

Saturday 30 August 2014

Sian Green Lawsuit, Engagement, Recovery

Sian Green, left, was worried about whether her boyfriend William Lord, right, would still find her attractive after her leg was amputated. They are now planning to get married
Sian Green, left, was worried about whether her boyfriend William Lord, right, would still find her attractive after  her leg was amputated. They are now planning to get married

Miss Green's lawsuit against the city focused on the fact that Mr Himon's hack license should have been suspended before the August 20 accident because of prior driving violations.

Prosecutors told Miss Green in November that there was not enough evidence to demonstrate that Mr Himon intended to hit her. 

Passersby rushed to help Miss Green immediately after the incident. Plumber David Justino used his belt to make a life-saving tourniquet for her leg. 

They were also helped by celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz, better known on U.S. TV as Dr Oz, who hurried to the scene from his nearby office.

Mr Himon later told reporters he was so horrified by the incident that he didn't want to be a cab driver anymore.

Sian Green, pictured, has revealed she still struggles to deal with the memories of the incident. Now she wants to help other amputees by setting up her own charity

Sian Green - the name Sian meaning Princess of Asia.

Number 23 - a number that has been worn by top players, David Beckham, Wayne Ronney  even Rihanna on stage. The number is meant to grab out attention. This was no accident.

The Doctor on the scene celebrity Dr Mehmet Oz...

Sian Green, 25, from Blaby, Leicestershire, was sightseeing in Manhattan during a dream holiday, when she was hit by a cab and was later forced to have her lower leg amputated.

A year on from her ordeal, Miss Green, a fashion student at De Montfort University, has spoken of the harrowing moment she learned of a possible amputation as she was being rushed to hospital. 

vMiss Green was at West 49th Street last August when she was hit by the taxi, which severed her foot resulting in the amputation.

The Leicester beauty queen said the first she knew about her injuries was in the ambulance when a paramedic said to a colleague 'we have a possible amputee here'.

Miss Green said: 'When I heard the word "amputation", at that point I thought my life was over. I was ready to give up on everything.'

Incredibly Miss Green took her first footsteps in November, just three months after the incident

Incredibly Miss Green took her first footsteps in November, just three months after the incident

This is a situation that is not going to be silenced because Sian Green is setting up her own charity to help other amputees. She will surely get a lot of support - with a pretty smiling face and already a great deal of attention internationally.

The beauty queen with the name meaning Princess of Asia with William Lord, her partner, is a connection that I did not notice before at the time of this incident. Fortunately Sian Green is able to smile and she has realised while this experience rocked her inner would she has discovered a greater purpose.

With Queen Elizabeth holding the title Lord of Man and is toasted as so in the Isle of Man, has William taken over now..with people being subjects to overlords who are not divinely appointed, the Crowns of Asia are prevented to go from where they rightfully belong with ignoring the Holy Laws.

When Sian Green was injured, I had to go to Manchester 'to Torcross Road'. Before leaving sensed danger. I took with me my Holy Bible and placed it on the passenger seat. Driving up into Whitefield, a black van was up close behind me with the words written 'Dr Death' - muttering a prayer for God to Protect me and get me safely home,  next I looked a white van was there 'Healthcare Alliance ' and a white van pulled head with written 'Amtico' - My brother in America had a business with Amtico.....odd timing.

To and Fro I had to travel along Middleton Road and Sheepfoot Lane..As soon as I read about Sian being in this situation 'In New York' I knew it was not an accident instinctively. 

The day before, another article in the Daily Mail had published a photograph of David Cameron as if levitating a bycicle and I did not copy it because that image was copyright that might have evoked a reaction. In another article days afterward he was suffering with a very painful back,

Remember reading about someone saying whenever they make a wrong decision, they suffer with a painful back ....George Soros...(George a name, I read Charles will take when King - confusing) 

Soros ascribes his own success to being able to recognize when his predictions are wrong.
I'm only rich because I know when I'm wrong ... I basically have survived by recognizing my mistakes. I very often used to get backaches due to the fact that I was wrong. Whenever you are wrong you have to fight or [take] flight. When [I] make the decision, the backache goes away'
Sian Green was an innocent who was injured while on holiday sightseeing in New York. Let the people see that these incidents are not just accidents and know there are people who are wanting powers and manipulating powers, in this case possibily with intention to 'disable a Princess of Asia.

With the name Mehmet Oz, meaning Muhammad, of Oz arriving at the scene - Oz is also a name connected with Australia. We hearOz referered toin the Wizard of Oz too.

A few days ago I had a burning sensation above my left foot as if being cut...It might be with this article being publishes again to bring again the connections with my own experience that day.

It would be traumatic for most people to injure anyone...

NYC PAPERS OUT. Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpi

There is investigation to what really happened that day. 

The tax driver received a summons for filling out the wrong paperwork for his cab and briefly lost his hack license after the horrifying crash.

“Every day I pray for that girl,” Himon told the Daily News on Thursday. “I feel very badly for her ... I couldn’t sleep for two months.”

Vollero said the district attorney’s office was “sensitive to the trauma faced by Ms. Green and others injured in vehicular crashes.”

The tourist was mangled after a Sixth Ave. confrontation between the Bangladeshi immigrant cabbie and bike messenger Kenneth Olivo

Himon said the crash occurred after Olivo, 40, pounded on the hood of his cab and he lost control of the vehicle. Olivo said the cabbie deliberately tried to slam into his bike before hitting Green.

Surveillance video in the case showed neither man’s story panned out, according to a source. Olivo made a sharp turn in the cab’s path, with the taxi plowing into the bicyclist.

When Olivo landed on the hood of the taxi, the vehicle jumped the curb and struck Sian — with the whole terrifying incident lasting about three seconds, the source indicated.

Sian Green was reportedly filing a $27.5 million lawsuit for her injuries....It is odd in America lawyers are keen to ensure people who are injured are compensated - in England they prevent it! Not knowing any more detail in Sian Green's situation - her face is propelled into the publc eye and she might just have many lucrative offers to come her way before of this too. Strange how life is.

The rise of promoting cycling in England since this crash, is with the creation of new cycle tracks that look like narrow roads...again ignoring the people of danger it must be for a profit making agenda.

We might never know the truth of what happened that day. When vehicles go out of control, it might not be the drivers fault and there is too much focus to balme instead oftrying to disover what actuallyhappened. There are people in our world who know dark forces are at work...

Sian Green, pictured right, is now engaged to her boyfriend, William Lord, left

Young Sian Green Survived, this could  have been so much worse. When bad things happen to good people, this can make people stronger with a far deeper appreciation for the value of life. Some of the most inspirational people in our world have lost limbs and the use of their limbs.

A young life begining again, a engaged couple in love.

If this injujry has been by the cause of Black Magic - the date this happened in August 20. Number 20 is connected with Judgement Day. August is a name of Emperor and Augusta Empress.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

No copyright infringement intended. 

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