

Saturday 3 May 2014

Cows On Rampage Bradley Stoke, Bristol - Why?

You herd it right... cows escape overturned truck and stampede through suburban Bristol damaging cars and injuring police who are forced to SHOOT one dead

That is the Daily Mail headline...

  • One policeman was hospitalised after a cow spooked and ran at him
  • Cow shot by marksman at request of farmer after becoming 'distressed' 
  • It took three hours for officers to round up the eight rampaging cattle

  • The full article can be found below. Locating a video:

    Udder Insanity is the headline ..a group of cows on a rampage being reported and one is short. Among the brown cows is a black sheep/black cow connected, the odd one out.

    Holy Cow is an expression used that has far greater significance. In India cows are sacred and as the milk providing animals, it is surely the food they provide is also contaminated with toxins with the injections they have to stimilate milk production and if theya re eating GM crops.

    There were a vast numbers of cows that were killed with reportedly 'mad cows disease' some years ago. Walking past my local butcher at the time he had a big sign in the window for his customers. 'There is only one mad cow in here and she is my wife' - His trade did not suffer.

    The supermarket was stocking up beef too....people thought twice about buying it. Today beef is expensive to buy to those who are without an income or on a low wage. Even middle income brackets might pay their ever increasing bills and meet the demands of the laws for profit and endless fines, more and more people are struggling. Not everyone is eating healthily either.

    Bradley Stoke is a new town in South Gloucestershire. Richard the Duke of Gloucester comes to mind and is evidently connected.

    Wikipedia writes 'The area consisted of a number of farms, Bailey's Court and Watch Elm Farm in the south, Bowsland Farm and Manor Farm in the north and Webb's Farm in the middle. Some of the land was used as pasture. A number of woods also existed, Sherbourne's Brake, Webb's Wood and the large Savage's Wood have all been preserved. Fiddlers Wood, the name of which lives on in Fiddlers Wood Lane was all but obliterated by the M4 Motorway. Baileys Court Farmhouse is the only original building that exists and was used as offices by the towns developers before becoming the Bailey's Court Inn.'

    In my previous article, just writing about Prince Charles and the Old Church came to light, here with Bailey;s is named, many people might think of the drink Bailey's - however with the royal connection to this land and territory, a manor hosue is named and the Old Bailey came to mind.

    Also: Webbs - spider webs...Watch - elm is a tree. People are being monitored from so many different perspectives as it would be justified to say today 'there are cameras everywhere. The Manor is associated with Lord and Lady of the Manor. Notice that Fiddlers was obliterated...

    Strange how news reports are bringing to light what is relevant to know. Also there is a killing - a cow being shot. Hope not an assassination sign....actually what came to mind was sacrifice.

    The Sacred Cow being used in Sacrifice

    There is also the twin towns that bring to light more information. Champs-sur-Marne is twinned with Bradley Stoke in Bristol, United Kingdom and Quart de Poblet in Spain.

    At one time conflict between Engalnd, France and Spain and yet, it is shown this is not so with the connections and it is unknown if there is a planned reason for this detail. Just in this information we can discover and learn is uncanny to dicover there is a connection of relevance too.

    Just looking to see what else is relevant to discover - to be guided to a link.. the story of "I SAW THREE SHIPS A-SAILING" - (posted below) 

    '[301] A GUN was fired at sunset. It was the signal for the vesper hymn, and for the shifting of the course of the three caravels to due west. The lateen sails, long and shapely as a swallow's wings, were hauled closer to the wind, and the Ace, which was the fastest sailer of the three, stood down a way of billowy fire which ran straight into the blazing orb of the sun. Then with a strange and thrilling sound in the infinite spaces of those silent seas rose the strains of the Salve Regina, the mariner's evening prayer:

    "Hail, Queen! Mother of compassion,
    Life, sweetness, and hope of us, hail!"

    Regarding sacrfice to kill a cow...In Hinduism, the Cow is a form of Mother (a provider of milk) and Goddess Laskhmi.  Killing a cow is considered as a crime bigger than killing a human being in Hinduism. 

    However this also is come to light. 'The red heifer (Hebrew: פרה אדומה‎; parah adumah), also known as a red cow was a sacrifice in the Hebrew Bible the ashes of which were used for the ritual purification of an ancient Isrealite who had come into contact with a corpse.

    Are Heifers reared in Bristol - Yes they are!

    Knowing my telephone conversations are monitored and computer activity too - hope so, they might learn something and saves writing.....Yesterday I told a lawyer overseas that I had touched the dead body of my mother. This is after going my life not wanting to be next to a dead body - an unexplained experience, then I went 'with the excuse to say goodbye to take a closer took 'demading that her coffin be open, afer it was ordered to be a closed coffin case. There was good reason.

    Strange being from an ancient Israelite tribe reading this.
    The Holy Scripture brings to light connecting the above.

     But when Christ came as high priest of the good things that are now already here, he went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle that is not made with human hands, that is to say, is not a part of this creation. He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption. The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean. How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!
     For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance—now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant.
     In the case of a will, it is necessary to prove the death of the one who made it, because a will is in force only when somebody has died; it never takes effect while the one who made it is living. This is why even the first covenant was not put into effect without blood. Hebrews 9:11-18
    Leviticus 21 identified instruction from Moses for the Priests of the Levites.  Moses in his time was a Prophet chosen by God to prepare the people for the coming of the Lord. He did this.

    Sometimes totally unrelated events happen, unrelated people and places, and yet in an extraordinary way this brings to light what is relevant to know. One of the great arguments about the return of Jesus Christ and the Eastern Gate is a cemetary that has been built.

    Even with all my errors in life choices and suffering, One day just saying O Jesus, with my eyes closed a distance of 30-50 feet away, Jesus was standing at an open gateway and he was crowned - the day after Epiphany, 7th Janurary 2013. He choses His Way to brings His Truth to the people.

    Animals are not manipulated by man...If anything, everything and everyone is under the authority of God and we are all in some way connected too. The importance of the Heifer cow is revealed and there is so much more that we can learn in a positive light from this, if we research more.

    Peace, love and best wishes
    Pauline Maria

    No Copyright infringement intended

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