

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Remember The Father of All - Message Sunday 21st September 2014

There have been delays and obstacles to writing this message

This is the message written down word for word. 

This message was given after my dream seeing Jesus on a boat and arriving on the Holy Land, with the children saying three times 

'The Messiah is here The Messiah has come' - identifying Jesus by seeing him in this dream.

With my focus on Jesus I asked for what he wants me to know:

My sweet one, you are impatient with me and yet you wait patiently. I have shown you the truth now so you can see my return is imminent with reason to correct what is wrong. A great number suffer because of ignorance and yet trust is given to the few who can be responsible. Trust in me dear one because I have placed my trust in you Pauline. Let the light shine forth now.
Even though you are not good in health, I will restore your rightful place as my servant and helper with love for me as I am grateful for this. The people will remember me once more and through me remember The Father of all.
Darling I thank you for this and so we go on and conquer with love and not fear. We uplift the souls to where they are meant to be - not lost souls that are guided to be to a place of no return.
Thank you dear one. Thank you from the Father and he is sorry you suffered so harshly but you were always going to become stronger in your spirit, even if your heart is feeling pain. 
Let go and let the light from the heavens do the rest. Give me your hand dear one and I will lift you up again. How you need me but yet did not call for me except to help heal and save humanity.
So many suffer and will return once they realise I have never gone too far without leaving my loved ones with people who can be trusted to take care of them. 
Your prayer has been much needed in this difficult time. Hang on dear one. The war is not over but the battle will be won by the light because the shadows cannot hide any more. There is no where to run and hide any more and the evil one will be whipped into the right way or banished forever. 
They will cry out of fear and yet their terror to people is inexcusable. 
Let the perpetrators of abuse be frightened and the evil perish as I have written.This will be for what must be done is with warnings given long ago. There are warnings not to harm my anointed ones - my helpers and you are one. 
Trust in me dear and rest now because you are exhausted. The holiday you need now will be a period of peace in your life and then the work begins again. I need you to shine a light for me and light the lamps and hearts of people - tell them to do the same.
Love the stranger and teach love and then the stranger will know love. This is the message of the new generation. Show care to remind people how to care and feel compassion, for a wave of love flows when compassion is felt. 
Sweet one be gentle on yourself now and then you will be able to give the same advice to other people. In this brave new world I seek gentle hearts.
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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