

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Don't throw out your old furniture, reuse it!

Sharing these to inspire creativity...Before throwing out the old - if you have no room, freecycle and if you have somethng tired and old can recycle - or upcycle to transform the old to something new.

One of the most important messages is the preservation of trees. So much good wooden furniture is quality made furniture and something can be done to transform instead of throwing away.

Transform furniture with chalk paint is the title, the distressed look of furniture can also be used with using eggshell or satin paint and rub the edges...

'Decorative Paint Legend Annie Sloan - Part 2 - excellent and having painted some drawers by slapping on a couple of coats like this a few years ago. The result does not always require the best of care except be careful of drips. Not using this chalk paint - I have been an eggshell and satin wood fan. 

Make your own chalk style paint - recipes

Making your own coloured wax finish with Brian Miller.

Finishing Secrets - Coloring With Wax 1 of 2 - using shoe polish

With multitudes of people who lack funds and in looking at the above videos, what appears to be junk can be transformed and there are people for many years who have been rescuing furniture, preparing it to provide a new home. 

There are many other important topcs I could cuver and yet I wanted to share this because so many people are short of funds and want to fix their home..The videos found on painting furniture include painting fabrics. Years ago I met a lady who changed the intereior of her home every six months. She did not see the value to do before and after, writing a book and sharing her tips. This wsas befor teh house transformation programmes!

Not evreyone listens or values the encouragement from someone who really does want to see this world and the people in our world move from being stuck and even hitting hard times. Now to be in the positon where with officials saying dark forces rule over this land - when people make pacts with Satan for gains and powers, innocents suffer. 

With living in a throw away society, there are people who are still chasing labels and yet not reading the place of manufacture. There are people thowing out good quality clothes and furniture. Upcycling is the in thing now and being resourcesful is something that my mother learned from her mother - they were creative, I am impatient. 

If you like uniqueness, you can create your own style and colour out of what was before.. Seeing results and be inspired to follow your creative flair ....Children do this naturally. Break the dependability cycle of this social order..

Finally the most important point. Trees have been cut down to make furniture and while looking lovely in the homes, in a throw away society where trends and fads change quickly, more trees are being cut down - faster than they can grow. When we consider that trees emit oxygen that we breath - if we were to cut down all the trees, how would we survive? The planting of trees, at least one in a lifetime would have with the present populatoin around 7 billion new trees growing. Solid wood does not perish that easily and yet can be recycled, upcycled and transformed very easily.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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