

Thursday 14 August 2014

UKIP MEP Calls For Death Penalty - NO!

  • Louise Bours said there was no ‘ethical reason’ to keep child killers alive
  • The final executions in Britain were carried out on August 13, 1964 
  • It comes as a poll shows falling support for capital punishment
  • But public are still narrowly in favour of its reintroduction - by 45% to 39%

  • Read full article in the link below

    The momentoment there is the reintroduction of the death penalty in England in a land that has so much injustce and officials boast is a corrupt system, this places the peolple in danger from rulers and officials who already disregard the commandments of God in relation to succession to the crown, the rules for justice, and so much more.

    What a Las has been made by Royal Decree it cannot be revoked.

    It is by the authority and commandment of God that killing is forbidden.

    If officials do not understand Royal Law they can corrupt the law...or are they on the payroll to push whatever agenda the hidden puppet master is telling them to do...England = land of the antichrist. The A666 is named on land connected with the monarch.

    The cess pit of evil is not going to continue to be hidden...

    The Royals are not protecting people or the Holy Law.

    The blatant God mocking is evoking reactions...

    In History Kingdoms have been destroyed. 

    In history people have been set free from evil regimes.

    UK has been involved with 'illegal wars'. Think about it!

    Peace be with you
    Pauline Maria

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