

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

The Goddess Project - Post Production Scenes

A behind the scenes look at the post production of The Goddess Project with the film's directors Sara Landas & Holli Rae ( my neice) The Goddess Project is a film that documents the lives of over 100 women pursuing their passions in America. COMING IN 2015 -

When people with pure hearts and intention connect - anything is possible. Young women following their hearts and fulifilling their destiny


Hollywood is named - once the sign read HOLLYWOODLAND and the land disappeared. It is intresting that in America 'Zion National  Park' is named - America became connected with Zion in name and ancient times. In 2013, Israel and America both had placed on a microchip in a 2000 year old rock from Jerusalem their Declarations of Independance. Trusting in the divine plan unfolding.

The Holy Bible writes of daughter of Zion. Holy Mount Zion  connects Israel - Spiritual Israel is with love and sharing, togetherness and caring. The people who are Israelites are the descendants of the family of Jacob, who was named Israel - the House of Israel. Not even all Jewish people know the importance of the connection. The menorah is connected with the ancient temple. The light comes from heaven.

With 7 ancient churches and 7 branches to the menorah, there is a light shining brightly in Hollywood. There are people in America, a land that is rich with history and traditon that has the understanding of the laws of nature, healing and the Great Spirit. The people who are guided and inspired to make a positive difference, to uplift humanity, assist healing, assist spirtual awakening are all meant to be.

It is vital for the women's voices to be heard - for the freedom to cry and laugh and to heal. There is a saying 'behind every successful man is a good woman' - she being the driving force to success. An educated woman is going to be more receptive and motivated  to educate her children. In a world where children have been married, some traditons are detrimental in the long term development of the human race.In the evolution of the soul, it becomes necessary to empower women to empower the next generation.

It is easy to go through life being who everyone e;lse expects you to be. There comes a point in life when it is necessary to peel away the conforminty and with being true to your heart, you can be you and shine. The false masks and pretending all is ok in your world when it is not, does not do anyone any favours. In the struggle and challenges most human beings will face in a lifetime, these experiences force us to grow.

Women are spiritually connected and the gathering of women who are spiritually attuned is taking place around our world. The people who belong to Christ are being gathered together...The people who belong to God are being gathered together...The Goddess Project is aninspired movie for empowered women to empower women and yet, it holds the most important message inspired women are inspiringwomen..Instead of women doing what is expected - they can reach greater heights than before.

Not everyone wants to be materialistically successful - there are women who want to tend to the garden, grow fruit and vegetables - nourishment, to be domesticated - to bake and create a home and how easy life would be without having to worry about paying the bills. Society has placed expectations on women to marry and not always making goog choices often is with marrying before ready. Who has been teaching women to keep quiet when every woman has something valuable to contribute:

We are in a time of a time in our world where people are being decieved and future monarchs are being sold ' monarch programming has been named too' - people have forgotten, when you are subject to the authority of God, you are not subject to man. And the people who belong to Christ are his family. In the ancient tradition, the Goddess was named as a Goddess of /Divine Wisdom.

Our soul belongs to God and so, honoring the feminine soul is with also preparing the vessel for all the goodness that is brings. The wonen carries life in her womb and if God did not trust women, it would be menwho would be carrying babies....A baby while forming in a mother's womb is already learning about the person and the environment - already sensitive to love,, affection and noise..And the children who belong to God are being guided in the way that He chooses for His Purpose - it is clear to see.

For all the prophesy about destrtuction that is taking place, the seeds of the New World with love are already planted and blossoming,touching hearts and souls everywhere. My hope that Holli is never stunted on her life path and inspirational journey to make a difference, Something magical is happening in America - not by spell casting, With Providence we will see the return take place to spiritual laws.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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