

Saturday 2 August 2014

Metal Polish Sparks Explosion China 68 Dead

There is an article today in the Daily Mail - Reading to learn more about this. The death toll is high and injuries from burns too.

The headline reads:

Metal polish sparks huge explosion at Chinese car factory killing at least 68 and blowing the clothes clean off more than 100 severely burnt workers

Burns: Many of the survivors gathered on wooden pallets with serious burns to their bodies clearly visible

'The explosion took place in Kunshan, Jiansu province 200 workers were at site which supplies western car giant General Motors.  - Explosion is the worst industrial disaster in China for more than a year
Reading down the page....

'The blast is the country's worst industrial accident since June last year, when a fire at a chicken slaughterhouse in the northeast province of Jilin in June 2013 killed 119 people.
Thought to have been started by an ammonia leak, it was blamed on poor management, lack of government oversight and locked or blocked exits.
Sixty-two people were also killed and scores injured in the eastern port city of Qingdao in November when a pipeline exploded.
Investigators said the blast was caused by sparks from a jackhammer being used to repair a manhole cover following an oil leak. '

'Thought to have been started by an ammonia leak'

At least 180 people were injured in the blast alongside the 68 who died. An estimated 200 were inside the plant

Fortunately this happened in a time when the emergency medical team arrived and were able to treat the patients who were injured. This is not the case everywhere.

So we learn from this article that ammonia is flamable!

Help: It is believed the explosion happened when fine hubcap polish dust caught fire on the main factory floor

In another photograph the number 616 is visible. The colour is visible as a yellow, with a gentleman, presumably a doctor, wearing a light sea blue top and surgical gloves holding the right arm of someoene else who seems to have been burned.

Of the number 616 (In 2005, however, a fragment ofpapyrus 115 was revealed, containing the earliest known version of that part of the Book of Revelation discussing the Number of the Beast. It gave the number as 616, suggesting that this may have been the original. Apparently the two different numbers reflect two different spellings of Emperor Nero/Neron's name, for which this number is believed to be a code.)

Names have numeric value - Gematrix.Org allows people to discover the reverse by typing in a number we can discover what is revealed. Number 616 includes Liberty, Blasphemy, The formula of magick, Greek Sophia in the flesh, - someone has identified also 'killing first bloods' - with all the innocents being killed, how many are first born in ths timeline?

Ammonia is in urine and so a build up of ammonia gas in a confined space could be potentailly consequential. It is not known if this is the case however, ammonia is identified. The warning this artcle with video contains is one that we are encouraged to share. 

There are people who collect urine to put on their grass in the garden. There is also urea in some face creams. Speaking with a scientist from Romania. she spoke of urine being powerful to clear skin from acne - used neat on the face, Not to encourage this because she did say at certain times it was toxic.  The experts know - the experts know of dangers too.

So was this the cause of ammonia explosion?

Or was this one of the mysteries that is calling people to look to God and realise that humanity has lost its way- where greed and corruption are considered and acceptable norm, there are people who are living and working in horrendous conditions around our world. Not saying this is the case in China here because we are given awareness of danger to understand. 

The cost of life is huge in this example that proves life can be lost by an explosion. It does not matter whether in a large factory, mansion house or small home, we might not notice the smell of gas - although this is one gaseous that would not go unnoticed.

My thoughts with all the families who have lost loved ones; this is especially with all the other tradegies and war conditions in our world. May the injured recover quickly that they may resume their lives - being made aware of the danger in future and taking necessary precautions..

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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