

Sunday 21 September 2014

Smyrna Fire 1922: Prince Andrew Windsor Fire 1992

There are sometimes unrelated events that are connected and it is looking deeper, beyond what is presented to understand why it is important to discover what is relevant. Connecting the dots is with information that falls into place and what also makes sense. In my constant search for truth and understanding, being asked to be guided in the right way in prayer focus, is with also information coming my way to understand

The other day after my message from Jesus I was shown he was in a boat with a woman in a dream. There was no room for luggage - except in my dream inside the boat was an ;Osprey London bag and boxes of papers - perhaps these were my legal papers 'evidence of persistent refusal for justice that prevails in UK. Divine justice comes in the way everyone least expects it but it is known when it happens.

The destruction of Smyrna was observed by Prince Andrew,who watched on from a ship 'that officials refused desperate people to climb on board for safety. This happened while  people in Smyrna were being massacred and followed with the Greek quarter of the city being burned to the ground.

The name is vitally important because it is identifying Victoria as a Queen and Solomon being a King of Israel. For when the names are passed down in generations, this can also be revealing.

Recently I was listening to a lady named Victoria Solomonidis speaking. Even though she was not born in Smyrna, she says she is from Smyrna, where my Greek grandmother's family came from. The name is vitally important because it is identifying Victoria as a Queen and Solomon being a King of Israel. For when the names are passed down in generations, this can also be revealing.

Smyrna is also the homeland of Aristotle Onassis. Aristotle Onassis did not seek fame - he became famous particularly with his relationship with Maria Callas. There is the publicised marriage with Jackie Kennedy and the courtship of the political class - would they be interested if he was not wealthy? The people of most importance to Onassis were son Alexander who was killed 'in a freak plane crash' and daughter Christina Athina, daughter of Christina was given as within Greek Tradition to continue names in the family, having her grandmother's name. (maintaining oral genealogy is something enduring in the East).

There are ships named. Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary 2. There is a Royal bloodline that has been forgotten about and perhaps even been ignored - especially in England.

The Queen Mary 2 was named by the Queen and Prince Philip in January 2004 when it became the flagship of the Cunard fleet. - so it would make sense that both the Queen and Prince Phillip appear together in my dream in the Jubilee year in connection with a crown 'and Greece'

In looking at the list of RMS - there are two Windsor Castle ships identified.Union-Castle line. The first built in 1922 and was sunk by enemy action in 1943. The second was built in 1960 and scrapped in 1998.

It was in 1922 the great fire at Smyrna took place. 1960, the year of my birth, the Queen gave birth to her third child and second son - Prince Andrew was born on 19th February 1960. 

The great fire at Windsor Castle in 1992 was with a reason. Sometimes these fires happen to say it is the end of what was 'destroying the power' for a reason we might not know or understand. God Knows! The fire starting in the private chapel indicates that this is about the House of Prayer in England. 

Prince Andrew happened to be in the castle at the time.

For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw— each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. If the work that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward. If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire. 1 Corinthians 3:11-15

The Holy bible identifies 7 Churches of Revelation. The crown of life is promised to the angel of the church of Smyrna. And while the crown of all nations (being given to Jesus Christ) is identified with Thyatira) the stolen Acropolis marbles were renamed the Elgin Marbles - Elgin is in Scotland. The Acropolis being the seat of God's government on earth, in Smyrna there was also an Acropolis too.

Modern Smyrna is still the largest city in Asia Minor, with a population of about 250,000, of whom half are Greek and less than one-fourth are Mohammedans. Its modern name is Ismir.

New Smyrna developed simultaneously on the slopes of the Mount Pagos (Kadifekale today) and alongside the coastal strait immediately below where a small bay existed until the 18th century. (After the great fire the refugees who arrived by boat to Athens, formed New Smyrna in Greece. Also since Smyrna has been named in America so the truth does not completely remain hidden)

Kadifekale (literally "the velvet castle" in Turkish) is the name of the hill located within the urban zone of İzmirTurkey, as well as being the name of the ancient castle on top of the same hill.

'In 2007, the metropolitan municipality of İzmir started renovation and restoration works in Kadifekale.
Reading a little about history and the Asian Jewish community.
'Saint Ignatius of Antioch visited Smyrna and later wrote letters to its bishop, Polycarp. A mob of Jews and pagans abetted the martyrdom of Polycarp in AD 153.[10] Saint Irenaeus, who heard Polycarp as a boy, was probably a native of Smyrna.[10] Another famous resident of the same period was Aelius Aristides.
Polycrates reports a succession of bishops including Polycarp of Smryna, as well as others in nearby cities such as Melito of Sardis. Related to that time the German historian W. Bauer wrote:
Asian Jewish Christianity received in turn the knowledge that henceforth the "church" would be open without hesitation to the Jewish influence mediated by Christians, coming not only from the apocalyptic traditions, but also from the synagogue with its practices concerning worship, which led to the appropriation of the Jewish passover observance. Even the observance of the sabbath by Christians appears to have found some favor in Asia...we find that in post-apostolic times, in the period of the formation of ecclesiastical structure, the Jewish Christians in these regions come into prominence.
In the late 2nd century, Irenaeus also noted:
Polycarp also was not only instructed by apostles, and conversed with many who had seen Christ, but was also, by apostles in Asia, appointed bishop of the Church in Smyrna…always taught the things which he had learned from the apostles, and which the Church has handed down, and which alone are true. To these things all the Asiatic Churches testify, as do also those men who have succeeded Polycarp.
Tertullian wrote c. 208 AD.
Anyhow the heresies are at best novelties, and have no continuity with the teaching of Christ. Perhaps some heretics may claim Apostolic antiquity: we reply: Let them publish the origins of their churches and unroll the catalogue of their bishops till now from the Apostles or from some bishop appointed by the Apostles, as the Smyrnaeans count from Polycarp and John, and the Romans from Clement and Peter; let heretics invent something to match this.
Hence, apparently the church in Smyrna was one of only two that Tertullian felt could have had some type of apostolic succession. During the mid-3rd century, however, changes occurred in Asia Minor, and most there became affiliated with the Greco-Roman churches.
When Constantinople became the seat of government, the trade between Anatolia and the West diminished in importance, and Smyrna declined. The Seljuk commander Tzachas seized Smyrna in 1084 and used it as a base for naval raids, but the city was recovered by the general John Doukas. The city was several times ravaged by the Turks, and had become quite ruinous when the Nicaean emperor John III Doukas Vatatzes rebuilt it about 1222.'

Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark had one son, Prince Phillip who was to become husband to Queen Elizabeth and made Duke of Edinburgh.

Writing just a little of history - Notice the date 9/11.
Dissatisfaction with the progress of the war led to the 11 September 1922 Revolution, during which Prince Andrew was arrested, court-martialled and found guilty of "disobeying an order" and "acting on his own initiative" during the battle the previous year. Many defendants in the treason trials that followed the coup were shot, including Hatzianestis and five senior British diplomats assumed that Andrew was also in mortal danger. Andrew, though spared, was banished for life and his family fled into exile aboard a British cruiserHMS Calypso.The family settled in a small house loaned to them by Andrew's wealthy sister-in-law, Princess George of Greece, at Saint-Cloud on the outskirts of Paris.
In 1930, Andrew published a book entitled Towards Disaster: The Greek Army in Asia Minor in 1921, in which he defended his actions during the Battle of the Sakarya, but he essentially lived a life of enforced retirement, despite only being in his forties.During their time in exile the family became more and more dispersed. Alice suffered a nervous breakdown and was institutionalized in Switzerland. Their daughters married and settled in Germany, separated from Andrew, and Philip was sent to school in the United Kingdom, where he was brought up by his mother's British relatives. Andrew went to live in the South of France
My Greek grandmother said,'We forgive but we do not forget.
The Windsor fire took place in a time when Charles was in a relationship with Camilla. Plans were being made to the detriment of people. Wars are already planned well ahead by man....
Ever wonder why there are people who  hate Christians who know that God has forbidden the killing of any people. The monarchs have armed Christians..Since the ancient times - Orthodox Christians and Orthodox Jews have been forbidden to take up arms and are exempt  going to war. 
If anything - we see who is sincere and who has failed the test of Faith! How can anyone be a servant of God though Jesus Christ when waving wizard wands towards the heavens mocking HIm?
In the Windsor Fire there was the careful removal of the priceless art, carpet and gold furniture.Now in Buckingham Palace displayed is an art collection. The revenue collected from Buckingham Palace is said to be £50 million a year and put towards maintaining the art collection. No coincidence that Kate Middleton is made Royal Patron of the Art Room (with media reports of succession secured)

The bible has written about secret treasure stored up:

"I will go before you and make the rough places smooth; I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars. 3"I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden wealth of secret places, So that you may know that it is I, The LORD, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name. 4"For the sake of Jacob My servant, And Israel My chosen one, I have also called you by your name; I have given you a title of honor Though you have not known Me.…Isaiah 45:2-4 

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria
No copyright infringement intended

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