

Thursday 18 December 2014

Slaughter by Royal Appointment The Killer Kings

The Daily Mail headline comes with an article with more photographs found in the link below - taking here the headlines and thinking about the situation of the people in our world.

Slaughter by Royal appointment: As Prince William campaigns to save endangered species, a rather embarrassing reminder that most of his relatives had a somewhat different approach

  • William has called for an end to the illegal killing of endangered wildlife
  • But there is a long tradition of royals hunting wild animals 
  • Many spoils from royal hunting trips kept at the Sandringham 'trophy room'
  • Macabre collection includes stuffed animals and mounted heads
  • All the big game on display was dispatched by royal marksmen
  • They include rare rhinos, a leopard, elephant tusks and two stuffed lions
  • In all, there are 62 trophies on show in Sandringham's intimate museum
  • Of the modern royals, the Duke of Edinburgh’s body count is highest
  • He is estimated to have shot a tiger, two crocodiles and countless stags
  • Photograph emerged of Prince Harry with shot water buffalo on gap year

Trophy: Price Harry poses proudly with a water buffalo, shot on his gap year to Africa

Prince Harry proudly poses with a water buffalo he shot in his gap year.

William states: This year I have become even more devoted to protecting the resources of this earth, for not only my own son, but also for the other children of his generation to enjoy'

'I want them to be able to experience the same Africa as I did as a child'

Not every child will travel to Africa in their lifetime. This similar script was used by Prince Charles that he wanted to protect this world for his children and children's children..

With the 'Star of Africa' diamond named in the Queen's Royal Sceptre, the Queen of Africa is identified. The Diamond being mined in Africa from this was cut and so the British Crown is connected.

With William living in Kensington Palace, in London it is no surprise to learn that Kensington is a hilly suburb of Johannesburg, South Africa. South Kensington is specifically identified on the map too.

Friendly: William feeds a black rhino called Zawadi as he visits Port Lympne Wild Animal Park

William feeds a black rhino called Zawadi as he visits Port Lympne Wild Animal Park

From this little Island in our world - the United Kingdom, is a family and establishment that have assumed the right to be Kings and know they must maintain favour with the people to keep their position. 

In England Chelsea,  a garden has been created - Harry's garden said to be in memory of his mother Diana. A stone is carved with crowns and hearts ( laws are set in stone cannot be changed as with laws made by Royal decree and yet not everyone knows this) Sentebale the name of the charity means 'forget me not' 

 Lesotho is an African Kingdom.

Lesotho is twinned with WALES - no surprise there.

Bethany Clarke/RHS

As with Kensington marked out in Africa, a Kingdom in Africa and House has been created in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea...This was surely deliberate and yet marketed as an inspired project. The charity focus to help people with the royals will always attract popularity to the cause.

With the global vision and the introduction of two future Kings. - already plans were laid down long ago. People ask what right these people have to be Kings...You are right to question this.

Protecting this world and creating wildlife trusts' - Charles is a Patron of a charity named God's Acre and he knows if God rules over one land God rules over all lands.

Encounter: Prince William and Prince Charles, Prince of Wales meet Sumatran tiger Jae Jae as they attend a United for Wildlife meeting at London Zoo

William and Charles pictured with Sumatran tiger Jae Jae as they attend a United for Wildlife meeting at London Zoo.

With lands in trust, William has been made President of Lands in Trust in 2013. And as the future succession is assured, it is not without the groundwork already having been established before.

Not only have wild animals been brought here to be held in the zoos as we see above, we are living in times where foreigners live here too and as the world becomes diversely populated, the Kings family meet less resistance with their position and people accept overlords even if promoted as celebrities.

Education: William and his father are shown items made from endangered animals, which had been confiscated by customs officers, during a conference on the illegal wildlife trade at Clarence House last year

Education: William and his father are shown items made from endangered animals, which had been confiscated by customs officers, during a conference on the illegal wildlife trade at Clarence House last year (Clarence House being the residence of Prince Charles - the set up looks as if it is a ritual alter - Clarence house is attached to St. James Palace)

Leopold II of Belgium tried numerous ways to colonise Africa where he made his fortune. Being of the House Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Charles and William are also from the same family. In watching the most horrific video documentary of history it is hard to imagine anyone can be so cruel to humans.There is a cold blooded killer mindset and those who lust after power and ensure they get what they want.

Africa has vast diamond and mineral resources. More profit is made from diamonds than of animal trade and even slave trading as has happened in history. Today people pay taxes and other penalties in fines and in this way are enslaved and controlled by the laws for profit and fines with the law makers  of the land.

In Africa there are people saying African's were once Pharaohs and leaders of the advanced civilization - sometimes these declarations are from an ego need perspective. Today, is the population being guided in a way that empowers the people to progress and realise higher consciousness. People still argue that Jesus was a black man when they have not even set eyes on him even in visions or dreams!

There is still primitive minds lusting after power and wealth. Do not look at the colour of the skin and judge people in this way. The skin and mask the person puts on in the world hides what is inside. The training of a people to look down on foreigners and people with a different colour skin has suited the people who have exploited people and lands out of ignorance - especially the people closer to home.

There are still people in Africa with no clothes and no knives and forks - notice that there are people in India and Africa nations who still eat with their hands..People were so poor they had to.

Being a Royal Patron....Patronising.

It is horrendous all the killing in our world - animal and human.

There is a mindset who believe people should be controlled. Protecting the wildlife is a cause friends join to take up the cause and with this the royals protect the lands they live on too. The air and water being vital resources for our survival - today these are also controlled for profit.

There are people who say the white man looks down on the black man. I have heard it and does not apply to everyone. There are people who look down on the population and regard us all  as nothing more than peasants. Over these people is someone looking down watching everything that is going on.

Human dignity was given to everyone. The right to live was given to be born in this world and to make a positive difference - whether to plant a garden or to reach out in some profound way and enable progress with the human race. People are being worn down with the oversell of the overlords - foretold.

It is written in the Holy Bible about the promise made:

17"For I will remove the names of the Baals from her mouth, So that they will be mentioned by their names no more. 18"In that day I will also make a covenant for them With the beasts of the field, The birds of the sky And the creeping things of the ground. And I will abolish the bow, the sword and war from the land, And will make them lie down in safety. 19"I will betroth you to Me forever; Yes, I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and in justice, In lovingkindness and in compassion,…Hosea 2:18

(Baal, is a North-West Semitic title and honorific meaning "master" or "lord" that is used for various gods who were patrons of cities in the Levant and Asia Minor,)

The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, and dust will be the serpent's food. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain," says the LORD. Isaiah 65:25

"'I will make a covenant of peace with them and rid the land of savage beasts so that they may live in the wilderness and sleep in the forests in safety. Eziekiel 34:25

In that day I will make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, the birds in the sky and the creatures that move along the ground. Bow and sword and battle I will abolish from the land, so that all may lie down in safety. Hosea 2:18

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

No Copyright infringement intended

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