

Tuesday 15 April 2014

This Muslim Kept Dreaming About Jesus Christ

This is a powerful testimony to show the life experience, learning and how easily people are put to the test with their faith. When anyone is rejected from their home or community, they are not completely alone. This video is a testimony of a Muslim man who kept dreaming about Jesus.

In calling people to the truth in faith, one must have the understanding. In this video the man survives death = death by poison and also a poisoned arrow. Notice how gentle this man is.

In the end, a transformation takes place between father and son. In the sharing of the learning and understanding the lessons there are comparisons made. Father and son are reconciled again.

Sharing this with emphasis of a personal relationship with God

"Jesus Knocks on Muslim Imam's Door" -- Zak Gariba 

The God of love surely understands the need in our world for boys and men to  know love - the love between father and son. The children today are bringing the truth that Jesus Christ is a living Lord and King. Adults experiencing interaction with Jesus cannot be denied. 

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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