

Thursday 25 September 2014

Deborah Dowager Duchess Devonshire Dies At 94

The Lady of Chatsworth House has died at the grand age of 94

Deborah, Dowager Duchess of Devonshire and last surviving Mitford sister has died at 94, her son said

  • Born Deborah Mitford in 1920, she was the youngest of the six Mitford girls
  • Prince of Wales paid tribute to her 'unique personality' and 'original approach to life' 
  • She had tea with Hitler, with whom her sister, Unity, was besotted, in 1937 
  • Married Lord Andrew Cavendish in 1941 and moved into Chatsworth House
  • Known as Debo, the Duchess had seven children of whom three survived
  • Her son, Peregrine, 70, became the 12th Duke when Andrew died in 2004 
  • They also had daughters Lady Emma, now 71, and Lady Sophia, now 57
  • After her husband's death, she left Chatsworth, Derbys, for nearby vicarage.

  • 'The couple had seven children, only three of whom survived.  Three of their children died within hours of being born, tragedies the Duchess bore with fortitude.

  • 'It was in the war and people were thinking of other things... but it was an awful blow for Andrew and myself,' she said.
    When asked how she coped, she said: 'How can you not?  You've got to if you're faced with these things.'
    While bringing up their children, the Devonshires were deeply involved in the management and planning of the 17th century stately home and its grounds, which was first opened to the public.
    She also set up and ran the successful Chatsworth Farm Shop on the estate where she sold local game, meat, eggs, cheese, fruit and vegetables. 
    Asked about her life on the estate, the Duchess once said: 'Well, it's not peaceful and it very often isn't quiet, but it is my life, my home and my work - everything I want is here.'
    The Duchess also helped to run the family's estate at Bolton Abbey in North Yorkshire.
    The Duchess was made Dame Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (DCVO) in 1999 for her service to the Royal Collection Trust.
  • The Duchess kept chickens, and would leave their eggs on Lucian Freud's doorstep when she visited London
  • A self-confessed 'devoted' Elvis fan who once bought an Elvis telephone from the singer's Memphis home, the Duchess one admitted she would rather do anything than go the opera. 
    Chickens were another of her passions, and when she visited London she would give their eggs to her friend, the painter Lucian Freud, often leaving them on his doorstep. 
    She was a staunch defender of country pursuits, speaking out against the Government's proposed ban on fox hunting in 2002, saying she and her husband would be prepared to break the law to allow the sport to continue on their estate.
  • The Duchess took on a major role in running the house and its 105-acre garden, while maintaining its extensive art collection. 

  • The Duchess, who has died at the age of 94, published the last volume of her memoirs, All In One Basket, in 2011 at the age of 91

  • 'When the Duchess' husband died in 2004, their son, Peregrine, inherited the Dukedom and she became the Dowager Duchess of Devonshire, moving a mile away to the old vicarage at Edensor to give the new Duke and his wife, Amanda, some space.
  • There she stayed, with her old butler Henry, looking after her beloved chickens, getting up in time for the shipping forecast at 5.20am, and continuing to publish family memoirs and collections of letters until three years ago.
    In a statement after her death, the Prince of Wales said: 'My wife and I were deeply saddened to learn of the death of The Dowager Duchess of Devonshire, whom both of us adored and admired greatly.
    'She was a unique personality with a wonderfully original approach to life, and a memorable turn of phrase to match that originality.
    'The joy, pleasure and amusement she gave to so many, particularly through her books, as well as the contribution she made to Derbyshire throughout her time at Chatsworth, will not easily be forgotten and we shall miss her so very much.

    Possibility of renouncing title

    ;In February 2010, the Duke announced his intention to give up his title if Hereditary Peers were removed from the House of Lords, He has in the past stated that "titles are meaningless because peers are no longer legislators".
    This was dismissed as "nonsense" by Lord Ferrers, who disagreed with the Duke's claims that the aristocracy was dead. It is not known how serious he was in his intention, but if he were to go ahead with his threat he would be known as Sir Peregrine Cavendish.'
  • English Aristocracy is very much alive with titles - but when laws are made to the detriment of people, that is not a structure of hierarchy that can be looked at with respect. If anything, I do not know what it will take to bring an end to the human rights abuses and violations happening to people. There is an evil that thrives - and evil that has no care or conscience who is harms and destroys. 
  • While the Duchess of Devonshire dies at 94 after a very full life, she was blessed in many ways and yet in her life and death we are to learn that peers are no longer legislators. Well who is?

  • Not knowing this lady, she perhaps Lady Deborah will have died with secrets and knowledge that has been handed down the generations. The family have preserved some truths too. 

  • My apologies the editing on this page has been playing up for a few weeks now and it is as if preventing me writing, most certainly causing a delay. Sharing this article above because this is evidently a lady who has been well known about and loved by the people who knew her well, especially her family. 

  • Some videos to learn more about this Lady in her life

  • A valuable short video to gain some insight to what is happening in England in this time. 

  • Deborah's sisters named Diana and Unity, names that are a reminder of history and healing too. Deborah is also a name of a Prophetess of God and the only female judge of Israel mentioned in the bible. Unrelated people who still bring relevant truths to light. 

  • The Swan Inn...Swinbrook near Burford.October 2010.

  • Documentary about the Dowager Duchess of Devonshire and the Asthall bell - 'This is the story of the Asthall bells recently hang in the church of Saint Nicholas.......' 

  • What is really interesting that when that terrible day of the World Trade Centre being destroyed, in 9/11 also in this Saint Nicholas Church was destroyed too. New bells and ringing for the Lord should be with the Glory of knowing that God is alive and that He does know who are faithfully serving him - not leading the blind to be blind. 

  • Everyone who calls themself a Christian has made a claim and willingness to be a helper of the Lord in His Kingdom and with sincere heart even if not always knowing the outcome, people will be guided in the right way. 

  • I noticed on the grounds of Chatworth House, Swiss Cottage has been named - also a location in London..Built as a gamekeeper's cottage, the building has now been completely restored by the Duchess, right down to the shelves of books on Swiss themes.

  • A little piece of Switzerland in England perhaps named accordingly. With Canton Depot named in Wales and Switzerland divided into Cantons - the complexity of how local authority collects taxes and administers  land laws, In Bolton with roads that map out the whole of the UK, on land that is named to be connected with Somerset and Devon, there is a connection in some way to t he Devonshire Estate. 

  • In Little Lever Bolton a church has been bought and named King's Church - Jesus Christ. Also what is named is the Racecourse Estate. Peregrine Andrew Morny Cavendish, 12th Duke of Devonshire is actually Her Majesty's Elizabeth II Representative at Ascot. 

  • The interconnections of people and names have a reason...

  • The Duchess left her mark in England and to her family memories. In the Church Deborah;s name  has made the Holy Bell to be ringing  and I hope for people in  England  can know the Living Lord. 

  • Peace be with you
  • Pauline Maria

  • No copyright infringement intended.

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