

Saturday 19 July 2014

How did Jesus Respond to Injustice?

Of the terrible things that  have been happening in our world, the most terrible evil that is going on now, the masses of people being killed, people being enslaved to a system that rejected God long ago.

There have been wars and retaliation and foretold wars too.

War is a crime against humantiy and so is injustice too.

How did Jesus respond to injustice?

Ken Wytsma, President of Kilns College and Pastor of Antioch Church in Bend, OR, answers a question about injustice. Can we fix injustice?

Whats wrong with leadership? - The Justice Conferance Asia.

If the world would put down their weapons and trust God, to be guided by God in the right way and seek this with sincere heart, there will surely be changes taking place. The court of injustice continues to thrive as do the God mockers who corrupt the laws so they can remain in positions of gains.

Humanity is suffering when selfish people ignore the God given rights to people. If I recall, Jesus actually corrected some errors in understanding the law - he clarified the law. As a person he fuflilled the law. He was the person who was born to return people back to living under the authority of God.

History has shown the destruction off the temple because there was disobediance to God and it could happen again. How this will happen is by the Power of God, it does not need man;s hands.

In a time when there are terrorists in our world, the crashing down of the new law court in manchester that is made of glass, could easily be blamed on some people - instead of the officials within that building seeking within as to why they even allow injustice and corruption to endure in this day.

So how will Jesus respond to all the injustice ttaking place>

First people need to open their eyes from being blind.

First people need to ask for which king are all these wars based on lies? Can you not tell the diffference between a man whois not appointed by God and Jesus who was begotten by God. Jesus still serves the Father in truth and obediance. The disobediantt Prince who refuses Justice is unfit to be King.

Peace love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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