

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Fr. Adam Swarczyknski: 'I have Seen The New World

Notice something...Before God brought and end to the wicked Pharaoh ruling over the Israelite, people He gave many warnings for repentance and in truth, repentance did not happen. Even after the Pharaoh set the Israelite people who were enslaved free, the army came after these people who were unarmed. Such is the lust for power and control - an evil that is prevalent in society too. This is by influence.

So in this timeline in all lands there are believers and also doubters. In some way God is bringing the truth in the way to reach the people in whatever way and by whomever he chooses...

Just seeing now a video title, 'I have seen the new world (Fr. Adam Swarczyknski) when the reminder came, the first man was named Adam. So God will bring this same message from Adam again.

Published on 30 Nov 2013
"I Have Seen the New World". Duration 70 minutes. A conversation about Christ's Parousia with a Polish priest, Fr. Adam SkwarczyƄski, Doctor of Theology who is well versed in Christian spirituality. During the interview Fr. Adam highlights certain mystic visions as well as comments, facts and messages of contemporary visionaries pertaining to the divinely revealed knowledge of the future. It allows us to become better acquainted with impending events, preparing us for a radical change in our lives and the world around us as we know it. Fr. Adam also explains why some of the twentieth century saints expected a New Spring in the Church, i.e. a New Descent of the Holy Spirit. Very interesting.

And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: Acts 2:17

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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