

Friday 26 September 2014

ISIS - UK Parliament backs air strikes in Iraq

The PM left Parliament tonight after MPs backed the Government motion authorising military action against ISIS in Iraq

Another war justification with the backing of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Interesting - two men in positions as servants of God and yet killing people is forbidden. Perhaps there is more at stake here - the godless ones being driven by power and why are they not speaking out about the return of Christ? Already David has said he does not have a direct line to God so from who is he taking his advice from?

Labour Leader Ed Miliband told the Commons that Labour would back military action but demanded a UN resolution before considering airstrikes in Syria

Quote: Labour Leader Ed Miliband told the Commons that Labour would back military action but demanded a UN resolution before considering airstrikes in Syria

Is this a script that has been repeated before people?

Outside Parliament, protesters held placards which read 'Don't Bomb Iraq' but inside the Commons MPs insisted the situation was different to theĀ 2003 invasion of Iraq ordered by Tony Blair

Quote 'Outside Parliament, protesters held placards which read 'Don't Bomb Iraq' but inside the Commons MPs insisted the situation was different to the 2003 invasion of Iraq ordered by Tony Blair'

What has changed - today witchcraft and black magic is being promoted. The wars based on lies endure. People who serve and are influenced by positions of power is a problem. There are people who value their titles and status before doing right by everyone. This is the problem in this land. Those who look down on the people as peasants, ignoring our voices and breaking laws, How easy they make decisions that result in death. What do they gain from this?

Banners have been erected on Abingdon Green opposite Parliament warning against further military action
'Banners have been erected on Abingdon Green opposite Parliament warning against further military action'=  NOT IN OUR NAME the banner reads and quite rightly so!

The Laws of the Universe apply and what is sent out must return. Will we see the death and destruction of the war mongers in this land? Eventually they will all perish.

The people who have gone down this war mongering path  people must also face the consequences and whether this is seen while living, most definately it will be known afterwards. It is a huge price to pay to give up your soul for gains and disregard the laws that even have protected officials who have shown they have little regard for the people in these evil times.

Enough is Enough if these Satanic Wars. If David Cameron feels so strongly in his powerful position he should go over in person and be a man and confront Jihad John...If he has evolved and actually does his homework, he will discover the British royals have their names attached to Islamic schools and if there is an agenda to rule the world by deception, this would explain the silence of Christ's return.

Britons have been involved in these massacres - so who are they serving - the Queen and her heirs. Did Kate Middleton marry to be THE QUEEN, was that the arrangement before the wedding?

How many people must be killed for people to be in power?

As for the Minister of God in England which God is he serving?

It is most terrible what is happening in our world but I will tell you about my argument with someone only yesterday. A man who admits to being the devils advocate asks me will I defend myself if someone was to kill me, My thoughts are the body is just a vessel that will perish one day anyway - if I was to defend myself with a gun, what if 50 or 100 more men arrived with guns. People are reacting out of fear and propaganda when really we must ask what are these wars and retaliation really all about?

The armed police are serving the Dark Lord! Only a few years ago introduction of guns was being planned, followed by Tazers and now real guns.  This is NOT a Christian Country with this evil!

Break the wizard wands and try understand why God said if ever there is to be a King over the Israelites He will choose that person. There are men who portray to be serving God and yet if they were sincere in their faith and respected the Power and Authority of God they will Pray that HE  is the one who brings the end of the war in our world and they all SUBMIT TO HIM. Wolves in sheep's clothing!

The ISIS killing is evil and with the Katy Perry 'Killer Queen' Perfume being unrelated, perhaps there is someone wanting to be made Queen who thinks nothing of killing people for power. Levant is a region in the Middle East. The interest for any military action over there might be a political gains motivation.

Armed police patrol the streets outside the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, as MPs debate the military response to the terror threat posed by ISIS

Are the blind sheep in England cast under a spell?

Christians are being persecuted and killed because of the God mockers. There are officials in England who do not really care about who gets killed and THAT IS THE PROBLEM in this World.

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said :

'The action proposed today is right.'
But he warned: 'We must not rely on a short term solution, on a narrow front, to a global, ideological, religious, holistic and trans-generational challenge.
'We must demonstrate that there is a positive vision far greater and more compelling than the evil of Isil ...
'Such a vision offers us and the world hope - an assurance of success in this struggle - not the endless threat of darkness.' 
Justin Welby should view the film 1984 by George Owell.

If Justin Welby was sincerely guided by Christ, Jesus would have revealed himself to him personally and spoken to him - as he has revealed himself to me in  dreams and visions when calling out his name in my weakest times. I doubt that Jesus would tell the minister to go and kill his own family in another land because this is what is happening overseas.

And as for the Muslims, after a prayer to God to ask how I can help to assist peace in our world, Prophet Muhammad appeared alive in a dream - he was surrounded by water and I am not sure if there will be a great flood. The next day I was guided 'in an email link' to his letter at Mount Sinai with this message to all Muslims and the instructions that are given.

There are extremists in our world reacting to warmongers.

There are beheadings that have taken place and filmed reports that have shocked the world. How many millions of people have been killed in wars for political agenda? Link below.

It is known that Prophet Muhammad was made guardian of the world in his time as he addressed all the leaders at the time. He had an experience of being taken up to heaven meeting the Lord and being instructed by Him. I believe this is so. And since, God has always ensured that his people are looked after, but there are those who would rather destroy the truth and rule over lands and people to their detriment. This is happening in England!

The Kohinoor diamond that is seatedin the crown of Queen Elizabeth II it is said, whoever is the possessor of the Kohinoor becomes the possessor of the world. If the Queen is sincerely preserving this world for Jesus Christ then there would be no war, but a willinginess of all who claim to be serving God to come together without war to the same end.

Perhaps I am just an idealist - NOT A WARMONGER.

Please take a look at the death toll statistics below.

Pacts made with Satan for power? What is the death toll so far?

War brings retaliation, then war then retaliation. And in the meantime there are people who claim they are Kings by the Grace of ~God -implying by divine right. They did not give anything to people. If anything the rights have been taken away from people and the people do not even know this to be sol

Subjects of the Queen her heirs and successors? It does not identify which Queen - whereas before there was specific identification. As the message given to me is the people who rule over lands and people by deception have no right to rule at all. Blatant  God mockers here in England!

Blessed are the peacemakers 'everywhere  our world

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

No copyright infringement intended.

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