

Friday 10 October 2014

Hannah 23 & David Killed: Funeral Reveals Why

With every tragedy, catastrophe and life that is taken there is something to learn and one thing to understand is that life, precious life that has been given from a far higher power, can easily be lost too.

In this case two people were reported murdered in Thailand.

The report  writes in the Daily Mail of the funeral in England.: Backpacker Hannah Witheridge was murdered in Koh Tao on September 15 alongside Briton David Miller, 24. 

Tragic: The 23-year-old backpacker was found on a beach on Koh Tao on September 15 alongside murdered Briton David Miller

Tragic: The 23-year-old backpacker was found on a beach on Koh Tao on September 15 alongside murdered Briton David Miller

'Mourners wore flowers in their hair and donned bright, colourful clothing as they paid tribute today at the funeral of a British backpacker who was murdered on a beach in Thailand.'

Bright: Scores of people, many in tears, arrived for the service in bright, colourful clothing, as requested by Miss Witheridge's family

A white horse-drawn hearse with a mounted police escort took 23-year-old Hannah Witheridge on her final journey from her family home in Hemsby, Norfolk, to what her family had touchingly called 'Hannah's party'
Hundreds of mourners lined the street as the cortege made its way along the 15-minute route to a packed-out St Mary The Virgin church, where dozens spilled over into the churchyard to listen to the service on speakers'

Miss Witheridge's family, pictured above, had wanted to create an atmosphere similar to a wedding and had asked for horses because of the young woman's love for the animalsĀ 

Notice there is a reflection of a young girl is seen in the carriage - as if a Princess going to her wedding.
The white horses and carriage, like something we would see in a fairytale and yet in this day of loss, the family made sure this occasion would celebrate here life. A new journey begins for Hannah and David that is beyond this world, where the soul will go on.

Access the fill report with more photographs in the link below.

What a special gesture to make the day for Hannah as one that is remembering with love and light - with the circlets of flowers, the crown rings that unite people spiritually together.

The number 23 is highlighted yet again and  Asia - Thailand is in Asia. Hannah is a Jewish name, with the Anglicised name being Anna or Anne. Princess Hannah wearing her spiritual crown.

The funeral took place at St. Mary, The Virgin Church. The name of the mother of the Virgin Mary is Saint Anne - Hannah. The connection here is shown and the memories being shown in this tragedy.

Israel is also geographically named in Asia too.

With David also being killed, the man chosen to be King of Israel - the 8th born son was also named David. He was not expected to be King. Jesus is born in this family - a descendant of King David.

Princess Anne, the Queen's daughter also lives in Norfolk where the funeral was held. The British royal family trace their lineage back to King David, from whom Jesus Christ is a descendant..

In this timeline, particularly sensitive people are being spiritually guided - divinely guided. There is a spiritual connection between family and friends. We are united in our family lines. The branches of tree are all coming together to remember where we all came from and inspiring other people with love.

We do not understand why God can allow evil to happen and people seemingly get away with it. They do not. We do not see the bigger picture and we do not know the cause. He does!

All the loved ones lost are like anchors to remind us of the world beyond. And in pain and loss, people seek God who brings people close to him again. We all live in a physical body, our soul is incarnated for a time and reason: We do not know always our greater destiny. Hannah highlighted this truth today.

A scripture comes to mind to find about the 'Fathers house'

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God[a]; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.You know the way to the place where I am going.” John 14:1-3

May the family take comfort in knowing there is no death to the soul. With what is being revealed to me personally, in dreams and messages explains also the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is happening so people are prepared for the Kingdom of Christ. Murder of anyone is by the hands of man, woman and influence - even invisible beings comes at a price. A life for a life. There are people who know the truth of why these innocents were killed.

With death there is the resurrection of life. And with these murders the return to the Kingdom of God is not one that man is going to be arguing about. 

My condolences to the family and all who have lost loved ones.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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