

Monday 11 August 2014

Peter Cushing: Once Governer of the Armies

'Published on 13 Apr 2014
Kensington, London.
M/S of actor Peter Cushing sitting at his desk looking at papers in his hand. He takes a model toy soldier on a horse and compares it with its drawing. He puts it back and takes another toy soldier. C/U of his hand painting a white belt on the little soldier's uniform. C/U on his eyes as he works - he must have a good eyesight to do this'

Peter Cushing and I were destined to meet, talk and correspond together. The situation that brought us together was a poem 'No White Peaks' anti war poem written by Peter Kayne.

The male ego's wanted me out the way and so I was sent to collect the gentleman, while the boys were in the recording studios in Canterbury...Peter Kayne came with me that day, it was quite amusing in this memorable experience that could have been a scene in a movie that day. 

As we were walking to the car I went to open the door, with two Peters in my company. With both Peters being gentlemanly - I left this, Peter Cushing opened the driver's door for me to step in with Peter Kayne behind him.  Suddenly I heard 'what are you doing Peter - Peter Cushing...and Kanye replied, I am waiting for Pauline to get into the car so that I can open the door for you to get in...then we can go to the studio. 

The gentlemen being gentlemen together. It was seet. 

My opening dialogue to Peter Cushing was, "I confess to not knowing who you are because I do not watch horror movies...Please forgive me." And his repoly ' Goody, you will not form an unrealistic opnion of me'. 

The man was very gentle natured and gentlemanly. He came across as a nobleman by nature. Later alone he also spoke of his great love his wife who had died earlier.  We were inside his home drinking tea together. He spoke of painting and his toy soldier collections...His homelife appeared to be very quiet. 

Considering this man was in almost 100 films, he was very humble and deep...thoughtful and considerate. He offered me one of his watercolour paintngs as a gift and I graciously declined, It was a lovely thought..I did not want to take anything from this man because he gave me something without realising it. He reminded me of the refinment that I have known in my soul and lost...that soclety is losing..and perhaps lost forever.

Peter was not living in Kensington at the time, He was lving in Whitstable in Kent. His home was as in the video clip above....very simple and yet I did not know the story behind the toy soldier collections.

When making my way to leaving Peter said to me 'Please will you allow me to honor to help you with your coat...Then.I was in heels and quite tall...the coat was long and he was quite fail that day..

My reply even though knowing he was a gentlemen 'It doesn't matter dont have to' ....He responded with Please Pauline I went is such a long time and the last time I put a coat on a lady was my wife Helen....after he did this, there were tears in his eyes when he said..'Thank You'.

We meet people in our life for a reason, not always knowing why.

I came away from this meeting Peter with a lasting memory and this was mutually reciprocated seen in his correspondence, It was an honor to get to know the person and we would have stayed in communication  - it was because of the circumstances in my life tht I did not. not wanting to spoil a short friendship with a conflct that was evidently arising that would place me in conflict with a business relationship. 

I valued Peter sharing His Truth with me openly.

In the video above the soliders were still in his posession when I met Peter in  his home..This gentleman who has acted in many films will have known the script and other peoplels roles. He would know the moral of the story. He would be able to look at the big picture and in any war see both sides and possibly so much more.

The role of the actors are acting out a a role that might be far removed from their own. The value of this is to see and understand the message that is being given in the storylines. We did not ever discuss evil.

Kensington is identified - who inherited Peter's soliders I do not know? Who is the commander of war today....The blind battles being played  out today in real life do not consider the consequences.

Peter was evidently meant to create these soliders and to live his life accordingly. He has had an important role in the divine plan. Peter ws a gentleman who had one great love in his life...who he had to insist in his years of fame, that he put the coat on his wife, not them. He told me this. Peter the true gentleman.

As the documentary states, Peter an ethusiastic member of the toy soldier society collects, makes and acts as general to an army only 5000 strong. These troops from every period of military history are the result of meticulous research into uniforms and miliary techniques. 

Cushing often links hobby with film career, portraying leaders like the Black Knight and Alexander the Great, and then creating the minature armies of these historical characters. Many of these tiny replicas are made from compressed drawing paper, delicately hand painted and with detachable swords and helmets. 

Cushingi is not content to just sit down and admire them, he plays with them. He plays with them solemnly and conscientiously according tothe rules laid down on HG Wells famous book 'Little Wars' The title is described as 'a game for boys from 12 to 150 and for that more intelligent sort of girl who likes boys games and books.In fact the game has been and is played most soberly by distinguished people. 

It is said that Napoleon was an enthusiast. 

 'Played like a game of chess but more exciting, the battle area is first laid out to the players specications, and then in turn artilary, cavilary and infantry clash or take evasive action according to the players generalship and spirit. Altogether a fasinating test of ingenuity and more important, good marksmanship by gunners firing their toy shells, proving that playing soldiers is one game we never grow tired of.

With the war games taking place in our world...they are planned in advance. There is a strategy involved. There iare people being killed....Peter shows above that this is a game played by many distinguished people. And yet it is how there is repeating of history that is being reveled by the renactment too.

There was a long time ago - Posieden and Athena a conflict - Athena was chosen with bringing forth the Olive the end what God Wills to be done will be done. The end of the battles will come eventually. If the person who is governor over all sides is not a war monger...the battles will be over. 

The Bible writes of beating swords into ploughshares.

Someone said to me a few years ago a lady who said she was a medium, 'Do you know Peter, there is a man named Peter who is watching over you'....Years later I remember this...indeed he might be.

People come into your life for a reason..and vice versa!

Peter Cushing might have known about the occult and what people are doing i plans to the detriment of mankind. He was in a positon to use any knowledge for good...creating soliders out of paper - was this parchment? He was eager to speak on the antiwar poem and yet it was never meant to be world famous. 

Not long after our meeting, this is when I first heard 'antichrist' and asked someone 'who is the antichrist' This is when I was told my life was in danger from black magic and people had said that the antichrist is born in England  If the game players know the outcome they might try prevent it....

We are living in a time of spiritual warfare.. The creator of the seen and unseen knows who is evoking demons and whatever else 'they are planning to do. Strange that Wiliam and Kate said of all the powers they would wish for is the power of invisiblity. King Somon chose Wisdom....The primitive minds do not evolve..

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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