

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Astronomers Have Seen Mystery Fast Radio Burst

Another article caught my attention in the Daily Mail.

This is particularly interesting because scientists work with evidence and when there is evidence that supports interplanetary vibrational connections to earth, it is easier to accept this happening.

Actually if we consider that already, far beyond my technical understanding, technology up in space and satellite communications, with communication beyond these realms, it is not as if this is something new. As there have been visitors in the form of angels bringing messages from beyond, people have perhaps not considered the mind has so much more capability beyond 10% that most people use.

Astronomers have for the first time seen a 'fast radio burst' – a short, sharp flash of radio waves from an unknown source – tearing through space. The discovery brings scientists a step closer to understanding the strange 'alien' phenomenon, which astronomers worldwide are vying to explain

The connection between heaven and earth is compounded with prayer, so it is no real mystery as such.What is the mystery is how communication from the heavens to earth can manifest at any time.

Astronomers have for the first time seen a 'fast radio burst' – a short, sharp flash of radio waves from an unknown source – tearing through space. The discovery brings scientists a step closer to understanding the strange 'alien' phenomenon, which astronomers worldwide are vying to explain

The full article is posted below to read about this.

What came to mind seeing this is a movie ' Contact'starring Jodie Foster. This was only seen a couple of years ago, even if it was made a few years before. The most fascinating part of the film was the recorder being on taping for a duration of time, while the journey recorded lasted only seconds. (my poor description)

We cannot deny anyone else's experience and yet there is reason to believe with living in a vast universe that we are not the only life force in this universe. We are likely to be not the most advanced species in this universe either. If anything we could assume to be learning and evolving as species as spiritual and human beings.

Contact "Testimonial Interogation" - Final Hearing [16:9]

Something else came to mind with seeing this article.

The Twin Towers were once standing and now there are two infinity lights as a reminder towards heaven. Whatever the intention for this, we are reminded also that what is happening on earth is also known in heaven. There is also an infinity light in Iceland with the message IMAGINE PEACE.


25On every lofty mountain and on every high hill there will be streams running with water on the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall. 26The light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven days, on the day the LORD binds up the fracture of His people and heals the bruise He has inflicted.…Isaiah 30:25-26

We live in a vast universe where in the day, when not cloudy we are made aware of the sun shining and at night on a clear sky the stars and moon cycles can be seen too. The reminder that we are living in a world within a bigger cosmic environment of planetary mystery is not exactly a secret. 

The Holy Scriptures have been written documenting the law and a record of what has happenened in history with warnings to people too. In the ancient times people were given the guidance to be spiritually enlightened - today we are given prayer and  yet is this not the same focus for all?

When people are ready, they will receive, this is what we are told. Actually it is written in one English translation "Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7

Astronomers have for the first time seen a 'fast radio burst' – a short, sharp flash of radio waves from an unknown source – tearing through space. The discovery brings scientists a step closer to understanding the strange 'alien' phenomenon, which astronomers worldwide are vying to explain

If we consider there are planets millions of light years away, (and this is beyond my technological understanding but I will try and explain what is revealed)  we are to be living now 2000 years after Jesus Christ was taken up to heaven, if he was to return in this earthly time age, he will be 2000 years old and yet by being taken up to another heaven, he has remained the Lord of the ages.

The people who have gained the understanding soul to soul connection is by two wiling souls. Sharing a vibration frequency.would be required to receive any message in truth. In a time of spiritual awakening, people are seeking understanding from higher realms in prayer...Who is anyone to argue? 

The use of mobile telephones is without wiring. There have been vehicles that have gone up to space and the possibilities of understanding more is with evidence. In a world where there are people who are open to progress and the evolution of the human race, evidently there are those who are not. Those with designs to control the world and oppress mankind are the blocks to progress.

The Daily Mail writes about this revelation: 

Astronomers have for the first time seen a 'fast radio burst' – a short, sharp flash of radio waves from an unknown source – tearing through space.

The discovery brings scientists a step closer to understanding the strange 'alien' phenomenon, which astronomers worldwide are vying to explain.

Lasting only milliseconds, the first such radio burst was discovered in 2007 by astronomers combing the Parkes telescope data archive for unrelated objects'.

The movie 'Contact' suggests that the knowledge downloaded is not only enabling people to realise higher consciousness the advancement of technical and astronomical understanding  has been given too

The movie also showed Jodie Foster in her role as communicating with her father who had passed over onto another world where she also had an experience of being on another dimension with him. A woman was chosen for this role and the father figure said this is the way he has been done before and will be again, the movie script writes:

;This is just the first step, in time  you will take another'......'this is the way it has been done for billions of years;....small moves Elli...small moves'....(and so the movie evokes the mind to consider beyond what we are told)

Of the most significant revealed is the measuring of time.

If we consider people can communicate via mobile telephones and wireless technology around our world, is it not possible that people can also communicate without a telephone to the heavenly realms too?  The difference is there is no fee involved or if there was a possibility for this, the controllers over this earth would charge it. They cannot. The moment people break free from this control structure. they break away from the prison that has been formed. 

Contact is a science fiction novel written by Carl Sagan and published in 1985. It deals with the theme of contact between humanity and a more technologically advanced, extraterrestrial life form. 

In every time and culture, there are pressure to conform to the prevailing prejudices, but there are also in every place and epoch, those who value the truth, who record the evidence faithfully.  Future generations are in their debt. Carl Sagan. 


Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

No Copyright infringement intended. 

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