

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Glasgow a City Mourning. Another Crash Stole Lives

There appeared to be contradictory reporting about a runaway refuse collecting vehicle that collided with the people doing Christmas shopping in Glasgow yesterday. The incident came at the loss of life at the most emotive time for multitudes of people - Christmas season. A time for remembering..

Six people were killed and ten other people were injured.

 The police have been investigating the cause of the collision

Candles are lit close to the Gallery of Modern Art in Glasgow as the city centre re-opened following yesterday's tragedy

People gathered to light candles for the tragic loss in this most shocking and yet unexpected incident, a reminder that life can be taken at any time and yet, what is the message revealed today.

Bunches of flowers were stacked at least 20 deep as people flocked to pay their respects to the victims

As always life is so very precious - people taken before time, or was this yet another example that we are to see there is a reason for everything. What is there to learn from this situation,if anything at all?

Police are still investigating what caused the crash, as the people of Glasgow tried to come to terms with yesterday's tragic events

It is not known if the driver of the vehicle collapsed and had a heart attack, Or if this yet another one of those freak incidents where the vehicle went out of control? We will never know or be told.

'It is believed the lorry's driver is among those still being treated in hospital, although police were unable to give further details on his condition.  

The Queen today sent a message of condolence to the Lord Provost of Glasgow in which she said her 'thoughts and prayers' and those of the Duke of Edinburgh are with those who lost loved ones and those injured in the bin lorry disaster.

The Queen's message read: 'Prince Philip and I were saddened by the news of the tragic accident in Glasgow yesterday.

'Our thoughts and prayers go to the families of those who have lost loved ones and to those who have been injured.

This sad event is made even more difficult as it comes at Christmas time. I send my condolences to all the people of Glasgow.'

Hundreds of well-wishers also paid tribute to the victims, leaving flowers at Royal Exchange Square, close to where the first pedestrian was knocked down.

Something took my attention..on the televised news report.
 The vehicle  appeared as if painted  Imperial Green and written on the side HEIL (a German greeting usually associated with salvation and health)

Six people died and ten were injured after a bin lorry crashed onto a crowded pavement near a busy square and station in Glasgow city centre. The lorry (pictured yesterday) has now been removed

Recalling details of the news report.The incident  happened near Millennium Hotel at Queens Station on George Square.  

As it has been shown the road maps have been carefully laid down. Just the other day guided to see in London, Canary Wharf Canada Square si named and also in London Manchester Squre is named - Manchester is named in UK and USA too

Queen Elizabeth is Queen of the United Kingdom and Canada

A sea of flowers for the innocents who were killed in this most tragic way, will unlikely be forgotten by the people who were there that day as witnesses. The survivors knowing how lucky they were not in the way. The original article provides photographs of the victims and the updated report.

Quote 'The cause of the crash is not immediately clear, but police have said it was not a terrorism-related incident, and 'nothing more sinister' than a fatal traffic accident
Touching messages were left at the scene by residents of the city, which saw 10 people die almost exactly a year ago when a helicopter crashed in to a Clutha bar

One photograph is titled with a poem titles Glasgow Spirit.

Its what we say and do
We offer special warmth
a handshake that is true

We don't pull any punches and call a spade a spade
our people are sincere and that wont ever fade

We're proud of where we come from
some parts they say are tough
but once you get to know them
you know its only bluff

We often pull together
kick 'fitbaw' into touch
when crisis strikes our people
no favour is too much

Our city STANDS AS ONE today
when together we can weep
for those we've lost in recent times
the memories we'll keep

There is an eerie silence
and Christmas lights are out...
but watch as love surrounds George Square
of that there is no doubt

It's time to show the world again
how much we really care..
by showing what we are made of
and saying a little prayer!!

With love from a Glasgow Cabbie

We might never know or understand the reason why, but there is the reminder in this time of God being the all seeing and all knowing one, high up in the sky, ruling from Heaven above - He sees all.

In looking at the map I wanted to take a screenshot - Hanover Street runs either side North and South of George Square and so the German reference identified above is not unusual. Also on the map, in a small area Royal Bank Place and South Exchange Court are identified. Above in the top corner, captured is Buchanan Quarter(looking up to learn more) Buchanan is: From the house or seat of the canon.

Wikipedia writes : 'Canon law is the body of laws and regulations made by ecclesiastical authority (Church leadership), for the government of a Christian organization or church and its members. It is the internal ecclesiastical law governing the Catholic Church (both Latin Church and Eastern Catholic Churches), the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox churches, and the Anglican Communion of churches'

On the western side of the map, close by with revealing this particular landmark and purpose, the map also identifies West George Street, West Regent Street, West Regent Lane 'Hope Street' is also named. Nile Street (Nile in Egypt?) is connected to by Saint Mary's Lane. 

The landmarks concern the Court, Banking and the Law.

regent, from the Roman regens "one who reigns", is the informal or sometimes formal title given to a temporary, acting head of state in amonarchy. The Oxford English Dictionary defines the term as "A person appointed to administer a State because the Monarch is a minor, is absent or is incapacitated."

If the regent is holding this temporary position due to his or her position in the line of succession and thus is a member of the royal house, the term used is often prince regent or princess regent. The time in office for a regent is often called a regency, a term also used for the constitutional rules providing for the temporary upholding of the position.
In a monarchy, a regent usually governs due to one of these reasons, but may also be elected to rule during the interregnum when the royal line has died out.' 

There is suggestion that Prince Charles would take the name George when he becomes King and in the present time he is in a job share with his mother. Make of this what you will.

Almost a year ago a helicopter crashed into Clutha Bar in Glasgow - writing about this, with the same theme, looking beyond to see the names of places and connections to see if there is anything else to be revealed. Anther freak crash (one of a few) where again people were killed. 

Map of Clutha District, Otago, New Zealand

Above the map of New Zealand where Clutha district is situated and Clutha River. With Queen Elizabeth also being Queen of New Zealand - Charles River was revealed with the Boston Bombings in USA. With the British royals being baptised in water from the River Jordan, this does not mean they have divine right to rule over lands and control water too. The River Jordan is where Christ was baptised.

Having had the privilege to travel the UK years ago in a job that took me to meet many thousands of people, Of the people in Scotland - while in some parts not always easy to understand, the people were warm and friendly.The poem above says it all. Through thick and thin people pull together. Indeed It is the people who make Scotland - the people who make Glasgow and the same anywhere. 

Yet another year where a great many people are going through personal struggles still  thinking about people who have lost loved ones and caring/ Reaching out, lighting a candle,praying comforting and even giving a hug to someone in need this is the most valuable Christmas gift we can give.

Caring and sharing together makes a stronger people.

My condolences to all who have lost loved ones. Prayers and thoughts go out to everyone who is suffering and with the loss of loved ones in this time of remembering with love.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

No Copyright infringement intended 

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