

Friday 17 October 2014

Jesus Message Law & Family16th October 2014

Yesterday, devastated - nearly had a heart attack from the strain with enduring legal situation. With the British legal system refusing to work for justice, my destitution will be inevitable with threats by the court officials with corruption - two cases, one a car accident injury forced into court. The second case, my father's widow's lawyer submitted dishonest affidavit into the High Court. 

Having had homeless threats and death threats with this too.

If any court is told they are holding corrupt evidence they should immediately retract it. Any judge who makes a decision to the detriment of anyone, causing miscarriage of justice based on lies, they become complicit of crimes of corruption. Obstructing justice is also a very serious crime too.

Refusal to retract corrupt evidence shows willingness and perhaps a calculated plan to cause injustice, loss, and in my case contribute to destitution and early death - in Queen Elizabeth's name.

While lawyers have been boasting they will never be prosecuted or held accountable, Queen Elizabeth had ensured they were no longer being protected. So they close ranks.

Accountability might not be through the corrupted courtroom.

England has been repeatedly asked to do the right thing and yet arrogantly refuses. We only need to look at the endless excuses not to return the Acropolis marbles. It is a twisted power game.

Why is the legal system is corrupting the law of the land. The law in England is contradictory to the Law in Greece where my father was domicile by choice, lived and died.

There are historical official agreements that are ignored with regard to wills that are written and in particular how they must be signed and witnessed. 

What is also impossible to ignore is that certain courts deal with certain matters - the blatant corruption of the Greek law court, this took place in a court not for this purpose. The exposure of the dishonest legal declaration along with dishonest affidavits were submitted by lawyers directly. 

Not being a lawyer..and because of conflict of interest, I was armed with evidence that would close down a case..where those who seek to corrupt the court for inheritance theft might have been prevented to. Executor fraud was not addressed - how many more people have suffered with this?

Throughout this many lawyers and police have spoken openly but not one will work for justice. A few asked for tens of thousands of pounds cash...for the RTA case,,.they were never going to take the case on when it is a very serious human rights violation I suffered just with this case. 

In Greece my father's widow, who abandoned him soon after they married. also had suggested divorce, asking for property and money. Once property was signed over in her name, she  disappeared to UK. I believe she went to work for the job centre....asking her husband for a reference. She was almost 25 years younger and pressured the former company director to marry her.

Her willingness to commit perjury and corrupt the court in England and in Greece is without any care or conscience. She refused even to give her address in court documents and UK lawyers. 

While perjury is identified in Greece...because the woman is English...I was told that her jail time costs would not be met by the system there..but to be met by myself.  Here in England she would have been serving a jail sentance if prosecuted at Her Majesty's Pleasure.

The Queen is portrayed to be the Font of Justice, but this land reeks of injustice for at least 30 years of injustice and violations, not just to myself - other people too. The loser pays the legal bill.

Catching the news - The Queen and her husband Prince Philip walked the poppy installation at the Tower of London - Corrupt officials do not care if this land is drenched with blood and oppression. They do not care about the illegal wars because if they did they would stop these too. 

Magical: The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh paid a visit to the Tower of London's Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red installation
Quote: The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh inspected Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red at the Tower of London

If the Courts refuse Justice the Queen is refusing Justice.

The gateway for evil to enter and thrive took place already.

So many prayers have been said to be guided in the right way. 
Perhaps this message is in answer to my situation.

With my focus on Jesus these are the words given and written:

My Pauline, Listen to me. You were warned long ago of the evil you are facing in your life today. This is all foretold and must come to pass Help me by trusting me and remind these people that you were forced to take your oath to God Almighty in a court. Queen Elizabeth took hers willingly and yet she still has not served Justice in her court. 
The laws protect some people and not others 
My people need protecting from her system. That is what it is in her name. 
If you ask me something once and I do it, you are satisfied and I have a clear conscience. 
If you ask me twice, I failed you the first time. 
Over one hundred times you ask for justice and this is still refused. 
Steeped in blood and suffering is the foundation of this system and they refuse to correct their obligations. 
You cannot have your legal birthright taken away. 
You are your mother's daughter, your grandmother's grand-daughter and the people from your motherland and grandmother-land deserve the truth.
I was born for my family and adopted humanity as my own. It was a choice I made and came with my birth to my parents.
 I did not reject people - they rejected me. That was there choice.
But to deny me my right and deny me my family - you can see how I have watched on and know you have made sacrifices in your life to do the right thing and yet it did not work out in your favour. 
These are the signs of the times Evil times. And goodness is found in the small and meek people. 
You are scarred from your experiences in a system that is and continues to hurt you, because they must follow procedure too. 
Pauline, let the worse happen for they know if you fight you will lose. 
They set you up for the fall before and this time through your experiences again they will fall in that land that refuses justice. 
To make the widows and fatherless homeless, they did this before and yet they disregard The Law and warnings given. The evil cannot thrive forever. 
Please my darling, be gentle on yourself and let (xxxxx - name) lies have no place, not in the law court, life, friendship or relationship. 
The little girl you saw today and took home - what will have happened if she did not go.
You worried enough to make sure she was safe. 
Pauline what can I do but keep warning parents to protect their children 
England is not safe for family growth in faith, when the system tightens the reigns of control of the people. 
What is this about - another generation and another war?
They took my family and turned people against each other. 
What family is this? 
You try to be honest and keep the family sacred and yet your own family have been dishonest You fight for the sacred marriage that God had chosen for everyone - yet people think you have a few screws loose. 
There are people blind to the infidelity in their partner and that is because of their weakness to face the truth 
It is easy to say I love you, than to feel love flowing through your veins.
You care for humanity Pauline and perhaps see how I have deep feelings too. 
Imagine the tears my darling. I cry and see the people fall 
How cruel is mankind in their evil ways.
You need to take care of you now and I will see you soon my dear. 
What can I say but I have waited a long time to correct the wrongs and will do. 
My family are important to me even if I abandoned you all for a while I was not far away from your heart and soul. 
I know your errors and shame and know there are far more shameful people in the world who masquerade as being the most innocent and untouchable 
You do not see what happens behind closed doors or the devious plans made by man. 
You are trusting a flawed system Remind them of My Laws
I love you Pauline. Never forget and never forget I forgive too.
You are one who knows faith with sacrifice for the Law of My Father. 
They forgot the energy of ill gotten gains and yet they are not ready to learn. 
Keep speaking out and warn people they will fall if they keep hurting my family and my family by adoption are my legal family. 

Just penning down word for word that is given...sometimes unexpected truths and greater consideration of the person in Christ who has revealed himself several times over the years in dreams and visitations to young children - locally a few came to tell me their experience. 

At first I thought because I was preparation..than realising that God is watching over His people and knows what is going on in this lawless land. Sadly lives are destroyed ..

It is surely under the influence of evil...

What I did not all that is happening in some way is warned about ...with warnings given to court officials not to pervert justice...with warnings about denying people their rights too.

'In the earliest times, the Sovereign was a key figure in the enforcement of law and the establishment of a system of justice.

Nowadays the Sovereign retains a symbolic role as the figure in whose name justice is carried out, and law and order are maintained, but is not involved in the actual administration of justice.' 

Injustice is not excusable, not now, not before, not ever! 

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

No Copyright infringement intended

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