

Thursday 3 April 2014

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholmew Coca Cola

His Holiness Bartholomew is the Spiritaul Leader for 300 million Orthodox Christians, a man of profound faith who Jesus Christ has revealed is guiding and protecting in difficult times.

We are shown, no matter that what life will present us, Jesus Christ has shown that He continued in faith and trust in the Father and set the example. He instructed to keep our focus on him.

How beautiful we are given a gift through Christ to see people  as people amd not a religion. How very sad that people have used religion as a weapon, yet do not seek to have a personal relationship with God. Religion is the teaching of the knowledge of God. Without the reminder, people would not know today that there is a far higher authority ruling over this entire universe.

Speaking about the boss at Coca Cola with 1 million  employees, His Holiness presents Muhtar Kent with a Holy Quran, a gift given from the heart to to another heart.

There is a message that has been shared by Coca Cola

In the 2014 commerical found on the internet there is a clear message. Unity with diversity. We are a people, while different nationalities, personalities, backgrounds, experiences struggles and suriving challenges, overcoming obstacles. There are people soaring beyond their expectations, achieving new goals and fulfilling lifelong dreams. There are people who are defying all odds, surviving and breaking the chains of oppression in circumstance -breaking the chains of slavery. Choosing a life with God as the boss, people are free....People have suffered because of the rules of man.

 The children are the future, the future leaders and teachers.

As a five year old, a little boy announced that he had never been to church before. He was asking me about prayer and then asked if we could pray together at home. After praying for humanity, for global peace and healing, I asked if he had a special prayer and this is what he said.

"Jesus please can you help all the parents because they really need all thehelp they can get now. Help them to be better parents and take care of the children." Amen Amen Amen

There is the most terrible evil in our world and there is also the people of love and light, care and compassion for humanity and no matter what these people continue to shine the light.

Looking at the name Muhtar Kent I smiled.....remembering reading about the KentKard and this being connected with Smyrna which is now Izmir in Turkey.

Being guided to discover Mount Sinai is named Mount Tur - with Tor meaning mountain, the Key to  the mountain is a Spiritual Key. Asia covers a vast area. Israel is in Asia too.

The Ecumenical Patriarchate is situated in Istanbul. Discovering in the palace in Istanbul is held some of the personal belongings of Prophet Muhammad. It was after prayer how I can help bring peace between Muslims and Christians Prophet Muhammad appeared in a dream. In one aspect he was looking over water towards another land. It is only recently I realised a bridge was created between East and West - between Europe and Asia and this bridge is in Istanbul.

While Hagia Sophia has been closed for imperial ceremeonies and services - remaining a museum, I hope one day that it will become a place for people of all nationalities and sacred faiths to gather, light a candle and say a prayer. I hope one day people will accept Orthodox Spirituality.

In the meantime there is effort in different ways to bring people together in peace. There are the signing competitions in the world that are serving to bring people together in peace too.

Two people in different roles in life in their calling - both are impacting millions of peoples lives in their own way promoting peace, unity and harmony in our world. .

There multimillionares and billionaires in our world might have made their fortune with a vision and a promise to do something that was to better this world and enable people. While the commercial value of Coca Cola cannot be ignored, employing one million people is extraordinary for this is a company with vision and a purpose beyond the product that is bought and sold. 

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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