

Thursday 27 November 2014

News Today: Scotland Being Handed Powers

Earlier today I wrote an article about Scotland Yard.

Just now looking at the news headlines, the Daily Mail reports Scotland to be handed powers over income tax, welfare and even trains, triggering a revolution in British politics

To quote the first few lines of the report it is written:

'A revolution in British politics will see Scotland handed unprecedented powers over setting income tax, welfare and transport laws.

Dramatic changes announced by the Smith Commission will mean members of the Scottish parliament will be responsible for raising around 50 per cent of the cash they spend on public services.

The biggest shake-up of the constitution since 1999 will raise fresh doubts about the future of the the rest of the United Kingdom, with fears greater autonomy for Scotland could push it closer to independence.

Prime Minister David Cameron backed the reforms but insisted the case for English votes for English laws was now 'unanswerable'.

The Smith Commission is setting out dramatic new powers for Scotland, ordered in the wake of the referendum on independence which saw Scotland vote to stay in the UK

The Smith Commission is setting out dramatic new powers for Scotland, ordered in the wake of the referendum on independence which saw Scotland vote to stay in the UK

Seeing the name 'Smith', 'Smithsonian' came to mind, Smith Son...

The timing of this report is for a more in the link below.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria 

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