

Friday 15 August 2014

US/UK - Is the Siege of Mount Sinjar Over?

The Daily Mail headlines page reads


Is the siege of Sinjar over? Cameron calls off Iraq rescue mission after thousands of Yazidis escape but says RAF is 'in place and available if needed

The photographs tell another story to know about

Displaced people from the minority Yazidi sect, who fled the violence in the Iraqi town of Sinjar, hold banners as they take part in a demonstration at the Iraqi-Syrian border crossing

Yesterday reading that the British establishment were going to go over and rescue 30,000 people. One Day David Cameron is going to rescue people then the next, the news report headline says the Yazidi people have escaped. What doesthe photograph say  - the message from the people.

Save Yazidis from Extermination.

Ask Europe to open borders for displaced Yazidis.

The article said RAF is in place and available if needed.

ROYAL AIR FORCE...The people plea to be saved from being exterminated. The world is watching - There are people who know the truth of what is happening...I am not there to know.

US President Barack Obama declared victory against ISIL in Iraq at Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, tonight

According to the report this image is seen and this is also written:

The US President said Islamist fighters had been stopped from massacring tens of thousands of Yazidis by missile strikes and humanitarian aid drops.

He said the US and UK had led a joint mission to provide emergency aid to the trapped refugees, while missile strikes checked the sweeping advance of ISIS militants. 

Mr Obama said terrorists were ‘killing and enslaving Yazidi civilians in their custody and laying siege’ to Mount Sinjar. He said: ‘Without food or water they faced a terrible choice – starve on the mountain or be slaughtered on the ground. That’s when America came to help.’

But he said: ‘We broke the ISIL siege of Mount Sinjar. We helped vulnerable people reach safety and we helped save many innocent lives.’

A joint mission is identified..two flags shown with golden eagles. Before President Obama was elected, I had a series of visions to write a film script - I thought. Never getting it down in that form every detail was clear...and America had a President with dark skin. I was standing in his office as he was packing was the end of his term..

Barak Obama is a Muslim who is also educated in Judea Christianity. Not everyone has had the opportunity to study and learn. Countless people are in ignorance. Not only is Barak Obama able to reach the masses of people from the Afican nations, he isalso a bridge to speak with people from  a Mulsim teaching too...It is nutrality that eases people to consider the situations they are facing and also gone are the days where people can be forced to convert religion because God is not a religion. He madesure this was the way..

There has been at different times two people who have served the world. This is shown in
In St. Petersburg, Russia in the poignantly named The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood,also  called the Church on Spilt Blood and the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, is it's official name.

In the pillars is shows two saints side by side, above two prophets - this is with the scroll to show they were given the Word of the Lord, and instruction to share with the people. 

We do not live in a universally English speaking world and so there is always more than one person who is serving the Lord in Truth at any one time. There is also shown to me in vison experiences, rays of light coming down from the heavens illuminating those people who are being guided to help save humanity.

What does it take to break the weapons of break the fighting if people is one question to ask. The next is with  the battles between tribes...a neutral person betwen people can be a mediator. And then what about those who lust after power and want to be rulers over people - they have not evolved spiritually. And what about the people who say God does notcommunicatewith women...? They might remain in ignorance.

In the photograph of Barack Obama it is written in the caption. President Barack Obama declared victory against ISIL in Iraq at Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, tonight

Islamic State In Levant - while Marthas Vine is in Massachusetts, USA. Martha was from biblical  times..Martha, from Bethany is the Sister of Lazarus and Mary. She was the first witness of her brother being ressurrected by Jesus from dead to being alive.

America has been built on Providence and Trust in God...

So please leaders, if you want to serve the people, help the people. Help the most needy, elderly and the vulnerable.Tke away the man made rules that bind people TO PAY Council tax.Poll tax or whatever else, on people of low income and none. Break the wizard wands of those who are causing destitution and forcing people out of their homes who are serving the Lord in Truth as has been shown.
The Yazidis have been reportedly threatened to convert religion - this is completely against what Prophet Muhammad instructed by the authority of the Lord 'until the end of time.

America was chosen as a land in the Divine Plan for a reason...but all is not entirely clear. Instead of seekingthe wisdom teachers - as the tribal chiefs in America have been...England has the royal God mockers while at Least Obama has quoted songs lyrics in his speaches ;for a reason;

New England is a region in the northeastern corner of the United States consisting of the six states of MaineMassachusettsNew HampshireVermontRhode Island, and Connecticut. New England is bordered by New York State to the west, Long Island Sound to the south, the Atlantic Ocean, the Canadian province of New Brunswick to the east, and the Canadian province of Quebec to the north.

Mount Sinjar - whre Noah's Ark is said to have settled.

In Holland a New Noahs Ark is built - Johan's Ark inspired in a dream by a Dutch man in Holland of a great flood. It is built by biblical proportions. The Lord has shown that he does have a sence of humor..The laws are connected with ships...He does not need one - He has chosen someone to build one and did to show the world that he can make anything happen with anyone he wants to.

What are the Laws that were given to Noah?

For years I spoken to establish the Court of Justice. THIS IS NOW DONE". - Next - structures to clean up the corrupton starting with all the officicers who work in the courts. Police, Lawyers and Judges too..Raise the standard of ethics and obligations..

My prayers and thoughts are for the help the people and to assist healing for thepeople, please God help to bring peace, forgiveness, compassion and love in our world between mankind. A world with hate, fear, oppression, igorance and people who disregard your authority is why we are suffering. Deal with the evil in your way...Build your kingdom on this earth in your way...(It is done..It is done) Amen.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria
No Copyright Infringement intended

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