

Tuesday 5 August 2014

They Gather Together Commemorating WWI

Astonishing sight: A sea of 888,246 red ceramic poppies in the Tower of London's dry moat was unveiled today by ceramic artist Paul Cummins - tomorrow will be the official opening

The battles for power have cost the lives of innocents - the same applies today. There are people in the world who beleive they have a right to Rule and take possession of land and resources - to control the lands and resource, Has anything changed when man wants to rule over God?

The Tower of London houses the Crown Jewels.

The Tower of London is also home to a Throne.

'A sea of 888,246 red ceramic poppies in the Tower of London's dry moat was unveiled today by ceramic artist Paul Cummins - tomorrow will be the official opening' - looks like blood. A reminder of blood that has been spilt...'Each of the 888, 246 poppies being placed in the Tower of London's moat represents a British soldier who died during the 1914-1918 Great Wa'r

Overcome with grief: Ten million soldiers died in the First World War, and more than double that number were injured
'Ten million soldiers died in the First World War, and more than double that number were injured' - a wall of remembrance with one solitary man standing.....(the reminder that there are people in our world who have carried out orders and innocents killing innocents - man turned against his own brother. The same is repeated in all these unholy wars) 

Giving thanks to Belgium: Prince William addressed the world leaders during the ceremony at the Cointe Inter-Allied Memorial at Liege in Belgium

Surely there comes a time when people say 'no more war' no more warlords. Has this time been reached yet? Is there still a military mindset who rule over these lands?

'Giving thanks to Belgium: Prince William addressed the world leaders during the ceremony at the Cointe Inter-Allied Memorial at Liege in Belgium'

(Liege is concerned with or relating to the relationship between a feudal superior and a vassal.- a feudal superior or sovereign.) The naming of places in history has been purposeful past and present time.

Never forgotten: Flowers are placed around the 'Grave of the Unknown Warrior' ahead of a candlelight vigil on August 4 at Westminster Abbey today. A candle to be lit there will be blown out as the war started 100 years ago

'Flowers are placed around the 'Grave of the Unknown Warrior' ahead of a candlelight vigil on August 4 at Westminster Abbey today. A candle to be lit there will be blown out as the war started 100 years ago.

The Prince of Wales, who is known as the Duke of Rothesay north of the border, attended a commemorative service at Glasgow Cathedral today alongside 1,400 guests

The Prince of Wales, who is known as the Duke of Rothesay north of the border, attended a commemorative service at Glasgow Cathedral today alongside 1,400 guests.

While there have been images published that have shown Charles laughing and pointing, this along with the faces of the people behind him shows a serious man - these people surely know of the innocents that will continue to die until all the wars are brouhgt to an end. 

David Cameron mentions the Kaiser being stopped. Kaiser is German for Emperor and the Holy Roman Emperor, Caesar could also mean Caesar) So with David Cameron speaking of the Imperial War museum, Imperial is also connected with the Empire -Emperor/Empress - Queen the Imperial Crown.

Meanwhile masses of people use foodbanks and struggle to get by..

Tribute: The Duchess of Cambridge lays flowers during a ceremony at the St Symphorien Cemetery in Mons
'The Duchess of Cambridge lays flowers during a ceremony at the St Symphorien Cemetery in Mons - watching on, William, Harry, David Cameron, king and Queen of Belgium, 

Meanwhile the sombre looking face of Charles is captured in  Glasgow revealing one of his most expressive moods, holding a poppy symbolic for the loss of life..The white topped hat is off, out of respect - the royals hats feature crowns, On Charles hat is white with a black rim, while on Harry's hat is black with a red rim. Every detail has significance. .

Prince Charles, Prince Of Wales, leaves Glasgow Cathedral following the memorial service clutching a poppy

While the 1400 strong people gathered together to attend the church service with the Prince - below paints a different story. Is the Queen praying for global Peace in our world and healing too?

Remembrance: Queen Elizabeth II (centre) sits in Crathie Kirk Church in Aberdeenshire for a service of commemoration to mark the start of the First World War

Remembrance: Queen Elizabeth II (centre) sits in Crathie Kirk Church in Aberdeenshire for a service of commemoration to mark the start of the First World War.

Pointing: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry on the balcony after a reception at Mons Town Hall in Belguim

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry attend a reception at Mons Town Hall in Belgium to commemorate the 100th anniversary of WWI

Stunning: The new memorial arch in Folkestone has been placed at the top of the hill leading down to the harbour where boats waiting to take the troops to battle
The new memorial arch in Folkestone has been placed at the top of the hill leading down to the harbour where boats waiting to take the troops to battle

Britain's Armed Forces: Prince Harry chatted to soldiers as he attended WW1 memorial events in Folkestone, Kent, today

Smiling Britain's Armed Forces: Prince Harry chatted to soldiers as he attended WW1 memorial events in Folkestone, Kent, today

The Prince of Wales - known as the Duke of Rothesay in Scotland - laid a wreath at the Cenotaph in Glasgow today

The Prince of Wales - known as the Duke of Rothesay in Scotland - laid a wreath at the Cenotaph in Glasgow today
Memorial: One hundred white crosses with names of some of those lost in the Great War stand in the New Zealand Parliament grounds in Wellington

New Zealand Parliament with 100 white crosses engraved with namaes of those who lost their lives. 

The Houses of Parliament, pictured taking part in a similar scheme in 2007, will be switching their lights off at 10pm tonight as part of an initiative to commemorate Britain entering the First World War

The Houses of Parliament, pictured taking part in a similar scheme in 2007, will be switching their lights off at 10pm tonight as part of an initiative to commemorate Britain entering the First World War

David Cameron reads the scriptures:

And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. Mark 10:44-45

The Son of Man gave up his life so God Almighty could rule over all of us equally. The breaking of the Holy Laws took place in history, this has been persistantly happening in England. The people who are not divinely guided by God in truth might easily corrupt the laws too..

In finding this video from  the Queen's Diamond Jubilee service 5th June 2012 - David Cameron gives the impression of being sincere in his faith reading the Holy Scriptures; yet since asked the House of Lords to change Royal succession laws.  

Ephesians 6 writes of spiritual wickedness. What is happening in this land is taking our world to a dark place  with the increase of armed police and  man made laws for profit - it is time to put on your armor of God. Pray for protection and think twice before picking up weapons of war, especially for any prince who has no regard for life or everyone's God given rights.

What is the truth of what is happening in other lands is known by David Cameron and the British royal family...Are any of these people sincere? Only God knows the truth.

So much spilled blood past and present time.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

No copyright infringement intended

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