

Saturday 13 December 2014

The Messiah, Bethlehem, London, New Zealand

The prophesies about being born in Bethlehem...while we think of Bethlehem being over in the Holy Land, it has been shown that other parts of the world have been named accordingly. Now it might be in preparation for the return of Jesus Christ but it could also be for ruling over lands and people by deception.

What has been shown in the complexity of the map, even if someone is a n expert of geography, this does not mean that they are divinely guided in truth but as in history, the lands were mapped out for a reason. The truth can still be discovered from what is revealed - that is what is relevant to know.

 In the centre of England, in the heart of the United Kingdom is Bolton where I am living now. Here on the land connected with the Crown of the United Kingdom Moses Gate Country Park is named and Rock Hall. As the building of what was to be - whoever is the Queen of the United Kingdom would be also Queen of the Holy Land too. The handmaiden of the Lord has been chosen to help the Lord and enable people to become helpers of the Lord in His Kingdom...or at least this should be.

In Greater London, is Thornton Heath; on Beulah Crescent is where I was born - not realising for years that this was meant to be. Remembering the church on the circle road of Beulah Crescent being Beulah Family Church. In recent years I discovered the Beulah family refers to the House of Israel, the Israelites.

Thornton Heath is in the Borough of Croydon andI wanted to look see if there is a connection to Bethlehem.. Thinking Bethlehem is named in England, I went looking on the search engine and discovered that Bethlehem has been named in New Zealand. Actually Bethlehem is named Croydon Place, no coincidence.

'Bethlehem is a suburb of Tauranga in New Zealand's North Island. Originally a small independent town, it has now been absorbed by Tauranga and comprises a number of subdivisions including Bethlehem Heights, Sterling Gate, La Cumbre, Saint Andrews, and Mayfield'

With Queen Elizabeth being Queen by the Grace of God and a dream has shown me that she is a remnant, cut from the same cloth. The Queen is also Queen of New Zealand too. 

Just thought I would share this discovery today.

Jesus knows who are his sincere helpers, so does The Father

Only about an hour ago prayed and with my focus to be guided in truth, sometimes there are insights that come to me for a reason and this is one of the occasions. I did not know what would be discovered and there is likely much more to be found out  .This is just a start.

Tauranga is the most populous city in the Bay of Plenty region of the North Island of New Zealand. On the Wikipedia website it is written with this photograph Metropolitan Area.

If you ever get a sudden thought or urge to look something up that might not make sense at the time, there might be reason. This especially applies to places and names. Is there anything else to discover?

For a few years 'Thornton Heath' came to mind thinking perhaps I needed to consider moving back there...then one day I found the discovery with the Beulah Family Church and Zion Road is also named. Holy Mount Zion is in Jerusalem and historically connected with Temple Mount.

Important sites on Mount Zion are Dormition AbbeyKing David's Tomb and the Room of the Last Supper. As Jesus Christ is a descendant of King David so is his mother and so the focus on Christ and his mother Mary has always been retained in the divine plan, to return people to God again. 

For the Kingdom belonging to Christ would require a descendant of King David to be maintaining this Kingdom and yet there are so many people. Only the Godless would deny people their Royal birthright and yet again perhaps this is done for a reason. So many rights have been taken away by the blatant God mockers and yet what is happening is also foretold. Still there is in the darkness of clouds also the rays of light that is shown. The reminder of the divine plan is not being ignored at all.

Bethlehem is most significant in the divine plan and has continued to be today. Saint Paula, a noble lady from Rome is the reason why the Holy Scriptures were made widely known today. Paula helped Jerome in his translation of the Bible from Hebrew and Greek into Latin.

While on pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Egypt, she settled in Bethlehem and established a monastery for men and a convent for women....

Of the most significant that God had chosen her as the instrument to help to bring the truth to people via the translation of the Holy Scriptures from Hebrew and Greek into Latin. This would have surely been a turning point in the Latin World for returning to God and the Holy Way.

What comes from God is not with restrictions and the message from God is shared with everyone. If people have not understood the way that God is choosing his helpers and why, then they might remain without understanding and even reject the messengers of truth. Nothing new there.

Preparing the way for the return of the Lord endures.

It is interesting a lady befriended me from London Canada...(Queen Elizabeth is Queen of Canada too) 

Bethlehem is also named in Pennsylvania, United States. 

Discovering Jerusalem in Skellingthorpe has been named in England is no surprise really - In Lincolnshire. In the making of the Da Vinci Code filming was not allowed in Westminster Abbey where the English Queens and Kings have been crowned. Instead the filming took place at Lincoln Cathedral and so it was one time that I was guided to discover the road sign there too. The Anthem lyrics speak about building Jerusalem in England. 


The plan of man might go against God and when this is the case, God will make His Truth known in His way. In this time of spiritual awakening, this is also with prayers being said accordingly too.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

No Copyright infringement intended.,_New_Zealand

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