

Saturday 6 December 2014

Archbishop Sevastianos Rossolatos of Athens

Whether this is Providence or how the Natural Order is unfolding in our world, Jesus has shown me that He is with the Greek Orthodox Church for a reason that is found in the Holy Bible.

In a dream seeing Jesus dressed in a long black gown with his body radiating golden light to take the form on a big gold cross, I thought afterwards why was he wearing black? The date 2013 on May 9th, The location in the Throne Room of the Patriarchate of Constantinople.  Later the truth came to be revealed via a report validated by the Turkish Police. There was an assassination plot against His Holiness Bartholomew - Why - Perhaps because the Ecumenical Patriarch knows the truth and is trusted with given responsibility.

Today I found that Archbishop Sevastianos Rossolatos is the Archbishop of Athens in Greece, While this might mean little or be bewildering as to why this so important in this time, I will explain.

Athens is named in Greek Athena - after Athena, the patron protector of Athens. This is also the name of my Greek Athenian  mother, her father was named Demitrios Sevastianos, also born in Athens.

The English Court have been denying my Greek Birthright for years. The Queen, Elizabeth II has not denied my mother's Greek birthright after all  she wrote to her in person. Her officials might be eager today to cash in and profit as lawyers, but when the refuse to work for Justice, what is that all about?

So while the English legal system has continued to refuse to return the Acropolis Marbles to Greece,they may also reject the Law and Authority of God. There are officials who reject the Living Jesus Christ who is active in communicating with His Family and bringing his truth very clearly to understand.

This is just to show you that there is no coincidence at all,

In the Holy Bible it is written just with very specific words

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.Luke 8:17

The priests the Levites, and all the tribe of Levi, shall have no part nor inheritance with Israel: they shall eat the offerings of the LORD made by fire, and his inheritance. Deuteronomy 18:1

Instead, I give to the Levites as their inheritance the tithes that the Israelites present as an offering to the LORD. That is why I said concerning them: 'They will have no inheritance among the Israelites.'"  Numbers 18:24

As the mother of Jesus was a Levite, descended from Aaron, older brother of Moses and  Nathan the Prophet, this would make Jesus also born by birthright a Levite too And yet he is also born of the House of David who was an anointed King and chosen. This is the Royal Priesthood line.

In America : 'His Grace, Sevastianos (Skordallos) is the titular Bishop of Zela and Chief Secretary of the Holy Eparchial Synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, under the jurisdiction of the Church of Constantinople.'

In early December 2011, Fr. Sevastianos was elected Bishop of Zela by the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. He was consecrated to the Episcopacy by Archbishop Demetrios of America onDecember 17, at the Archdiocesan Cathedral of Holy Trinity in Manhattan, New York. Concelebrating with the Archbishop were Hierarchs of the Archdiocese of America.

These themes of names and connections are not easy to ignore because I have been shown how the truth is also being revealed of this in my family line - even though the course of events and marriage choices would not predict what would happen....And it is through marriage that people and lands are brought together by God. 

The meaning of Sevastianos is 'One who is greatly honored'. in Greek and in Greece, Athena was greatly honored being given the City in her name. The bible writes of Levites being given cities. And the Levites have been given God as their inheritance. This is something that appears to be rejected by most British people.  

The Acropolis has been named the Parthenon meaning The Virgin. 

In history Jesus went to pray and for solitude on the Mount of Olives. Tradition holds that Athena brought forth the Olive Tree and so this would be by the Power of God for HIS PURPOSE!

There is seen on this photograph just one tree..Having sat one the steps of the Acropolis I have felt the  connection with the universe and the world in 1976, there was a tremendous sense of belonging too. Then I put this with loving my Greek grandmother so much and yet this experience was a spiritual experience.

So many people get angry at God and yet we must try and understand His plan, His purpose and remember that He has made promises to people. God is not a liar and He ensured Jesus was preserved and yet only now people are waking up to see how this is possible. How can a man be alive for 2000 years? 

The Universal Law and Clock is not operating to man's command. The Universal Law and Divine Timing has been brought to the awareness of mankind. Everything happens when it is means to happen.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria 

No Copyright infringement intended

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