

Friday 22 August 2014

Deaf Lady Dream: Jesus Gives Bread & Wine Arabs

My deaf friend was really upset Easter time so I took her out and said 'come on we are going for a walk. While walking, I asked her can I pray for her and she shrugged her shoulders and agreed.

My prayer was somthing like this:

Lord Jesus Christ, please take care of this lady, help her and guide her in your way, in the way you know how. Please Heal us both mentally, emotionally physically annd spiritually - help us to be and remain ever strong in our faith in you. Please guide us in the right way and in your truth. Thank you. Amen.

We carried on walking and I explained to her that not everyone has the patience to talk - and also with sign language there is limitations unless you are prepared to learn and make your truth known. Also I explained that men and women do function differently - unless a man is functioning from his heart and enjoys real heart to heart conversation - she is not going to have this quality of relationship with a man.

The same applies to hearing people too.

And if a man is not prepared to listen and take notice of a woman - he is the one ho is creating the problem, leading himself to be living a life without creating emotional bonds and a natural caring instinct. My friend was told because she wants company and communication - to find a way to make new friends. She used to go to a deaf club before she had a is time, she is ready to go again. She survived, miraculously.

A miracle happened when the life support was about to be turned off, she woke up and sat up asking for a cup of tea. That day even the nurses probably did the sign of the cross. It was a miracle.Speaking with my friend that Jesus has given her a life for a reason - she said 'I know...' she knows she is alive.

This is just to show you how Jesus makes his truth known to whom he chooses and to the most  unlikely people. My deaf friend has never read the Holy Bible - someone gave her a copy a few years ago. She does not go to church or recieve any religious instruction - she is also living in the same residence of someone who does not belive in God, Jesus or the miracle of the Virgin Mother Mary.

Still the strong will of a dominant voice of a non beleiver, does not overwhelm or prevent the truth being brought by Jesus to his chosen ones and this being given in a very precise way.


Jesus was standing wearing long light cream colour clothes. He is handsome - nice face with a short beard and long hair to his shoulders. Dark brown.

He is facing a group of boys with black hair and dark skin - like mine..they are all wearing long white tunics, as seen worn by Arabs. Jesus had in his hand a cup made of brass or gold (she gestured like a chalice) and gave this to each of the children. He gestured to his arms and showed her this is his blood.

Then Jesus started to break the bread and give to each of the children. Again he gestured and showed by pointing 'this is my body'....Then she oke up from the dream.

Jesus was showing my friend that the Arabs are the same blood family of Jesus Christ. And again he has chosen someone who knows me to share this message - so this can be conveyed to the world,

Muslms say Jesus is a Muslim. Ummah means community of people.

Yes of course Jesus is goingto return to his people...his family. But he is also reaching out to the people who are lost sheep..In England people have been denied the truth by the ignorant and falling away from faith with corrupting the truth. So the gathering of the people who belong to Christ is done in his way.

My friend is German Scottish mix - a lookalike of Diana when young. They are likely related. She has her on mind, very determined in some ways and she is creative too. Her heart is with pure intentions.

We are not meant to forget Diana. I am not meant to forget.

The British royals collect a colosal amount of wealth claimng they are Kings and Queens chosen by God. While the people who are suffering injustice and have nothing are proving that God is communicating to them personally. For all we know, the Queen may have documented her expereinces ith the Lord and this might be published after she breaths her last breath on this life...It is not expected...

Elizabeth is the 'Custodian of the Crown of David'....King David was born in Bethlehem, where Jesus and Mary were born. With Bethlehem being in Palestinian Territories -again innocents being killed!

The people who belong to Jesus know.the truth..

Muslims eagerly wait for Jesus Christ to return. Do you?

There are signs to show that Jesus is already here..But I cannot say this is actually no. All I can do is share my truth, experiences, visions, dreams and personal revelation - also the truth given by other people in their own expereicnes. May you be inspired with faith. Remember Jesus is Alive and active in this world.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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