

Saturday 11 October 2014

Jesus Heart to Heart 10th October 2014

This message was received in the early hours on 10th October 2014. The time of finishing this message was precisely 00:54- when Isaiah 54 came to mind. Also 10:10 is revealed in the date.

In my previous article I wrote about the good shepherd. And just looking to discover the Holy Scripture that corresponds to the date revealed it is written and this is the message given:

Jesus the Good Shepherd
9"I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. 10"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. 11"I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.… John 10:10

In my heart to heart message from Jesus, my focus is on him and I ask him for guidance to share, with being instructed several times during 2013. Jesus said 'Write for me' So in trusting Him I write word for word that is given precisely. This is divinely inspired writing guided by the Spirit. 

My loved one, Hear me carefully. I am with you watching over you by spirit that connects us both. Dear, do not forget this.  I am waiting for you to be ready for me and yet you still doubt in me. So believe dear one because you had so much proof that we are connected and this is how we communicate - through the Spirit. 
Darling tell them the truth that I wait for you to reveal me in the way that they can understand and recognise. Without this they will not see me and yet all eyes will see me when I arrive. They will not forget again. Their memories have been wiped and this allows new teaching in place. This is not natural dear. I need their memories so that God can communicate, not man who has not understood the Divine Plan. Help me dear one for the promises made to the people are without pain. 
The violent ones will face the truth of what they are. The aggressors will repent with fear and those who intimidate will wish they had not. For they will come face to face with the sword and see terror in their lifetimes. Then they will return to me and the LORD. For He has ordained all that is and learning to respect the LORD even I had to do.
So what will be, is it for arrogant man to put aside his ego and realise he is going nowhere in life - without the light of life that was given to him too. 
Pondering mortality is what people do when they witness loved ones die and there is much death - the death of the soul is with the light gone out.
I will see you can see the truth that the souls on this earth belong to me - all of them to my trusted care and that is to ensure they return to The Father. It is not arrogance. I was trusted in my prayers and supplication to the LORD when I asked The Father to help me do HIS WILL.
I know The Father does not want to lose his people for the precious ones are his to hold. He gave you life to live, not suffer and for that the day will come when those who made your life difficult will have to face their own father. 
The demon within can grow when people lust for what is not theirs and they can deprive family of home out of selfishness. And yet the way the message is communicated is with aggression.
The people had enough of the ones who reject God and the ones who use their ways to defile the pure and holy. For in the ancient tradition, the woman is to remain holy to be guided by the LORD. She is to do what He guides her to. The men were to follow The Law and their calling. If they have a family to take care of the family. A man who abandons his own flesh does not consider that he is being {watched} and in his age he will suffer pity that will not be healed, because he brought it all on himself.
A man might not talk about his feelings, but we have them Pauline.
My feelings are deep, deeper than the ocean and I know love and pain. I gave up everything my darling and it was easier this way than enter into battles and arguments, riots with those who rejected the Father and do not know who I am. 
So you must understand, you could have been very successful and yet that would make you a target and that could not happen when so many people depend on you for their life. 
You gave them tools. You gave them understanding. You gave them the knowledge that can heal their addictions and process their emotional pain. You could have written this in a book and created dependency - instead you gave your knowledge freely so people can choose to heal independently, without relying on someone else or finding payment.
Dear one, so many people want to serve me and then do the disservice. I can show validation in prayers, comfort and heal - I did not ask you for anything. 
Your writing can bring an income and yet the focus of being most important of all is - sharing knowledge so people can see that actually the way to connect so many oppose. Life is by looking within and healing the inner child with love.
The way to faith and knowing that God is real - I am alive, by talking with me and I will listen. As hearts open to me I am there and I forgive because Love Conquers."

Looking on the news report 10th October there are floods in England and a Tornado. I sensed that these are warnings of what could escalate. There have been repeated floods taking place and this being put down to climate change - man is manipulating the weather.  When Channeling God's Wisdom back in 2004, one message given related to natural disasters and they were explained to be the consequence of negative energy build up. It is not a good idea to be sitting in England and promoting war because in some way it will backfire. The expression to FEAR GOD is for a reason.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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