

Monday 1 September 2014

CASTLE NEWARK: The Krueger-Scott Mansion NY.

Just being guided to find this excellent documentary.

Castle Newark...On the corner of COURT STREET.

New Ark - Ark of The Covenant.

With Krueger, Kruegerand came to mind.

A Castle on the Hill in New York. Castle Hill

I cannot be certain if seeing this interior in my dream as a restored property. What is most profound, the Lawyer with a family name connected with the Council of New Amsterdam was inside the house....The hallway seemed familiar..very strange..this is my personal process just sharing openly.

The front of the building are pillars as if Egyptian Obelysks with a face - a man and woman, ..The discovery of this is meant to be, with what is happening in our world and what is being revealed.

Such a lovely building - so many old buildings bieng destroyed when they could be restored to their former glory...they could be lived in - There are old churches just left and instead of being manintained and filled...Perhaps I am naive and an idealist...History tells a story, the good, bad and ugly.

A home uniting Africa America Germany with Scotland .

Louise Scott-Rountee is the daughter, of the last resident was self made entrepreneur Louise Scott who  relocated to Newark from South Carolina in 1938 Her daughter speaks, 'the story that she came and saw this house and said she was goling to buy it....  '

Louise Scott studied and established a chain of beauty salons in the area and became known in Newark as the first African American millionairess .....

A dynamic businesswoman who was encouraged to thrive...

What an amazing place - a hiistory that benefits women.

The house has been a home, a training school and became a'the Scott Cultural & Civic Centre  - using the house to host a variety of civic and church events. The home has had doctors surgery, dentistry, and even a day care centre..... she has even broadcasted radio shows.

The house was saved from being being demolished with programes, for that 'house to be wiped off the face of the map' - Mrs Scott had the house certified as a Historic Landmark.

'Louise Scott was an inspring model of perseverance and acheivement to the African American community in Newark, with her success symbolised with the 1958 purchase of the mansion from the Scottish Rite Masons'  - The house cost $85,000.  She paid in cash.

The Valley of Newark Scottish Rite Masons owned the mansion for nearly three decades.  Until the transformaton of use, the mansion had been owned by Beer baron Godfrey Kruger.

Godfrey Kuger was born in Germany in 1837 and emigrated to Newark at 15. He worked his way up to sweeping floors in his uncles brewry to forming his own company. 101 Belmont Drive is the address shown (in Bolton, England Belmont is also named as a District locally too)

Kruger was the first person to offer beer in cans..He 'established' a number of charitable organisations and holding public offices...'He was a wonderful very giving man.....He had gotten a great deal from his citizenship and had given a great deal back'

'The reason why HIGH STREET is named is because it is located at the highet point of Newark'

'The mansion has remained a symbol of potential, perseverance and success., for the German immigrant ceased upon the promise of the American dream, for the fraternal orginaisation who re-imagined the home and gave it a new purpose - for the self made woman who defied the odds to build an empire. - the legacy of the Kruger- Scot mansion is etched in its proud tower and crumbling walls. Grand and fragile, the house on the hill awaits its next incarnation.'

The Short documentary on the history of the Krueger-Scott Mansion in Newark, NJ. Film and music by Samantha J. Boardman. Copyright 2009 Clementine Productions, All Rights Reserved.
In England they have deliberately crushed a visionary....but this does not prevent progress continuing because people are inspired and will continue work towards empowering people. There will come a time when those who are keeping people down will be removed from their lofty posts.

In England Newark Castle is a ruin, in Nottingham Founded by Alexander, Bishop of Lincoln how established a mint at the castle. King John died at this castle on the night of 18 October 1216.

Nottingham 'Cottage' is named within the grounds of Kensington Palace, with Apartment 1a given to William and Kate Middleton...The Palace was named to be a Royal Palace. With Kensingon Court named in Bolton - the laws for profit are plenty that oppress and control people according to their unholy whims...

In Thornton Heath where I was born a few states are named as roads side by side., One being Carolina Road. Where also on Beulah Crescent is the Beulah Family Church,  land marks to be connected with Florida, Maryland, Carolina and Virginia USA...Go take a look on googlemaps :) ,

Remembering reading perhaps last year of a home that was built in New York for the Messiah return and then over time it was sold...No idea what the future holds for this home but on looking at the interior even in its state of disrepair that it could be made into a really lovely home again...

Then again...we do not know the future or what is meant to be because this house has provided some really important lessons to learn from...If the foundations of what is being built on top is not built on Christ and in truth, then the false foundations are going to be revealed too...Strange how this is ..

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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