

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Inspiring Faith: God's Handmaiden & The Grain Keeper

It is interesting because in the precision of Jesus and his truth, in visions and dream,s when revealing himself to me I am not alone. There are other people and so in this timeline other people are seeing him too. In each experience I was not shown an enemy of his but instead he was speaking to people.

In one dream the date written in 2005 but I cannot be sure if 2008 written in error and time passes so quickly. This is only part of a dream and perhaps one of three dreams, that I had that night.

Jesus was standing to address a crowd of people. He called forward a very meek lady and he had given her the role to take care of the people. He chose a man named Yusef to distribute the grain and he looked at the lady and said make sure that he does what he is told. The name Yusef means Joseph.

The lady was meet and so was the man. I was there as an observer and yet as if I was present at the time. The experience was shown to me just to share the truth of what I had seen. Of the most important message I realised he was delivering, is that Jesus has given the role of leadership to women. A woman was given the role of the decision maker and also to guide the man, making sure that he does right.

But the lady was so meek and quiet. She was not a voice of authority as in loud or aggressive. She was the total opposite, very gentle and quiet, very reserved because that was her nature. Jesus had already decided who was to be his bride and handmaiden to ensure that the people were looked after fairly.

The time of this was people who were dressed in what some might say is sackcloth from the Middle East. The people were not wearing elaborate clothes. There were dressed in an middle eastern style - I got the impression of and how people would dress back in biblical times.

It is written, the meek shall inherit the earth.....

It is also written in the Holy Scriptures

When the famine was spread over all the face of the earth, then Joseph opened all the storehouses, and sold to the Egyptians; and the famine was severe in the land of Egypt. 57The people of all the earth came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph, because the famine was severe in all the earth. Genesis 41:56-57

The message also carries a warning with history repeating itself. But also notice that Jesus as the one who has been given authority is the person who delegates and gives authority. It is the same today. He is only going to want people looking after his people who he can trust to.

Peace be with you 

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