

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Supreme Court Lord Neuberger & New Laws

Writing away on another article, ranting and raving about the Law and how Justice has to be done in this land in an ethical and responsible manner....when another article was pubished that could relate.

If you can expand on the photograph the detail is clear.

Lord Neuberger is the President of the Supreme Court.

He is head of 12 men....Looking outside this building.

To the side of the doors the OMEGA symbol with a crown. Jesus has said I am the Alpha and the Omega - Supreme means supreme being, God is Supreme...The Lord Jesus Christ is a Supreme Being.

Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Revelation 22:12-13

Over the wooden door and across the windows are sculptures of people being on the upper floor that these people represent the upholding of the Supreme Court in the upper floor.

There are surely people in England who know of the stolen Acropolis Marbles - people who know these are connected with God's ancient government on this earth. (making no apoplogy for my ranting) Nevertheless, I am sure there ae people who understand Providence and by forcing the Hand of God they also force that God will ensure that His Plan will unfold in the best interest of everyone.

To each side of the door is a holding the sword of justice pointing downwards. The other detail cannot be seen clearly - they are standing on each side of the door with their heads lowered. The reminder that whomsoever enters into the court is seen from outside 'under the heavens' too.

In the visible upper sculpted archirtecure over the windows to the side a man is kneeling in front of a Lady with other people - that could indicate the person who is being shown honor and respect...and the people who agreen to uphold this establishment. The other side of the building is not seen at all.

With every fine detail being made especially, it would not do any justice to guess what is or analyse the detail further, without even being able to see what is presented clearly closerly....I used an application to soom into see what can be seen and share this here. The omega symbol is

The only other observation is a big wooden door...if this is an Oak door, the Royal Oak has significant in name and the Law being made that cannot ignore what has been happening in this land for decades, needs correction on a new establishment. The old establishment is not set to protect the people.

Everyone knows that Laws made by Royal Decree cannot be changed and yet when there is the corrupting of Biblical Law - as in the aspects of using the court by officials to commit crimes against people, knowingly to profit and get some sick twisted power ttrip, this is sufficient, to contribute to a new system.

However, it would be far more serious. It  has been written openly of being attacked and physically injured by invisible forces..might be evoked demons or by who have asked for the powers of invisbility. IF there has been any plot to kill someone..and I have had warnings already clear warnings, not identifying who 'they are' it really is not my interest because I know God sees and knows everything that is going on..

Blank cheque: Lord Neuberger, who is the president of the Supreme Court, said the Human Rights Act has given courts a blank cheque to make up the law

Blank cheque: Lord Neuberger, who is the president of the Supreme Court, said the Human Rights Act has given courts a blank cheque to make up the law

With what has happened to me personally, this is justification to start over.- and make no mistake, while I do feel sorry for myself I go on like a stuck record because of officials boasting of lawyers lying to be paid, police lie in court too and that puts the judgs in positions of breaking the law and being complicit in very serious crimes against humanity. 

It is sickening to listen to lawyers and police boasting of 'many innocent people in prison' If there are not NOBLE men of the highest integrity working within the judiciary, then not only can tyranny take hold so easily the door has been opened for the most terrible abuses imaginable. 

So many people do not trust the legal system becasue the system has been allowing 'oath taking officials' to abuse them...That will not always be the case. Corrupt officials are not always going to get away with their crimes...People must also learn that the court, which is now being used as some sort of bashing tool and one upmanship = even with custody battles with children - disregarding the purpose of the court and disregarding pesonal respopnsibility.

Just in this alone...two people bring a child in the world - they split up, does not mean the child becomes a tool to mash up their head and confuse to hurt the other partner. Many children are sought in custody battles because of financial gain and help from the government..

The structure in England has been very unkind to 'some' people and also robbed people of their inheritance...The establishment was set up long ago ...This is a new establishment.

'Lord Neuberger’s intervention comes at a time when the future of the Human Rights Act and the supremacy over British courts of the Strasbourg-based European Court of Human Rights are being questioned.

David Cameron’s July reshuffle shifted opponents of constitutional reform out of the Government and replaced them with eurosceptics who want to end the power of Strasbourg to give votes to prisoners or prevent the deportation of terror suspects. They also want to rein in British judges who use human rights to establish new law on privacy or assisted suicide.

The reshuffle has led to speculation that the next Tory manifesto will promise repeal of the Human Rights Act and its replacement with a British bill of rights.

Lord Neuberger is the leader of the 12 judges who have the final say in Britain on how the laws set by Parliament are interpreted'

Uncertain: Lord Neuberger¿s intervention comes as the future of the Human Rights Act and the supremacy over British courts of the Strasbourg-based European Court of Human Rights (pictured) are being questioned

Uncertain: Lord Neuberger’s intervention comes as the future of the Human Rights Act and the supremacy over British courts of the Strasbourg-based European Court of Human Rights (pictured) are being questioned
In seeing this image, a thought came to mind..the building of a new twin towers in it;s early stages. With regards to Human Rigthts Act this is what I have witnessed.

Lawyers have rushed to be trained in Human Rights Law and said 'that is were the money is to be made in future...Theseinclude lawyers I have approached for justice. In asking laywers to help in my situation, I have been asked to hand over thousands of pounds of cash as payment and told there is no guarantee they will take the case on = no justice assured either. There is no case to be analaysed..My rpofessional training was denied in court and the corrupt barrister ensured they could not be presented - forcing a judge to be complicit in crimes. My injury is documented on official recordsa nd treatments too.

Willl the Supreme Court be used to remove lawyers who are corrupt and refuse to work in the law courts orbe called as witnesses in court> Because if so..this is the begining to establish an ethical Court of Justice..which incidentlhy is the 7th Law given to Noah.....

The floods have been repeated......ignored not by all>

The people who make laws for common people to live by - that are contradictory to what God has commanded, especially regarding legal process - place themselves in a positon that even if they are a Monarch, they have chosen the law that they are to be judged by.

The People who have the God given right to live under Royal Law are people who are obedient to God and are clearly guided - in my experience that is not to go to war or permit injustice to anyone. .Wisdom in history has been valued. In the Holy Scriptures it is written.

Read below more on the New Court Establiishment.
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

No copyright infringement intended

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