

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Mr. Chana's 39 Wives & Growing Family - India

Woke up today with 'India' thinking and 'school' came to mind. Then 'China' came to mind and 'manufacturing' - both lands supplying the west.

It has been shown 'there is a reason' when random thoughts come to our mind, with the opportunity to keep an open mind as to why. We all have the randomn thoughts for different reasons. Looking to see the news, an article about a family in India, might be the reason 'India' came to mind.

No ordinary family - a husband with 39 wives and 129 children.

Zionnghaka Chana - who is currently being courted by numerous politicians in the Mizoram state because of his influence over his 39 wives and 127 children and grandchildren

The Daily Mail writes 'Polygamist and sect leader Zionnghaka Chana has become the voter every politician in Mizoram state wants to know because of his influence over his 39 wives and 127 children and grandchildren.

Mr Chana, who has a 100-room home in the Baktawng village, Aizawl, told reporters: 'We were witnessing a rush of politicians seeking votes in the last few days.'

The house where Mr Chana, who is head of a sect, and his family live. He says numerous local politicians have approached him trying to befriend him in the run up to the election

'The house where Mr Chana, who is head of a sect, and his family live. He says numerous local politicians have approached him trying to befriend him in the run up to the election'

'Mr Chana's wives, Rinkmini, said: 'When we go to vote, we always cast our ballots for the same candidate or party.'

'Like most voters at this election, Mr Chana said he wanted clean government and development so that his family could prosper.'

'All we want is good governance and the wellbeing of the state instead of personal gains for our family from the politicians,' he said.

Not knowing the source's of income, it has been shown that many hands working together build homes in other communities.  'The family' are evidently united and helping each other in this commune. 

'Preparing meals is always a mammoth task - with one evening meal seeing them consume 30 chickens, 132lb of potatoes and up to 220lb of rice.

The property has its own school, a playground, carpentry workshops, piggery and poultry farms and a vegetable garden big enough to supply the whole family.'

Mr Chana, head of the sect allows members to take as many wives as they wish. It is written the sects philosophy is based on Christian teachings. Leaders from the Presbyterian Church, the main church of the state, reject Chana's embrace of polygamy. 

Thinking back, kings have had many wives and concubines. King David had several wives. His son King Solomon married to a Princess, Pharaohs daughter -  he also was said to have had 700 wives and 300 concubines. 

There are people who refer to these times and think, if the King did this...he set the standard. King David was a chosen King. He may have had less wives than his father and yet he by his choices, permitted other people to do the same. What the Royals do and set as law standard.

There are women who are happy in a polygamos marriage. 

Prophet Muhammad had several wives....

There are surely many men who would love several wives.

In a time when Jesus Christ was born much later - the sacred marriage between two people - two souls being brought together is a spiritual mystery that has continued since this time.

Mr. Chana indicates all he wants is for his family to prosper. He also wants a 'clean government' that can be interpreted as not being corrupt officials who are self serving. 

Popular and courted by every politician for the family vote .
Wikipedia writes 'Ziona (/pu (often misnamed in the non-native media as Ziona Chana) (born 1944/1945)[1] is a head of Pu Chana páwl, a Christian sect formed in June 1942, which survives in the mountains of Mizoram state of India, sharing borders with Bangladesh and Myanma'
Zion in the name....King David is connected with Mount Zion. There are surely descendants who claim by right being born Prince... 'with 39 wives, 94 children, 14 daughters-in-law and 33 grandchildren, 181 in total and counting  - Mr. Chanas established family is still growing.
Mr Chana lives with his huge family, pictured, in a 100-room, four-storey house in the village of Baktawng, Mizoram

Fhe timing of the formation of the sect, was during the second world war. Taking care of women, has been reason to justify men having several wives, so they are not vulnerable alone.

'The family has three major furniture workshops and whatever profits they yield are handed over to Ziona. They readily share their hard-earned money with the head of the family as it is for the joint maintenance and benefit of the family as a whole. The furniture products are supplied to nearby towns, the main market being Aizawl itself. Meanwhile, the womenfolk of Ziona's family are occupied with rearing pigs, which are the source of a major portion of the family's earnings.'

We do not know the truth of someone else's reality.
Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

No Copyright infringement intended

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