

Monday 8 December 2014

Pope Frances "The Church Needs More Female Theologians"

As with sharing openly various ways that Christ is revealing His Truth here, The Catholic Herald delcares on their website headline : The Church needs more female theologians, says Pope Francis
Francis says women theologians can reveal 'unexplored aspects of the unfathomable mystery of Christ' (AP)
Pontiff describes women members of International Theological Commission as 'strawberries on the cake'
'Pope Francis has said he is pleased that five of the 30 members of the International Theological Commission are women.
But he said that the body that advises the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, as well as the Church in general, need more women theologians.
“They are the strawberries on the cake, but there is need for more,” the Pope said as he met the members, who were named to a five-year term in July.
Two women served on the commission for the past 10 years. In July the Pope named five new female members, coming from the United States, Canada, Australia, Slovenia and Austria.
“The greater presence of women – although they are not many – is a call to reflect on the role women can and must have in the field of theology,” the Pope told the commission.
Quoting his 2013 apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis said: “‘The Church acknowledges the indispensable contribution which women make to society through the sensitivity, intuition and other distinctive skill sets which they, more than men, tend to possess.’ I am pleased to see how many women are offering new contributions to theological reflection.”
The women theologians, he said, “can reveal, to the benefit of everyone, certain unexplored aspects of the unfathomable mystery of Christ”.'
Back in the ancient times, before the risen Christ revealed himself to his Apostles, he appeared to Mary Magdalene. And as the Teacher filled with the Holy Spirit of God, he taught women and encouraged women to become spiritually enlightened for not only would they share this understanding, mothers who are enlightened will enable their children's spiritual development in this world we are living in now. If people are prevented to realise a higher consciousness, they can easily be distracted..
Of the mystery of  Christ the first time he revealed himself to me while awake - not in a dream, my eyes were closed,feeling so week and tears in my eyes, all I said was Oh Jesus and he was standing at an open gateway wearing his crown and mantle..This took place on 7th January 2013...And once we see clearly and have these experiences it is impossible to deny...He showed me He is The Crowned King - My King. 
The timing of this is to preserve the people who belong to Christ and inspire faith again. As someone who would never discuss my faith openly before, it is one thing to have prayers answers and even to be shown how our life is already is an entirely different matter to see The Lord in a dream or internal epiphany (vision), because this is for his reason and his purpose, and also for our assurance in this time.. 
It is written 'Ask and you shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall open....' (Matthew 7:7) meaning PRAY and even if Jesus is not opening the door, he can hear your call. Heart to heart, soul  to soul - the Spirit of God communicates.
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria
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