

Sunday 7 September 2014

La Redoute UK presents ‘The Language of Love’

La Redoute UK presents ‘The Language of Love’the 

There is a part of our being that understands...and a heart that is with love, resonates with the vibration of love...When a message is being delivered with the intention of love, it is not forgotten.

Of the multitudes of mums in our world, not every woman feels loved, appreciated and fulfilled as a woman and yet, the most important role that a woman will hold is being a mother to her child. And sometimes it takes children to realise that in noticing the courage, trials, the struggles and heartache a mother goes through, even to keep her child safe and on the right track often can also fail..

There has been a structure and mindset that has been breaking down families and yet sometimes it takes a complete stranger to be the facilitator to bring people who really do love and are connected by this deep bond - for adults to realise that being too busy about what does not have so much importance, when quality time together, nurturing children and being there is more important than washing the dishes. 

If a man grows up not being comfortable to express his true heart, how is he going to be able to love and show love to a partner and his child. If a child is facing a parent who has the barriers up - how easily a child can feel that they are being pushed away when this really is not the case. Bridging the gap to heal misunderstandings and broken hearts, makes way for paving a foundation where there is love flowing, and blossoming in relationships and family life. Such bonds are not so easily broken (it takes time).

A world where people put what they can gain before what they can give, is the cycle of divide and distrust in people and yet if we just take awsay the material aspect, caring and sharing and a hug can be given - who is the initiator really does not matter. Caring and sharing is being mutually reciprocating in the moment. Caring is a feeling from the heart and love in energy that flows wherever it flows..Don't block it.

If boys are brought up on love and to love, they will not even be interested in war. The children and childrens children of the peacemakers in this world continue to sustain balance in this world. One of the greatest gifts we have been given is the miracle of life and that is for each and everyone. Treasure life.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria 

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