

Wednesday 3 December 2014

2012 Report Henry Wharton: King of the Ring

Yesterday and again today I have come across a story that is for a reason.....I am going to copy and past this here because the name Henry Wharton shows up in my paternal ancestry line.

The article was First published 
Quote 'Updated: FORMER boxing champion Henry Wharton is in hospital with serious injuries after being hit by a car following a suspected fight between travellers.
The 44-year-old world title challenger was taken to York Hospital with head and back injuries following an incident in Murton Lane on Saturday.
Police confirmed a 35-year-old man had been arrested in connection with the incident and has been released on bail.
It is understood Mr Wharton may have been injured after he intervened in a pre-arranged fight which took place at about 4.30pm on Saturday in Murton Lane.
Local sources said as many as 15 people may have been involved. A North Yorkshire Police spokesman said the 44-year-old man – named locally as Mr Wharton – was hit by a car.
A resident of Murton Lane, who did not wish to be named, said: “I was told that one of the people involved was a male youth and hid in an outbuilding, and asked one of the neighbours to get him a taxi and get him out of there. When the neighbour refused to do so unless he told them his name, the youth ran off across some fields.”
The resident said: “They said he had a wound which looked like a knife wound on his arm, quite a big gash that was bleeding. While he was hiding there were a couple of cars going up and down the road with people hanging out looking for someone. It sounds like quite a serious thing.”

'King of the ring

Henry Wharton is the former undefeated British, Commonwealth and European super-middleweight champion, whose only three losses were all in fights for the world title.
In the 1990s, he fought for the world title against Nigel Benn, Chris Eubank and Robin Reid.
Since retiring from the ring in 1998, he has coached dozens of young people throughout York and North Yorkshire and also ran a fish and chip shop in Blossom Street.

He is currently redeveloping the former Regent cinema in Acomb into a new 10,000 square-foot gymnasium, for boxing training, and for community use, with fitness and Zumba dance classes, and a state-of-the-art gym.'
Years ago I met a wise man and was told 'noting is by accident'. Nothing is coincidence...there is a reason for everything. The name Henry Wharton is identified and King...King of the Ring.

With wearing my mother's wedding ring, when I put this back on my finger, the realisation that the union between my parents was to unite nations in peace, this came with the impression that there will be people who will dispute this. There are people who prefer wars instead of a higher way...

My reason for sharing is with the discovery of another name that is connected with history and this being shown to not be just a rising champion of British, Commonwealth and European fights. The name is showing that Britain, the Commonwealth and Europe are connected with Henry Wharton.

Going back in time: to another Henry Wharton (9 November 1664 – 5 March 1695) an English writer and librarian. 'He was descended from Thomas, 2nd Baron Wharton (1520–1572), being a son of the Rev. Edmund Wharton, vicar of WorsteadNorfolk.'

Wharton's major work is his Anglia sacra, a collection of the lives of English archbishops and bishops, which was published in two volumes in 1691. Some of these were written by Wharton himself; others were borrowed from early writers. These include Stephen Birchington's Vitae Archiepiscoporum Cant.[2]
His other writings include, in addition to his criticism of the History of the ReformationA treatise of the celibacy of the clergy (1688); The enthusiasm of the Church of Rome demonstrated in some observations upon the life of Ignatius Loyola (1688) ; and A defence of pluralities (1692, new ed. 1703).
In the Lambeth Library there are sixteen volumes of Wharton's manuscripts. Describing him as "this wonderful man," William Stubbs says that Wharton did for the elucidation of English Church history "more than any one before or since." A life of Wharton is included in George D'Oyly's 1821 Life of William Sancroft (1821).
So with the boxer named King of the ring...there has also been a movie named Lord of the Rings by title too...all about the titles...and title deeds...History has shown to bring people together in peace, we have common ancestors, not meaning letter beings - we are with shared family lines. 
Another name came to mind the other day 'James Stewart' - we might think of actors but the names are for a reason not knowing for sure these people are direct relations, we are being reminded to consider history and what happened 'the good especially' for it is the good that unites us more easily.
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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