people were injured in a carefully planned event.  

The map above shows Argyle Street and Glasgow Street are Cities. Stewart, Baxter and Douglas streets are 'names' - notice Michael Douglas being in the light, marrying Catherine Zeta Jones a lady from Wales. Stewart is a name connected with the Scottish Royal house, Baxter -soups come to mind.  Douglas is the capital of the Isle of Man and also a suburb in Ireland.

Of course,  Hollywood Royalty are not named without reason.

Additionally clearly marked down here is George Street, Elizabeth Street and Charles Street with Crown Street meeting all of these names. So easy to keep the crown - ruling with gullible people's permission and controlling the masses with officers who take oaths of allegiance and obligation of obedience (even if they and their overlords do not obey God and His Laws).
Charlotte Street is also named - which goes straight across. Clyde Street is named in Yellow that continues to Clinton Highway. The Clinton name is significant and identified here too.  Clyde is identified in Scotland, Australia (New South Wales and Victoria), Canada, New Zealand and in various states in USA, including New York and Clyde, Imperial County California. 

In the Royal Court of Justice in Westminster London, the news report covered the Queen Charlotte's debutante ball being hosted here of all locations. Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales was born in the House of Hanover and married into the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. 

Charlotte descended directly from an African branch of the Portuguese Royal House, Margarita de Castro y Sousa. She married George III of England on September 8, 1761, at the Chapel Royal in St James’s Palace, London; at 17 years of age becoming the Queen of England and Ireland. 

Conditions in the contract for marriage, required Charlotte to join the Anglican church and be married according to Anglican rites, and never ever involve herself in politics’. With an interest in what was happening in the world, especially the war in America, she fulfilled her marital agreement. Out of fifteen children, thirteen survived to adulthood. Their fourth eldest son Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent,  fathered Queen Victoria.  Her African bloodline in the British royal family is not common knowledge.  The Great Star of Africa Diamond is in Elizabeth's scepter!

In listening to the video about the crash,  the engine of the helicopter cut out while in the sky and landed on the Clutha pub to show that the two are connected. This being connected to the pub 'tryst' and next door the Victoria, the three are bringing a truth that is relevant for understanding.

In New Zealand the Clutha Leader is shown to be connected with Scotland - Prince Charles had his 64th birthday with 64 guests in Goverment House in New Zealand. Then the birth of the New Government coincided in the Jubilee Year, when Charles eldest son William and Kate appeared to have some sort of crowning ceremony in the Solomon Islands in an Anglican Cathedral - an attendee said the special service 'an ecumenical Service' and the church was full three hours before they arrived. (Ecumenical - Universal - World - The Worldwide Church)

So who was/is plotting to assassinate the Ecumenical Patriarch? I have wondered if Patriarch of Russia Alexes was killed too especially as he spoke The Truth And NOW it is so important for all Orthodox to come together 'in Christ' as divisions causes 'the enemy' - Evil to conquer. As Russia does not agree to the Gay Marriage Law - One of the respected newspapers reported requests for the House of Lords to consider a lesbian Queen and Sperm donor..(this excuses a homosexual King, more illegitimate sprogs and Human Clone implants into a woman's womb) NO! No! No! You God mockers!

Looking on the map in  GLASGOW, SCOTLAND, closeby is the High Court of Judiciary.  Also if you compare the map in New Zealand, Argyle Station is here too. There is another bar named Scotia Bar - Scotia being an Egyptian Princess who inherited the Coronation Stone. The British royals KNOW the Royal Lineage is from a specific lineage connecting with the Holy Land.

On Airds Lane/Bridgegate what looks like a former church has the Glasgow Coat of Arms as seen above. There is sculpted a face that is underneath and also above this. 

The light captures the building where in this google snapshot the rays shining on the front wall facing where the sculpted Coat of arms is situated. Next to this building is 'the Victoria' and adjoining is 'tryst'  closed with a sign on the door that says 'Beware floor rotted'. The gold writing of The Clutha can be seen on a black background - the crashed helicopter appeared to be black and gold too.

Looking closer - Caledonia Best...British Caledonia....

My sharing is just by observation and research to see what is relevant about the location and numbers. Now there are other people connecting information together and posting this on the internet. This crash happened on Stockwell Street. Just finding this link posted in relation to 'connecting the dots' people and information goes to the credit of the contributers, even if on David Ickes website -

There are other headlines in relation to Stockwell.

'Injury kept Stockwell Day from Boston Marathon' - a person is named and being injured too, and yet this headline is identified and written for a reason. Boston is in New England and in an earlier article I had discovered the Cambridge connection and the British royals etc connection. (Connecticut might have been created as Connect-i-cut deliberately) I am beginning to understand why being given the understanding years ago God is ten steps ahead of mans devious plans...

As with all that comes to light through news reports there is so much more that can be discovered too. In closing, remembering one of the locations of the Boston Bombing, this was next door to the Starbucks coffee house in front of a place named 'Forum' - a Forum is a meeting of an official nature and with the bombing impacting the people, evidently there have been meetings about the people. 

There are also people concerned about the police monitoring of the internet and the amount of crime taking place - the fake title holders collecting sooooo many honors and then trying to contact the Queen and the Pope for validation. If you just take a look at some of what is exposed - 'it aint gonna happen'. And actually there are a great number of people born who are royal by right and obliged to live by Royal Law meaning under the Authority of God - but this has been silenced.

My prayers and thoughts go out to the people who have lost loved ones in this fire and to the people who have been injured for a speedy recovery. This would have been, as all catastrophes and tragedies traumatic and emotional. There are so many incidents happening and it is impossible to write about all....least of all I will have limited internet access as from today.
There are people in the High Church who are equipped to deal with evil forces and as the Church of England is not forthcoming to inform and warn about people possessed by demons. Also evidently little understanding that the more  you give your energy away to someone - you give them power. Remember the wizard wand wavers. Witchcraft and sorcery is forbidden for a reason.

Front faces for a massive corporation....a job that entails smiling and public adoration - a distraction while the real life  hunger games are taking place and a very sick power game!

In closing Heli is short for Helicopter. The Virgin Mary descended from Heli - the Helicopter is European. The Holy Land is in Asia - with a Promise made for people.

In typing EC 135 this image came up...the six pointed blue cross is seen on the fire department vehicle in the previous article connected with the train crash. Nine Eagles Solo....This particular model is white and blue - royal blue...The helicopter that crashed was black and yellow.

Years ago meeting a very wise man - He told me 'NOTHING is a coincidence'...Nothing happens just by accident and everything has a reason......What is the reason for this? - God KNOWS!

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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