

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Jesus Message 10/10/2014 - I Am Here With You

This morning I was thinking about the fires that are revealed to be connected to Saint Mary - the schools and churches - there were an abundance of these last August and a fire also in Winsdor Austalia too. Jesus knows the cause and reactions. He knows the truth of what is happening. He warns not to harm the anointed ones - the people who are called and born to keep the truth alive.

Then words from song 'I am alive' came to mind hearing 'When you call my name....'

Than afterr this I just closed my eyes while laying down facing to the right and said 'Oh Jesus'....This is the message that I heard in reply to my voice calling out to him from my heart.

 I am here with you and am never going to leave you. I want you to know that I live for you. Baby, please understand why I am here again to put wrongs right. You will live for me in my heart forever more. You will see when I arise out of the depths of your heart that love cannot be broken. I forgive and forgive you so easily knowing you are blameless in your ways. You try to correct the wrong and yet you cannot change what has gone on before. Live with me and for me darling and I will live for you eternally. Love keeps me alive. I love you darling one and my love is for everyone. Tell them this and then they may understand I am theirs too. There is nothing else to say today my love. Just know that I love you. Your Jesus is here for you when you call out my mame. Be still and live in peace.

Writing down the message word for word and dated is to keep the record and noting the date 10/10. In the Holy Scriptures it is written:

"I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. "I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.' John 10:9-11

But the Lord is the true God; he is the living God and the everlasting King.
At his wrath the earth quakes, and the nations cannot endure his indignation. Jeremiah 10:10

Being guided to find this message on Youtube

The title is a Word from Jesus to His Bride

There are more messages given and shared openly, you may access these by visiting the channel on youtube for these.

The Windows of Heaven Have Opened For My Bride

Back in August 8th 2012, I had a lucid dream looking to the most glorious universe. Wanting to have a camera to take a photograph to share here, In this dream a big Egyptian blue eye appeared and also an astrolabe with the sun and moon cycles in the heavens. Waking up 'eye of Isis' came to mind. And divine timing under the universal laws.

Complete infususion of My Bride, Spirit to Spirit

Your King Is Come! (The Word from the Lord)

On 14th February 2014 - Saiint Valentines Day, I had an epiphay - Jesus was standing on a mountain top with his arms raised. He was illuminated and radiating light from his being, dressed in a long cream tunic, without a crown on his head. From above the light of the heavens was radiating down upon him and shining in rays in different directions to reach all over the world. I am not the only person who has seen this. Upon opening my eyes 'Christ is Victorious'  came to mind.

Being strategically placed has shown since 2012, when for a few years before Thornton Heath kept coming to mind (Lord Leverhulme too - for He is connected with the House of Lancaster) Lord Leverhulme also owned Thornton Manor and also the building that houses the Foreign and Commonwealth office.

Being born on Beulah Crescent a circular road with Beulah Family Church this is connected with the Isrealite tribes - The Beulah Family. Today living facng Moses Gate Country Park - there Rock Hall is named and Moses was chosen 'because of His Tribe and what he would do. He married a lady of Ethiopia and bring the people from Africa to the family through him to Christ. Moses eldest brother Aaron was a Prophet and his sister Miriaum a Prophetess. Each has had a role to continue the faith in the generations.


Please pray for the messengers who are serving the Lord bringing His Truth to people around the world today. We are some of suffering physical injury - even by invisible forces. There are also people who have 'asked for powers to be invisible' to do harm to the anointed ones. They will not succeed in the end becaue evil is going to be destroyed. The bruises are very real from the UNHOLY Bloodline!

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

More video messages from this channel below

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