

Monday 8 December 2014

The Archbishop of Canterbury in Orthodox Jerusalem 2013

This is an article that was published last year with headline:

'Anger as Archbishop of Canterbury snubs visit to Bethlehem Christians during Holy Land trip

  • Archbishop is on a five-day trip of Egypt and the Holy Land
  • Today he visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
  • Some Palestinian Christians have expressed dismay at his failure to visit Bethlehem'

The full article is below to read and access photos.

The Archbishop and his wife Caroline pose with Patriarch Theophilos III and priests of the Orthodox Church of Jerusalem

The Archbishop and his wife Caroline pose with Patriarch Theophilos III and priests of the Orthodox Church of Jerusalem
The Archbishop is on a five-day tour during which he will  visit Egypt, Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian Territories

With Jesus Christ being the Ressurrected King of Jerusalem, this central point has throughout the generations also been necessary to reach the rest of the world because the people from the ancient times have scattered around the world today. If Mr Welby a former oil executive is sincerely serving Christ, then he will know the weight on his shoulders to be obedient to the message and instruction that has been given from the heavens too. 

From one lamp a million lights can be illuminated. And if each light is lighting the same...easy it is to reach the population. Today there are seven lamps that will light the world populatoin..What we see in Jerusalem the lamps that are lit from the heavenly realms are also connected with Jerusalem and directly connected with Jesus Christ. The truth will go will be revealed.

If people want a personal relationship with Christ then we must be sincere. Through the Spirit of God working within our heart- heart to heart, soul to soul, the Spirit of God is allowing us to communicate. All who are spiritually connected with Christ are also spiritually connected with each other. The movement for peace is with Christ as the central figure.

There is One Commander over the Orthodox Church

Jerusalem could rightfully be named Orthodox Jerusalem. 

The meaning of Orthodox is upright, right believing and right worship. The people in the ancient times were given the understanding of God, The Laws of God and also philosophy - God's Wisdom. Not everyone has understood exactly why Christ is referred to as being human and divine. He is a human being.  Not everyone understands how people refer to him as God. This is because he has the Spirit of God within him. The Father and Son and Spirit are separate and yet one.. It is with the Spirit of God within Jesus Christ - this is why he says if you have seen me you have seen the Father...The Father speaks through the Son.

The Spirit of God is invisible and yet can physically move people and this earth, waters and the clouds..the Spirit of God is upholding the universe. Only now I am understanding this.

Having been shown the invisible power of God in dreams ie, in the heavens the gold Ark of the Convenant with a sheep sitting on the mercy seat, by each side was a man - one I believe was Christ - they were not standing on anything...They were just there in the heavens. A dream the following day, the same heavenly experience, an open maroon mantle was 'as if being held' and yet no one could be seen...The following day I discovered this is connected with Saint Maria of Jacob and also the Torah is covered with a maroon coloured mantle.. 

The be-gotten son is by the reason that God is to rule over mankind and save the people from utter destruction. Over the generations man has failed the people. When he turns away from God he can easily go the wrong way and turn a blind eye to the harm he is causing to people. Long ago God the Father has ensured that a people have been preserved so that the truth can endure even today.

The priests are not all being divinely guided in truth. There are preachers who read the Holy Scriptures. The Orthodox Church is guided by the Holy Spirit of God and it is HIS Will for mankind. It is the divine plan to reconcile mankind to God. ALL Ministers should be seeking to be guided in the right way.

Another issue is with people knowing in the generations forced conversion, with fear and pressure. There are people who married people from different religions and taken the same as the spouse. In Islam there are people also being given a new name..The ONLY conversion that is required is conversion of your heart and return to seeking the right way and doing right by everyone.

As people are striving to seek the truth there is the way of the Book that Has the Holy Scriptures written and there are other writings that have not been included...If the Holy Bible - a collection of many books, were to include all the divinely guided messages it would be far greater in size. The proof that there is a far higher authority has been given now - and this is being shared globally throughout the generations.

Years ago I met a man who had studied theology and he wanted to be a Minister of Christ. Not knowing this at the time we were talking and he said he had go give up this path because he would be a hypocrite. Instead he chose to study to assist healing - Some people are not meant to be serving Christ as shepherds to bring people to him...and it is for the individual to recognise this. Some people are called to lead people not in some arrogant or loud way standing on a stage....The way the Spirit of God works is gently.

There are billions of dollars collected in the name of God. I did not collect a penny from anyone for sharing the Words given to me or the experiences of Christ IN ENGLAND...A lady I called to visit who asked for some help was moved internally to send me home with food that was a lovely gesture. The English system's officials threaten with court for late paid council tax when actually they should provide for me!

The calling to live in poverty is not a choice,,, it is because in our circumstance this is a consequence. The prophets and Saints have been murdered in history (martyred is the name given) people who would not give up their faith..These people maintained the faith you call your religion today. Religion is a teaching - this is the meaning of doctrine. If the teaching is changed or misconstrued, so easily people can go the wrong way. I did not seek to be in this position today or to be writing this, life forced me to this path and calling.

The 7 Ancient Churches of the Roman Province of /Asia refer to the location now renamed Turkey. These 7 Ancient Churches are also connected with Jerusalem and this has been shown above.

Jerusalem the City of the Holy Light endures all these years!

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

No Copyright infringement intended 

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