

Thursday 21 August 2014

Absolute Condemnation ALL the Wars and Killing

There is a report today Britain is hunting for Black Beetle John.. The discovery of the name came from 'a reported former hostage writes the Daily Mail.

While a rather overwhemlming photograph,, it is a close up from video footage so the report states. There is now powerful image zooming facilities available that we cannot even comprehend.

Manhunt: Face of the masked British killer from the IS video who is now considered the world's most wanted man

Yesterday after writing my article about the reported execution of James Foley, articles were published by the Daily Mail that people will become terror suspects by viewing footage ........Honestly, sometimes I wonder where these decisions are made and yet, my interest was 'listening' carefully to the voices both of the James Foley and the man carrying the knife, or I would not have heard the distinct English accent.

This man who is said to have executed an innocent - James Foley, a journalist was filmed wearing orange, a colour worn by Monks in prayer and meditatation - now the report identifies an Englishman killed an American. Nothing to do with someone from 'another land' - the facts stand up for themselves.

With America having declared independance from England - In 1776 was this after royal wars? TODAY America and Israel have implanted side by side the Declaration of Indepenance in a 2000 year old rock from Jerusalem. The document declares independance from a Prince from Britain - an unfit King. A Prince who has no regard for Justice and no regard for human rights and the dignity of people either.

The world is watching the destruction between Israel and Gaza - Palestinians suffer. A few years ago, Prince Phillip of the British royal family, Wikikeaks reported, was given land with the building that houses the Israel government in Jerusalem so not all is quite as it seems. People are scared to rock the boat.

Just yesterday I woke thinking there is nothing stopping any officials overseas being hired by the system here and people who are willing to serve whatever agenda, the hidden puppet master wants to fulfill. Thoughts are thougths and eventually thinking helps to guide us to the truth of what is relevant to know.

The name ISIS - doing autrocities in a name that has in history been connected with Wisdom and The Law. Levant is a land mass area that is connected with Jesus and the Prophets in the Holy Bible.

It is with absolute condemnation of the wars and killiing taking place.  Primitive minds in positions of power or having power over any people is a very dangerous mindset, whether sitting on a throne or someone carryng a weapon eager to kill someone for whatever ends.....even serving their master for payment.

Back in the ancient times ' Jesus was betrayed by one of his apostles who gained payment. That money was used for land - the land is ever known to be bought with blood money 'deliberately named'.

This might be totally unrelated but it is certainly uncanny that America declared independance from the unjust and unfit Prince of England to be King and so a journalist being killed by a man from England - an innocent man - A Journalist can report in truth and see what is really happening overseas. No coincidence.

Mick Deane

If I expand on what can be seen - PORTAPROMPT indicates that the news reporters are already prompted to read from a script...This is not a hidden photograph. It was the photograph used to annouce the death of Sky News cameraman Nick Deane in Egypt reported on 15th August 2013.

The Daily Mail report 'Manhunt: The face of the masked British killer from the IS video, who Didier Francois, a Frenchman held captive by him and pictured on his release in April, says has a 'rough' idea of who he is' - Would it not be potentially placing his life in danger to identify a man with his photograph in the press? - Hope not. Silence is not an option to keep today.

Didier Francois, former French hostage and journalist, as he was freed in April

The suspect accused of murdering the reporter has been named as 'John' - one of a gang of British jihadis known as ‘The Beatles’ who are guarding western hostages for ISIS.

Above in the thumbs up photograph 'Mr Francois, a 53-year-old reporter with radio station Europe 1, said: ‘Recognised is a very big word, but I see roughly who it is.’ 

For two-and-a-half months, Mr Francois was chained to fellow French hostages, Nicolas Henin, Edouard Elias, and Pierre Torres. They were released in April after France paid a ransom.

Mr Henin said today that Mr Foley was beaten more than any other hostage because he was an American and ISIS knew his brother was in the U.S. Air Force, and in one incident he was 'crucified against a wall', it has emerged.

The killer spoke in a distinctive English accent and his eyes and build are clearly visible in a propaganda video in which he cuts Mr Foley’s head off.

Mr Francois spent eight months with Mr Foley as a captive in Syria, enduring most of that time in underground cells with no natural light. 

What makes men go and fight for a cause and then it is the innocents who are suffering and killed. There have been times in history that again the innocents are suffering. The innocents suffer today too. A time when crime is promoted and villans are respected - where evil is seen as good. Its all back to front.

Well one day everyone will have to face their fate..It is not my pace to change people's character and everyone is learning different lessons. Hurting angry people can do the most dangerous things. What drives anyone to be barbaric and cruel might even be influenced by some dark evil force.

The 'executioner' being English and livng in England is being influenced by someone..'He' is a subject of the Queen, her heirs and made laws have allowed evil influence to impact people to their detriment and those wars for profit...not exactly Holy Mr. Cameron. Not Holy At All..

Police and lawyers state England is ruled by dark forces!

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

No copyright infringement intended 

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