

Saturday 23 August 2014

Four ViKings on Denmark Land - Tribe of Dan

 Esbjerg, Denmark, The four men overlooking the wadden sea.

With Prince Phillip being Danish, there are four males sitting in a commanding position looking out towards the land...

Prince Phillip's mother went to Greece to give birth to her son, because a crown is connected with Greece and the Greek Orthodox Church. Actually the British establishment saved the life of Prince Phillips father, Andrew, while his associates were executed. This took place afrer the massacre of Orthodox Christians, including from an ancient Royal bloodline.

The Great Dane is named as a Dog too. Huge. 

How huge can dogs be - Just sent this in an email.

The Danes have been Vikings...

While in Manchester, I noticed a bridge that gives the impression of a boat ith sails..This bride is over the river - canal..joining lands. On the building was a sign 'Viking Security'. 

So above - four Vikings sitting on their thrones.

Instead of history lands being conquested by primitive means = laws and corporations are created and so the assurance of succession is guaranteed too 

Four Kings are seen without wearing crowns. 

'Vikings (from Old Norse víkingr) were Norse seafarers, speaking the Old Norse language, who raided and traded from their Scandinavian homelands across wide areas of northern and central Europe, as well as European Russia, during the late 8th to late 11th centuries'

Sea-faring Danes depicted invading England. Illuminated illustration from the 12th century Miscellany on the Life of St. Edmund. Pierpont Morgan Library

While totally unrelated,  the connections revealed are for a reason. The headline reads 

Viking sets sail into deeper waters


Viking sets sail into deeper waters

These are not time has progressed from the ancient days and the builders of these ships being men who are highly skilled///The intention for any ships is with the reminder that battleships are also floating and sailing in waters as there are submarines underneath too. Man has taken control of the waters (rejecting God but this could explain the power battles on this earth -for control of the resources too.)

'This summer, Viking Ocean Cruises ( crossed a major milestone when the line's new, 930-guest Viking Star was floated out of Fincantieri's Marghera shipyard near Venice, Italy. It's the first oceangoing cruise ship to be built by Viking - which has been operating river cruises since 1997 - and another three sister ships are already under construction'

This summer, Viking Ocean Cruises ( crossed a major milestone when the line's new, 930-guest Viking Star was floated out of Fincantieri's Marghera shipyard near Venice, Italy.
It's the first oceangoing cruise ship to be built by Viking - which has been operating river cruises since 1997 - and another three sister ships are already under construction.

"Viking Star's maiden season was sold out before she even touched water, which just demonstrates how enthusiastic our guests are for destination-focused ocean cruises. It is this enthusiasm that has led us to place orders for two additional sister ships, Viking Sea and Viking Sky."

Queen of heaven, earth and the seas - reveals the Viking.

Duke of Cambridge at the controls of a Sea King helicopter

Prince William gained his Sea King official cerfification after training. He was given an honorary law degree so that he can continue the law coroorations as the Head. It is said that anyone who has not got a law degree is prevented from owning a law firm. The law for profit corporation endures.

Whether the British establishment are serious in their application of the Law and hat as commanded by God is only seen from experience where officials refuse to work for justice for over a decade (a crime) Actually I have known of officials bstruct justice since 1980's - they have done so dragging this out until the credible witness died. Without a witness there is no case to be heard. The case is dead.

In the Holy Bible Jubilee Law not only relates to retuning land but also the re-establishment of the Laws given by God. If people reject God and reject the Truth, they might be spoonfed a lie. I live in a land of people cliam this is a Christian land and yet Black Magic and witchraft is no promoted. 

The bottom line is from Phillip, if William is a naturally concieved descendant via Charles and Diana, with assuming that Charles is the son of Phillip, William will be Danish too.

No one knows the truth about the British royals The system of officials have for a long time disregarded those who are put in a postion to correct their crimes against humanity. Sadly I live in a land where officials say is ruled over by dark forces...Perhaps the OMen Movie has more truth to it.

With the ancient laws set in stone, meaning they are unbreakable laws - the first is that we are as a people instructed to worship the Lord God Almighty 'only and not to worship false idols'. People say the crown has been stolen...officials have said this. The crown is stained with injustice and war.

In the ancient times the competition between Posieden King of the Seas and Athena came in the end to be as God intended this to be. An oppressed people have accepted an overlord in history - a Danish man and this is nothing against Dane's at all..I considered marrying one! Not meant tobe but the injury he suffered is certainly not something to ignore. Or his freak car crash either.

Strange that the Noahs Ark ship was built and was indicating to come to the River Thames during the Olympics and then there was silence...Then again, not so strange really.

Prince Charles, Camilla and William have all been given honorary law degrees, Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, former Queen of the Netherlands studied and gained hers with credibility.

We are in a critical time now where the provocation of war is to prepare people for battle - most intelligent people are not going to even enter this. A long time ago I was praying for peace when afterwards a thought came to mind  'It is better to remove one family to save the whole of humanity' (Strange)

On this particular image is a snake - a symbol associated with the Tribe of Dan. The Snake and Scales are both connected tht he same tribe and the scales used to represent justice. There is not in UK.

Symbolof the Tribe of Dan - oneof the 12 tribes of Israel.

Cardiff United Synagogue, Cyncoed, Cardiff Gallery is home to symbols of 12 tribes. They were  Moved from Brandreth Road Synagogue, Penylan, now demolished. They were originally placed on either side of the Ark, and designed to be lit artificially from behind, as they are now in their new setting.

The Prince of Wales title is shown to be connected with the 12 tribes of Israel,  In Wales als Canton Depot is named. With Cantons named in Switzerland, each province is divided into Cantons.

Reading about the Tribe of Dan they are excluded from the Inheritance and it is aslo suggested from the tribe of Dan is where the Antichrist will be born from. The man of lawlessness. The one who disregards the Laws and authority of God, who refuses to be obediant and do what is right for the people.

'The name Dan means "to judge" or "vindicate."

'John the apostle omits the tribe of Dan when mentioning the 12 tribes of the sons of Israel, in regard to the 144,000 sealed Israelites.Perhaps this is a testimony of the unworthiness of Dan. Instead of Dan, the tribe of Joseph appears twice.' (Wikipedia quote)

'Dan (Hebrewדן‎), is a city mentioned in the Bible, described as the northernmost city of the Kingdom of Israel,[1] belonging to the Tribe of Dan. The city is identified with the tel known as Tel Dan ("Mound of Dan" תל דן in Hebrew), or Tel el-Qadi ("Mound of the Judge" in Arabic, تل القاضي, literal translation of the Hebrew name Tel Dan, "Dan" meaning "judge", or "one who judges") in Israel.'

The honorary Law degree is identified with Israel here.

Viking Cruises is an international company that operates a fleet of river cruising vessels along the rivers of EuropeRussiaUkraineChina,Southeast Asia and Egypt; in 2015 it will begin offering ocean cruises as well. Viking has a primary sales office in the United States, secondary sales offices in the United Kingdom and Australia, and operational offices in Switzerland.'

There are men in our world who reject women have the right to lead and being chosen to. Elizabeth was chosen to change that mindset -one reason. Athena was chosen in the ancient times too. Mary was chosen and actually so was Mary Magdalene to continue the Church. She was a reliable witness.

Behind the palace wallls are throne rooms. In history this is where the Kings have been crowned. There are no crowns on the statues above...but their greatness is shown in status - making a statment.

What is the truth of what is going on...Only God knows.

Why were these statues created? Only God knows and the architectual plans of the sculpter too. Such a grand installation would need permission and approval...Grand statements are for a reason.

The discovery of this image came just after a dram I had with Michelle Obama. We were standing on a road in London - Waddon Road, that had horse manure down as the foundations. She was showing me the gas manholes in the middle of the road. Days later I noticed gas manholes on the road - the road that the people ruling the roads are collecting a vast amont of mony from fines and laws for profit. Thesse laws have also contributed to making a young woman with three children homeless...DEvil laws...

As man conquers the seas..something else is taking place. Since 2012 repeated floods in Engalnd on land the railway tracks and roads...washing the royals away is what came to my mind at the time. Actually the laws on trains are with fines too..With the courts for profit perhaps the royal owners earn a commission too.
Dan...Danish...England - Land where injustice is rife

It is easy to rule the world....remove God out of the picture.

This is Denmark Hill Station in London. The landmark is created. The postbox is in the wall - Royal privatised with decisions made inside by those who are more focussed to profit from whatever means...than to empower the people....One day they will not be here and a new generation who suruve will unlikely be looking at the royals as being anything other than...God mocking!

There are people from Denmark who are like hot potatoes ready to burst with what is going on in our world...There are people from Denmark who understand The Law. There are many decent people in our world...all nationaltiies and all tribes. Then there are also those who take us all as fools.

It does not need a family who disregard the Law to be sitting in a postion of power. God always has his back up plan...There are surely plenty of Danish Lawyers who are ethical in Denmark?.

The role to be a Judge is not to gain anything.

The Monarchs are warned to serve Justice.

There is a New Supreme Court Built now.....All it needs now is for ethical people to work within the court and to prevent any lawyer or police officier, or politician, from using public office for private gain.

There'are' within the British system a few ethical people who might realise that a wrong decision can also spiral to unknown consequences. The blood of the innocents was preferencfe to the British establishment instead of serving Justice. And I have no idea who is involved in Black Magic to cause death - or Witchraft to cause profound disability so Athena from Greece never be Queen. This is what happened.

Athena has been named In England on the Duchy of Lancaster. It was probably doen for commercial gain and the poor people in Greece suffer because of those who make laws to their detriment.

Karma has a way to come back...I cannot say for sure that Diana is still alive but she has shown herself to be in a dream 'when she took me to encounter the Queen. In some ways I hope she is and that would be the end of the farce taking place...Keeping people down to maintain positions of gain...

 William and Harry leave the Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Diana, Princess of Wales, at the Guards' Chapel, London, Friday, Aug. 31, 2007.

While being Royal is raising people up. If it ever turned out that Diana has survived and the royals have kept her hidden out of shame of her would not be the first time this has happened.

This Lady was nest to the choir at William and Kate's Wedding.

If Diana is alive and became paralysed, how little value has the royal family for her as a human being...There were many signs of law breaking - the autopsy. inconsistant evidence..the courts 'very iffy'.

What is certain, even if it takes a long time, the truth will come out eventually. This is a time of Revelation and the Apocalypse means lifting the veil and revealing what is see clearly.

The Oval, is the name of the island where Diana's 'final resting place; at Althorpe Hall', home of Earl Spencer. Repeating floods exposed the foundations of Spencer Court at Newcastle. The building was unsafe and demolished. The Oval = Oval Office. There is a huge oval table at Peterhof Palace in Russia too...Catherine the Great...huh? Wedding tiara Halo wearing Catherine? Great at showing her legs and bare bottom with thong. How sincere is this girl in her heart, if at all? 

Queen Victoria, the Last Queen who reminded people that being a Queen is NOTHING ABOUT GLAMOUR or personal appearance. But I doubt many people will comprehend this.

The small crown...created 'as if meant to be for a child'.

Royal Dignity is a rare quality ..I do not possess this.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

No copyright infringment intended

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