

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Captain Kate rules - crowned queen of the ocean?

The headlines of the article reads 'Captain Kate rules the waves: Duchess of Cambridge is crowned queen of the ocean after beating William in yacht race'

Not so confident? The Duchess looks a little unsure of her sailing abilities

 Winning two separate races with her husband - highly competative Kate, lacks the reserve and refinement of Queen Elizabeth - although she polishes up well. 

 Who is this girl who eagerly gives big smiles for the camera.

The Duchess waved proudly to onlookers from her yacht

The headline has presented 'a crowned queen' - the Royal Princess ship was christened already. This young women was put in a position that she can demand anything she wants. This is someone who has been heavily promoted to wear a crown too....To then witness three young royals wizard wand waving and laughing while pointing their wands towards the heavens asks the reason why?

The Duchess appeared pensive for a moment before the race

 Not ashamed to get into competition with her husband - does she do sulks too> the sporty girl does not let the heels get in the way of playing her game; being reserved too.

 The down-to-earth Duchess wore a colourful loom bracelet that was given to her during the day

The official tour of New Zealand included Wigram Air Force Base museum in Christchurch. Christchurch Cathedral and Latimer Square. (the Latimer connection - apparently a royal palace was built Latimer House in Bukinhamshire - my mother died on Latimer Road) Saint Paul's Cathedral is also in London - St, Paul being the Apostle of Jesus Christ.

Cricket in heels: The Duchess of Cambridge played a game of cricket in high heels during a 2015 Cricket World Cup event in Christchurch on Monday 

The couple put on a show for the crowd watching.

Putting on a show: A rather large crowd came out to watch the couple play cricket

In the background the large ball writes the cricket world cup, with what appears to be the winners cup in the background a golden ball in an elegant stand. Learning more:
 Therese Walsh, Head of New Zealand ICC Cricket World Cup 2015, and Lee Germon, CEO of Canterbury Cricket, presented the Royal couple with the  ICC Cricket World Cup Trophy for a hold at the Hagley Oval
'Therese Walsh, Head of New Zealand ICC Cricket World Cup 2015, and Lee Germon, CEO of Canterbury Cricket, presented the Royal couple with the  ICC Cricket World Cup Trophy for a hold at the Hagley Oval '   (The Archbishop of Canterbury precides over the coronation of a monarch. World Cup with the orb - the Orb is held by the Queen with wearing the Imperial State Crown.
Scotching baby rumours: Kate and William spend a relaxing afternoon sampling some of New Zealand's world-famous wine at the Amisfield Winery in Queenstown on Sunday

In another report, photogenic Kate and William are holding glasses for the occassion in Queenstown - while both appearing very sober, the article has many more photographs.
 The Duke and Duchess were joined by young Ngai Tahu representatives for the trip down the Shotover River
The Duke and Duchess travel on the Shotover Jet along the Shotover River in Queenstown
With this shotoverjet, sharing this remembering a dream of a white boat that appeared longer than this with people had been overturned. The people on board were very arrogant after the vessel suddenly turned again upright where they continued on their journey. Very strange indeed.

The Duke and Duchess were accompanied at the Palm Sunday service by the Very Reverend Dr Trevor James (left) and a Ngai Tahu representative Prof John Broughton (right)

Here the couple attend a Palm Sunday service at St. Paul's Cathedral with Kate wearing the detail of the palm on her hat and on the Queens Palm broach.The Palm Sunday commemorating when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey victorious, before being betrayed and then crucified. It is not known if the people in the Anglican church are eagerly waiting for his return.
Dunedin - described by locals as a 'little bit of Scotland' in situated the very south of New Zealand, they were met with a traditional Ngai Tahu welcome.' (The Holy Bible writes of Queen of the South associated with Queen of Sheba - Scotland is named after the Pharaoh's daughter, Scota)
 An elder from the Ngai Tahu tribe greeted the Duchess of Cambridge and presented her with a gift to welcome her to Dunedin
 An elder from the Ngai Tahu tribe greeted the Duchess of Cambridge and presented her with a gift to welcome her to Dunedin
Quote 'An elder from the Ngai Tahu tribe greeted the Duchess of Cambridge and presented her with a gift to welcome her to Dunedin' - it is unclear if the gift is the baton or something else. The article does not make this clear.

Proud Prince William held his son, Prince George in his arms, as they bid farewell to New Zealand
'After 10 days in New Zealand, the family will arrive at Sydney's Kingsford Smith Airport in the afternoon to embark on a second, ten day tour of Australia.' (after visiting in Queenstown NZ, they go to Kingsford Aus- no coincidence)

With Kate arriving in a strikng burned orange colour, she surely knows that the wind is going to lift up her skirt and be a talking point. see link for a selection of photographs. Of the most significant in this report is the following.
'David Morris, national director of the Australian Republican Movement, remains hopeful that one day the Australian head of state will be an Australian.'We shouldn’t jump to conclusions based on one poll that’s held in the middle of a media frenzy about a huge celebrity royal visit,' he said.
'The British royals will always be welcome in Australia… We look forward to when an Australian head of state visits Britain and receives the same welcome that the British royal family always receives; when an Australian head of state is received as an equal and not as a colonial subject.'
He added that support for the monarchy was due to the celebrity status of Will and Kate, as well as the fact there has been no broad political debate on the issue in over a decade.
He also blamed the current spike in pro-royal sentiment on having a prime minister who ‘is trying to take us back to the colonial era.'
Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who was an ardent defender of the monarchy in the lead up to the 1999 referendum, announced last month that he would be reinstating the titles of knights and dames for 'pre-eminent Australians'.

 Read more:
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Latest update: 'The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their baby son have touched down in Sydney today on the second leg of their three week tour Down Under. Although only eight months old, Prince George was the star of the show and a line-up of dignitaries, including the country's prime minister, couldn't wait to coo over the third in line to the throne. The Duchess of Cambridge paid homage to Australia in a yellow Roksanda Ilincic dress which had a splash of white. William and Kate are now headed for a reception at the city's stunning Opera House. '
 Looking back on their tour, the couple stayed at Government house in New Zealand, It is here that Charles had his 64th Birthday party with 64 guests. There are here two thrones with crowns on - only one is photographed, with royal blue velvet. The occassion presented is the unveiling and presenting of a painting of tthe Queen in her mature years. wearing the Queen's broach
The unveiling ceremony with Kate's radiant smile towards the queen, looking very simply wearing her  broach, blue dress the red velvet chair turned to the side....The Queen is without her crown or tiara. The people see a lady who they have known as monarch for 60 years...while she, still has people who love her, many reject her heirs and successors as overlords. Do they have a choice?
 Kate shares a joke with Nick Cuthell (left), the artist of the royal portrait, and Prime Minister John Key (centre) during the state reception at Government HouseThe Jenny The detail on the bespoke Jenny Packham dress features silver beading in the design of New Zealand's national emblem. Every fine detail carefully planned. The painting reveals the simplicity of the Queen wearing three strings of pearls with the artist capturing with clarity - not knowing the Queen's heart. The painting in her mature years is with a reminder that she sees what is going on.
Kate posing from different angles while the Hobbit director captures her on camera. While this is in New Zealand the A6192 is a newly built road in England - seen pictured in grey. The lication identified in Chesterfield - with Prince Charles being the Earlof Chester - or have titles transferred now, with Charles sharing the throune with the Queen, to take over automatically?
There are photos of William sitting in the cockpt of a plane outside written Peggy 2  looking this up found a link writing - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories. They surely know the evil going on.

This family looking into the eyes of the little ones - with the eyes being the windows to these innocents souls, they influence.. William bowing down low to little girls wearing princess tiaras. on Seymour Square Blenheim. (Blenheim Palace is named in Englandand there is also Blenheim road named that connects towns throughout the UK in Bolton - intersting to discover this connection...
Another headline reads: 'He can't walk... but he's passed his driving test! Duchess of Cambridge giggles as she reveals Prince George's pretend drivers license during tour of New Zealand (but one baby is so unimpressed he falls asleep!)' 

Theres no doubt about it,  people love celebrities - and to see the look on peoples faces, perhaps only a minority who would have liked to attend and cheer, these people look happy. 

William shaking the hand of Joy Verissimo, wife of Pacific Aerospace Chairman Christopher Verissimo wearing a pair of unique Queen Elizabeth II leggings.

 'The statement leggings had an Andy Warhol, pop art feel to them' - looking closer Queen print shows her wearing a royal tiara and across her eyes is written God Save The Queen - across the mouth something is written too. Not sure if the Tiara is the Vladimir Tiara once owned by Maria Pavlovna of Russia - (With Pavlo meaning Paul, is Pavlovna connected with Saint Paul?.)

Being baptised in the Orthodox faith, understanding that the Queen is custodian of the crown of David if with maintaining the Throne in the Kingdom belonging to Jesus Christ this makes sense. However, with appearing in England several times to children on territory connected with the Queen since her Jubilee, she would know if she is guided by HIM! People are asking God to save Queen Elizabeth II!

It is unknown who is manufacturing these ornaments - they are certainly in demand by the fans.....The documentary about the Queen wrote of £50 million ayear income collected from Buckingham Palace, including entrance fees - set to maintainng the art collection. It is unknown if this house is again a private residence.  Perhaps the Daily Mail will write an article so we can know.

William, no longer the innocent child and yet, multitudes of people have never got over Diana's death, He is their link and Harry too. Diana touched hearts and minds in a way that was quite extraordinary - she evoked care and was not scared to address the most important issues people face.

The most important role Kate will ever hold in her life is being a mother to her children. As a couple, if this is a relationship between two people in love, they might grow together as a family and blossom with their love. However, the cracks can start very easily and maintaining a false mask is not easy.
Marriage for real love is a gift and inspires other people to marry for love. 

With the Daily Mail headline identifies - 'Captain Kate rules'....'crowned queen of the ocean'; is she? The media frenzy and heavy promotion of the celebrity royals is not without reason.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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