

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Prince Harry's 30th Birthday & A Look Into HIstory

'Hucknall historian Sarah Seaton looks at another royal offspring called Henry – who never became a Prince
WITH today the 30th birthday of Prince Henry Charles Albert David Wales – affectionately known as Prince Harry – I decided to delve deep into the history files to look at a lesser-known Henry, who was also born the son of a king but was never destined to be a prince.
This was Henry FitzRoy (1519–1536), the Earl of Nottingham and First Duke of Richmond and Somerset.
Henry was the son of King Henry VIII and his mistress of eight years Elizabeth Blount, who was a maid of honour to Catherine of Aragon. Henry was the only one of the King's illegitimate children to be recognised by him, possibly because after a succession of infant deaths and one surviving daughter by Catherine, young Henry was proof of the King's ability to produce a living male child
Young Henry was named after his father and given the surname FitzRoy (son of the King) so that there was no mistaking who he was. Henry was elevated to a peerage in 1525 aged just six; the first time since the 12th century that an illegitimate son had received this honour.
He was brought up in style and comfort as though he really was a prince of royal blood. Cardinal Thomas Wolsey took a special interest in the child, and when Henry became the Duke of Richmond and Somerset (an unprecedented double dukedom of equal weight) he gained lands and an annuity of £4,845. Other titles followed including Lord High Admiral of England, Lord President of the Council of the North, and Warden of the Marches towards Scotland, which gave him government of the north of England; he was also made Lord Lieutenant of Ireland with a plan to eventually crown him king of Ireland (this however was opposed by the king's counsellors).
Other ways to secure the boy's future were considered – even a marriage to his own half sister Mary. In 1533, aged 14, Henry married Lady Mary Howard; due to their age the marriage was not consummated, and Henry died in July 1536 aged 17 years. The cause of death was given as tuberculosis, the same illness that took his half brother Edward some years later.
Our own Prince Harry has been appointed as a counsellor of state and lived a much more modest lifestyle with a broader range of normal experiences such as visits to shelters for the homeless, aids clinics, McDonald's and Disney World insisted upon by his mother Princess Diana. As for marriage, the country is still waiting for news.'

This article appeared dated 14th September 2014.

A new chapter begins for this young man..Time will tell all.

Will he find real lasting love or will he be snared by the trap door.

With one article referring to William as Kaiser and Kate as Queen - Kaiser is German for Emperor or Caesar..A family who might lust after power before every fibre of their being being on serving and doing right by people.And while there are people who look to William and Harry as being their mother's son's this does not mean that they have inherited her character or her courage and determination. But they have had a mother who was strong and stood up for what was right and to go against that, they go against their own mother's life work.

If William was made Emperor his brother might be made King!

William can be easily manipulated. He is no fool though. Harry plays the fool and yet he is likely far deeper and behind the humor and irresponsible behaviour is a young man trying to find his way in this life.

Brothers can be like chalk and cheese. See the person, not the persona.

Remember, Jesus has not deceived any people..There are people who use the name of God in vain to further their own agenda and do so with smiles pretending they are divinely appointed when they are not! Harry has shown that he is willing to seek out advice and counselling about serious matters 'of the heart'/
It is not known if these boys ever had counselling ...Charles has!

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

No Copyright Infringement intended.

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