

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Highland Games Queen & Scotland Independance.

Prospect of partition ‘horrifies’ Queen Elizabeth

Queen ‘horrified’ at possible yes vote

Quoting: 'THE Queen has “a great deal of concern” that Scotland will vote for independence and is receiving daily updates on the situation.
Palace aides, ministers and MPs close to the royal family said the Queen was a firm unionist and revealed that the prospect of a “yes” vote “horrifies” her.
Senior sources said a victory for the nationalists would plunge the monarchy into the “uncharted territory” of a constitutional crisis.
Alex Salmond, Scotland’s First Minister, has said the union of the Scottish and English crowns, dating back to 1603, would not be affected by a “yes” vote to dissolve the union created in 1707.
A YouGov poll revealed yesterday that 54 per cent of Scottish voters want the Queen to remain head of state, with 31 per cent preferring an elected figurehead. In Britain as a whole just 45 per cent think she should remain the Scottish head of state.
Palace aides are unnerved by the uncertainty about what could follow. A source said: “If there is a ‘yes’ vote, that puts us into uncharted territory constitutionally. Nothing is certain. Her being queen of Scotland is not a given.”
An MP close to the royal family said the prospect of independence “horrifies the palace”. Royal aides said Queen Elizabeth was receiving daily updates from Christopher Geidt, her private secretary, and cabinet secretary Jeremy Heywood.
Palace aides said the Queen was concerned about what independence would mean for the Church of Scotland. She is bound by oath to preserve the church in Scotland.
There are also concerns over the future of the Palace of Holy­roodhouse in Edinburgh — the official residence of the monarch in Scotland since the 16th century, where the Queen spends a week every summer — despite “yes” campaign assurances it will continue to be used as normal.
Yesterday she was due to ­receive David Cameron at Balmoral and attend church with the Prime Minister.
Downing Street strategists hoped pictures of the Queen and Mr Cameron together would boost the unionist cause.
Buckingham Palace insisted the Queen was “strictly neutral” in the independence debate but admitted she was taking a “close interest” in the events.'
Queen Elizabeth, seen with her husband, Prince Philip, could remain head of state even if Scotland votes for independence later this month.
In another headline it is written : Independant Scotland could retain Queen Elizabeth.
It is not known how long the Queen will live or even how sincere isher heart. She is in a time of her life when she needs to be putting her house in order as in to prepare facing the Judgment of the Lord as we all do...It is unknown if the Queen is being divinely guided by God knowingly, or if she relies on advisors with family plans.
In 1977, Queen Elizabeth II addressed the British Parliament on the eve of a vote on Scottish “devolution” that led to the re-creation of a separate Scottish Parliament in 1999.
“I number kings and queens of England and of Scotland and princes of Wales among my ancestors,” the queen said, “and so I can readily understand these aspirations. But I cannot forget that I was crowned queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.”
“The royal family have understandably kept away from voicing their opinions on the issue of Scottish independence,” says Peter Hennessy, a professor of contemporary British history at the University of London’s Queen Mary college. “But the queen knew what she was doing when she said that, and I thought that was profoundly her.”
The Queen who has shown to be involved in playing the Game of Thrones, there is far more going on than we realise. Strategic locations and the Keepers of the True Light versus the servants of Satan work side by side in these times.The choice is of the individual and free will was given to everyone.
However, what is most important,the Queen who was crowned on 2nd of June 1953 had an unbreakable obligation and a willing choice to preserve the Church of God through Jesus Christ and this Kingdom accordingly. 
When God rules over one land, He rules over all lands. 
The Crown wearer is a symbolic reminder of this!
People might remember Muhammad Al Fayed speaking about Diana being murdered by the British establishment. What is most significant he also spoke of the connection to Egypt and this is something we cannot ignore.
'As an Egyptian with links to Scotland, Al-Fayed was intrigued enough to fund a 2008 reprint of the 15th century chronicle Scotichronicon by Walter Bower. The Scotichronicon describes how Scota, a sister of the Egyptian Pharoh Tutankhamen, fled her family and landed in Scotland, bringing with her the Stone of Scone. According to the chronicle, Scotland was later named in her honour. The tale is disputed by modern historians. Al-Fayed later declared that "The Scots are originally Egyptians and that's the truth." 
The Stone of Scone sits underneath the coronation throne. 
'Scota, in Irish mythologyScottish mythology, and pseudohistory, is the name given to two different mythological daughters of two different EgyptianPharaohs to whom the Gaels traced their ancestry, allegedly explaining the name Scoti, applied by the Romans to Irish raiders, and later to the Irish invaders of Argyll and Caledonia which became known as Scotland.'
The Stone of Scone is also known as the Pillow of Jacob where he lay down his head and had a dream of the stairway to heaven - as Jacob was to become the Patriarch of the Israelites,there have been promises made to the people from the ancient times that must be fulfilled.
In this timeline, history is being made known. 
Scotia's Grave is in County Kerry Ireland. Notice Nova Scotia is named in Canada and with the Queen also being Queen of Canada this stays connected. Elizabeth II is the preserver of the Church - or at least should be. God is the preserver of the people and she has been entrusted accordingly. 
Scotland - Scota-Land, High Lands - God's Lands.
God has to deliver these lands out of Satan's hands! Not by war, not by might - but by the Spirit of the Lord all will be made Right!
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria
No copyright infringement intended

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