

Thursday 23 October 2014

Jesus Just Said "Write About The Poetic Society"

Just sitting down with something to eat after publishing my previous article when heart to heart, Jesus said 'Darling, write about the poetic society'....Responding I asked 'now, right now or can this wait until I finished eating'. Heart to heart, soul to soul, his reply came 'eat first and do this later'.........

Ok so I have this mini message as typical over the last couple of years and because I am right next to the computer, curious and want to know, the plate goes down and I start typing, when my own thoughts, 'Shakespeare' is poetic...(just thought poetic justice will happen one way or another)

William Shakespere...Actor William...William the Conquerer - actually William the Conquerer came to mind in the kitchen...also the connection with Nathan Rothschild message with the throne again shown.

care not what puppet is placed upon the throne ofEngland to rule the ...

Staying with the poetic society....after all this is what Jesus asked of me and where there is truth there will also be validation. This is how he works - he just wants people to know that he is alive and communicating with the Spirit and heart to heart, in dreams and yet if he has a truth he wants to be known he will be very specific indeed..... Typing in Google 'the poetic society' - exactly the words given.

There are lots of website links that are connected with The Poetry Society and because I could not see the message that was relevant, went looking on the next page....The Poetry Society is not named.

Clicking on the very first link on the first page is The Poetry Society (Home Page) - thinking I can find out more about what it is that he wants me to know and share. (I am just being obedient to him)

A poem is presented on the page I will share here.

Nat Norland
The Seventh Largest City in Germany

It is midday, and finally
The fire has stopped falling.
I expect it looks pretty
From 60 miles away.
Here, it looks like anything
But a city.
When the burning gave way
To ash pastures and gutted houses
We went looking for leftovers.
We found them in cellars
Packed tight
Carbon charred
But still recognisable.
Some of us burned.
Some of us drowned.
Some of us fell,
Onto hot stinging roads
Air stolen by flames.
Some of us were left
To sift through the remains.
We found so many
That it took weeks
To turn them all
To ash.
"Nat Norland, 17, won the Poetry Society's inaugural Timothy Corsellis Prize, for poems from 14-25 year olds responding to WWII poetry. Judges from the War Poets Association, Imperial War Museums and the Poetry Society chose Nat's poem from hundreds of entries. See the winning and runner-up poems with commentaries here. 
10 October marks the anniversary of poet Timothy Corsellis's death in 1941"
Nat is an abbreviation of the name Natalie and Nathaniel - no actual full name is given here but I thought it is interesting to show the precision that the truth is being shown to people in this timeline.
Nathaniel Rothschild is known as Nat Rothschild 
In one of my inspired paintings created with encaustic wax and an iron, these reveal what is meant to be seen, In one it is very clearly seen Jesus is wearing his crown and mantle. . In another inspired painting on a postcard he is talking to a woman again also wearing his crown. The children have seen Jesus wearing a crown in Bolton, Greater Manchester. I have to trust this process and yet, it is not blind, trust, always I am anticpating validation of any message. And it might be that I am meant to discover something important. The poem above IS VERY IMPORTANT!
In one of my paintings, there is a scene 'a storm' - actually others show a great storm and flood. In one in particular looking across the river great boulders of fire appear to come down from the heavens. 'River of Babylon came to mind...If this devastation comes as I has been revealed in the painting, no one will survive because it is targeted at a very specific area. I am not aware if this has happened in history - ancient history as a warning.

Something else comes to mind being guided to find a scripture that warns not to harm the Jews or they will surely come to ruin. So imagine what will happen if anyone attempts to,or succeed to kill the anointed ones? 
So with the poem above and Nathan being a Prophet in the ancient times, it is possible that the child who was not alive when the war took place, might be guided to share what could comet to pass in the end times

The destruction of Babylon is foretold - the old world order....
Look at what is written above in the poem by a 17 year old
Some of us burned.
Some of us drowned.
Some of us fell,
Onto hot stinging roads
Air stolen by flames.
Some of us were left
To sift through the remains
A few weeks ago I was given the understanding that whatever 'they have done' they have gone too far - then there were reports not just of cloned babies, but three parent families. I am not even going to begin to consider what is happening behind closed doors but there is perversion and evil acts taking place and people are being tested.
Creative expression is given for a reason...We do not know what is inside of us and if we are not listening to our inner self we are not gong to be knowing our truth either. The soul is connected to the universal computer - if we have the right program - we can access the right information. There are souls in our world who are technical genius and with the mathematician minds - it is possible an ancient historical link identifies genetic memory too? Possibly,

william shakespeare quotes
Inspirational writing is coming from a place fro deep within our genetic memory, what we see or being inspired by spirit for a reason....since the ancient times men have been instructed to seek wisdom..When you know yourself, you will know your soul is connected with God - The spiritual waters flow, bringing insight prophesy and lessons.

A couple of days I pricked my finger while picking some rose hips and just before receiving the pressure to enter into legal contract the HIgh Court in Leeds, how clever/devious to take me to York when Queen Elizabeth is in London and this abuse and corruption is taking place in her name. She must be warned, with evidence and actually if she is guided by God in truth she will know exactly what is going on in this land to destroy me. Who is the evil witch?

What did Shakespeare say about Justice or the lack of?

Did he really say this...I do not know? But once we start to learn more about Count Vlad the impaler, through what I have seen in two and half movies, he got rid of the people who were oppressing the people on the land.

As for killing the lawyers - easer to set up an new establishment with a court of justice, ensure that every lawyer who works in that court is of the highest of integrity and that be established right before training - Mr. Aggrey Orleans who was projecting his own dishonesty in a court in front of a District Judge was aggressive in his lies on oath. Strike the abusers - make them destroy their law degrees, especially Orleans - French connection, half blood prince?

The illegitimate bloodline are ignoring the authority of God.

uplifting verses from the bible of repentance Micah 7:9

Speaking with a lady years ago, she said to me read Isaiah and she does not know anything about  family or genealogy and neither do I know the complicated tapestry....this is most important. The King of Israel - Jesus Christ is and as we as His Family cannot be denied our birthright....the God mockers deny this right and  refuse Justice too!

Just finding this scripture to explain the meaning, I can see

O LORD, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will give thanks to Your name; For You have worked wonders, Plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness. 2For You have made a city into a heap, A fortified city into a ruin; A palace of strangers is a city no more, It will never be rebuilt. Isaiah 25:1-2…

A palace of strangers rejected the Lord, They do not know him. they rejected His Law and His Authority, They ignore His light and His truth. They do not hear His voice, or take heed to His warnings! And yet EVERYTHING is written, The Declaration of Independence is written and explains why.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria 

No Copyright infringement intended

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